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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Off topic: There is always Pakistan for us! For me, for sure. Every week I speak to family in Karachi and mother asks me 'Come back, enough there. Come back to your family, home, country. You have everything you need here'. Just a couple of days ago I told her, I could take an early retirement in 4 years. She gasped: 'Four years!' I had a great life before coming to America and I believe it will be great life there too.

On topic: A video about the emerging world order, if you have the time to watch.

My family back home says the same thing, and there is truth in there as well.

I will watch the video now, thanks!
Lol, nobody wants to be on the receiving end of the US military.

Yes, the whole world is shaking in their boots. Mostly in fear for their back sides.




Exact range of these systems is purely classified. They only list the 'tested' short & medium ranges to the public. Also timing the launch for the shortest trajectory is how they increase the probability of kill. And now that they have seen a threat from there, they'll be even more vigilant and possibly move additional systems.

Point is, not to assume it would be an easy thing and the numbers are far greater than what some think.
Dude, the flight path of these missiles would be 1300-1500km away from THAAD sites in UAE. You don't need to die on this hill
This has been confirmed on the church's official website.

@Foinikas If I'm not wrong, Orthodox Christianity aligns with Islamic beliefs and interpretations (along with Russian Orthodox) compared to the other Christian denominations.
Well basically this is Eastern Orthodoxy:


The yellow part means smaller percentage means minority Orthodox in the country and the Armenia is red because...well they are Oriental Orthodox and not Eastern Orthodox.
Exactly, my father; he was wondering if it would be time to return to where you came from. In his mind, pieces on the chess board are lining up, and we're being surrounded. I agree that 9/11 was terrible, but this is even worse, whereas even a six-year-old was not spared.

I do have to say growing up, you are shielded from those sorts of reporting; eventually, once you understand it, it's when you are in a field alone trying to fight it.

My main problem is the feeling of hopelessness, which in Islam is a sin because it's equivalent to losing faith.

Indeed. On the positive side of that coin, there are things like this.

Are you retarded? Japan didn't start any wars? You're not aware of Pearl Harbour or Japanese invasion and occupation of south East Asia?!
Brother, no need I am screwing his brain inside out.
For him it is not even about the Jews or anything else apart from pure hate.
No faith, no honesty, no perspective, no measure nothing in him. Empty hateful shell , zero.
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