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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

If these pictures are true then the “targeted JDAM” attack is out of the window.
As i said, attacking a hospital in this way would also be strategically simply moronic for Israel.

I think there remain two options:
1: misfired Islamic Jihad rocket fell in the parking lot where refugees gathered, perhaps alongside explosive/flammable materials/generators.
2: israel tried to target the Islamic Jihad rocket launcher and accidentely hit the parking lot where refugees gathered.

Number 2 would explain the digital press spokesmans tweet, which was deleted once info came out of the horrible scale of civilian casualties.
However it could also be he initially spoke on wrong information.
No you don't understand,in the end,it's still a person who gathers the intelligence,it's still a person who uses the machines.
US air force has bombed so many civilian installations and targets by mistake throughout the decades. A bus full of Albanians in Kosovo,a train full of civilian Serbs as well,a hospital there,a hospital in Afghanistan,weddings in Afghanistan,how many times civilian targets in Iraq,how many times friendly forces in Iraq,

Again,I'm not saying Israelis didn't do it on purpose,you just said laser bombs and guided missiles don't make mistakes.I'm just telling you it's still people who gather the intelligence or guide these weapons.

If news come out of high Hamas officials being killed at the site i can understand Israel would attack despite extremely high civilian collateral damage.
I find it immoral, but it would have had some reason.
If it turns out to be some intel mistake or misfire at israelis side, i can also understand.

But if this was a targeted attack it endangers their entire “hamas uproot” plan by risking worldwide support/passiveness
for absolutely no strategic purpose.
moronic take, they killed already dozen of un stuffers, are you sure that you are not pajeet as they only stick to the zionist *** that much.
You called me names several times, but seems the story was not that simple as “JDAM levels 15 story hospital”.

Guess i am not that retarded to simply ask people to wait for more confirmation/more proof?
Turkish foreign minister Hakan Fidan: "Perhaps we are on the eve of a permanent rupture!"

"The Palestinian issue has turned into a game where everyone deceives everyone else. There is now nowhere to go because of its immorality and its contradiction to nature. - If we do not react as a state, the reaction of the people may go to different points."

If news come out of high Hamas officials being killed at the site i can understand Israel would attack despite extremely high civilian collateral damage.
What "high hamas officials" were killed in these Israeli attacks?

US President Biden's statement in Israel:

-Israel can do whatever it takes to defend itself, and we will make sure that happens.

-I congratulate the Israeli people for their extraordinary heroism.

-According to what I have seen, the explosion at Ahli Baptist Hospital is coming from the other side.
what basic are you saying that the rocket did not fail?

It's just a matter of proof; if you have it, please present it here. I do not endorse blindly as like you do.

If Israel did it, they would be just like Hamas to me, and I would label him a terrorist. They would have no moral authority to fight against Hamas.

Most people in this place are blind supporters; they only believe what they want to believe, and everything else is just propaganda.

The proof is the damage and casualties pajeet

Everyone knows that Palestinian rockets are not powerful enough to do this kind of damage

You are a pajeet hindu who is supporting Israel like other idol worshipers despite knowing it is committing massacre of children and women
What "high hamas officials" were killed in these Israeli attacks?

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I was talking about possible scenarios that would explain motive behind this attack.

Pro-palestinians keep talking about how calculating evil Israel is. But this attack would just be idiotic and contrary to Israeli strategic goals if they would indeed have intentionally JDAMed a hospital “just to murder a few more civilians”.
Zionists are allowed to lie to goyim in order to deceive. The euphemism they use for this is hasbara. We are seeing allot of that here.

It's imperative to their religion....they are a truly devious creed.
Taqiyya isn't a Hebrew word.
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