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Gaza children’s mental health rapidly deteriorating

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Dec 6, 2018
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Gaza children’s mental health rapidly deteriorating

25 March 2019 | https://www.nrc.no/news/2019/march/gaza-childrens-mental-health-rapidly-deteriorating/


More than two-thirds of children surveyed experiencing psychosocial distress

Children living in the Gaza Strip have experienced unusually high rates of psychosocial distress because of the violent response to the Gaza protests and daily attacks they witness.

A study conducted by the Norwegian Refugee Council found that 68 percent of schoolchildren in areas close to the Israeli perimeter fence have clear indications of psychosocial distress. The majority said they were most severely affected by the sounds of nearby explosions and media images of conflict in Gaza.

One year since the start of the Great March of Return mass protests along the perimeter fence with Israel, children have also reported witnessing the violence first hand, as well as knowing people who have been injured, killed or lost their homes. A worrying 54 percent said they had no hope for a brighter future. The study also revealed that a staggering 81 percent of children struggle academically due to conflict-related stress.

“The violence children witness daily, including the loss of loved ones, in the context of Israel’s crippling siege, which perpetuates and exacerbates Gaza’s humanitarian crisis, has left an entire generation emotionally damaged,” said NRC’s Palestine Country Director, Kate O’Rourke. “It takes years of work with these children to undo the impact of trauma and restore their sense of hope for the future.”

According to the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry, Israeli forces killed 34 children in the context of the Great March of Return demonstrations in the nine months between 30 March and 31 December 2018. Thirty-two died from live ammunition or bullet fragments and two died from direct hits to the head from gas canisters. The Commission found a further 1,642 children sustained injuries from live ammunition, bullet fragments or shrapnel, rubber-coated metal bullets and direct tear gas canister hits.

Human rights groups have reported six child fatalities during protest along the perimeter fence with Israel in the first 10 weeks of 2019. According to UNICEF, more than 25,000 children affected by the violence in Gaza are in need of psychosocial support.

“We call on all responsible parties to the conflict to respect the rights to peaceful assembly and expression, take urgent action to halt the killing and maiming of protestors and ensure accountability for violations of international law,” said O’Rourke.

The dramatic increase in Palestinian casualties has further crippled an already depleted health system and gives rise to serious concerns over excessive use of force by Israeli soldiers.

At the same time, under Israeli siege for over 11 years, 54 percent of Gaza’s population is now unemployed, 53 percent of people live in poverty and food insecurity has spiralled to 68 percent. Both the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have found that the siege imposed on Gaza constitutes collective punishment.

“Gaza, like the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory, desperately needs a just and lasting political solution, including for Palestine refugees, which places the lives, welfare and dignity of both Palestinians and Israelis at its centre,” said O’Rourke.
Notes to Editors

NRC interviewed 300 schoolchildren, aged 10 to 16 years, from 30 schools mostly located in areas close to the Israeli perimeter fence, in October 2018, and again in December 2018.

Children showing reduced psychosocial wellbeing reported feeling stressed and indicated exposure to several types of stressors, as shown in the table:

Type of stressor

% respondents

I have heard bombing/explosions


I have watched TV showing bombing or injured people from Gaza


I have seen bombing


People I know have been injured


People I know have lost their house


People I know have been killed


There has been bombing in my neighbourhood


I have lost my house


NRC provides psychosocial support to children, teachers, and school communities through the Better Learning Programme (BLP), which was developed in partnership with University of Tromsø, Norway. BLP training includes a range of behavioural techniques to help children learn to cope with trauma and self-regulate their emotional responses, including breathing exercises, relaxation and drawing.

Despite the significant and generous assistance provided by donors until now, critical gaps in funding hamper the delivery of emergency interventions. As of the end of 2018, US$30 million have been provided by donors since the start of the crisis, however, a further US$14 million are required to meet life-saving needs. This includes US$13.6 million needed for emergency healthcare and US$380,700 for protection monitoring.

NRC has spokespeople in Gaza available for interviews.

B-roll for broadcasters can be downloaded here. Includes:
  • Soundbites by NRC Secretary General Jan Egeland
  • Story of Nour, 11, who has been suffering from nightmares since her brother was killed at the protests
  • Story of Nabel, 11, who has been suffering from nightmares since his brother was killed at the protests
Photos and case studies can be downloaded from here.
how about they approach India for help
how about they approach India for help

Are you Abu Lahab 2.0's cousin?

May Allah curse those create fitnah for no reason. A lot of Muslims these days seem to forget there are requirements to being a Muslim. Being from Muslim background does not give you a right to spread fitnah. We are in the end times and this is expected , sadly.

how about they approach India for help

No one asked you for help you munafiq, help yourself from your constant burning urge to create fitnah for no reason. Like I said, you Muslims today are being spoiled, there is no spoiling that will happen when the major signs begin.

how about they approach India for help

What the hell is wrong with the people in this forum? Every other person is behaving like an actor in a drama series. Get a grip and start behaving normally.
Are you Abu Lahab 2.0's cousin?

May Allah curse those create fitnah for no reason. A lot of Muslims these days seem to forget there are requirements to being a Muslim. Being from Muslim background does not give you a right to spread fitnah. We are in the end times and this is expected , sadly.

No one asked you for help you munafiq, help yourself from your constant burning urge to create fitnah for no reason. Like I said, you Muslims today are being spoiled, there is no spoiling that will happen when the major signs begin.

What the hell is wrong with the people in this forum? Every other person is behaving like an actor in a drama series. Get a grip and start behaving normally.

i do many things not considered good according to morals everyday and probably will tomorrow, but the palestine conflict gives me chills right down my spine as a reminder that god does exists and i should humble myself. im sure that jfthunder meant no harm from that comment. also pakistanis do naturally support palestine as you can see from the number of demonstrations in pakistan. even in kashmir where they themselves are going through great oppression, they rally in memory of Palestinians.

what you approaching india for? cash?
Are you Abu Lahab 2.0's cousin?

May Allah curse those create fitnah for no reason. A lot of Muslims these days seem to forget there are requirements to being a Muslim. Being from Muslim background does not give you a right to spread fitnah. We are in the end times and this is expected , sadly.

No one asked you for help you munafiq, help yourself from your constant burning urge to create fitnah for no reason. Like I said, you Muslims today are being spoiled, there is no spoiling that will happen when the major signs begin.

What the hell is wrong with the people in this forum? Every other person is behaving like an actor in a drama series. Get a grip and start behaving normally.
is that you Abdullah bin Ubbay?
why should we support you when you fail to reciprocate?
Instead you tend to fall into India's arms
but unfortunately our Government is hell bent on supporting their "Palestinian Brothers".
this brotherhood will be the end of us

what you approaching india for? cash?
I suggested that Palestine should seek India's diplomatic and/or medical help in this matter
i do many things not considered good according to morals everyday and probably will tomorrow, but the palestine conflict gives me chills right down my spine as a reminder that god does exists and i should humble myself. im sure that jfthunder meant no harm from that comment. also pakistanis do naturally support palestine as you can see from the number of demonstrations in pakistan. even in kashmir where they themselves are going through great oppression, they rally in memory of Palestinians.

This is not about Palestinian's or Pakistani's , this is about our behavior/mindset as Muslims in modern day. I am not a nationalist person and will rather have an a genuine Islamic state than Palestine. And I do not change my mind on Pakistan or Pakistani's because some people on the internet or even in real life. Pakistani's are Muslims and that's all that matters to me. As a Muslim am I required to views you as brothers and sisters.
is that you Abdullah bin Ubbay?
why should we support you when you fail to reciprocate?
Instead you tend to fall into India's arms
but unfortunately our Government is hell bent on supporting their "Palestinian Brothers".
this brotherhood will be the end of us

I suggested that Palestine should seek India's diplomatic and/or medical help in this matter

Don't be dumb think of their situation for a change. It is real life David vs. Goliath + Goliath + Goliath.
You cannot blame Palestinians for trying to keep relations with India. They are grasping at straws, it is perfectly reasonable in their situation. The same cannot be said for countries like UAE inviting India as "guest of honor" at OIC.
is that you Abdullah bin Ubbay?
why should we support you when you fail to reciprocate?

The fvck I care what you do yourself or don't do , no one asked you for anything. You're gonna keep dragging me into these discussions even though you are aware PA is dictatorial and not elected by us. PA is secular like you , genius. You and them can go to hell.

And you don't complain about any other of your allies who have relations with India.
but unfortunately our Government is hell bent on supporting their "Palestinian Brothers".

the government are public servants, not your masters.

the public sentiment is very clearly pro-palestinian. The human sentiment is also pro-palestinian.

i really dont know why you have a chip on your shoulder.
the government are public servants, not your masters.

the public sentiment is very clearly pro-palestinian. The human sentiment is also pro-palestinian.

i really dont know why you have a chip on your shoulder.

The fvck I care what you do yourself or don't do , no one asked you for anything. You're gonna keep dragging me into these discussions even though you are aware PA is dictatorial and not elected by us. PA is secular like you , genius. You and them can go to hell.

And you don't complain about any other of your allies who have relations with India.
we do complain
the entire OIC is a place filled with idiots
sad, you can't even elect your own authority

Don't be dumb think of their situation for a change. It is real life David vs. Goliath + Goliath + Goliath.
You cannot blame Palestinians for trying to keep relations with India. They are grasping at straws, it is perfectly reasonable in their situation. The same cannot be said for countries like UAE inviting India as "guest of honor" at OIC.
keeping relations with a country that is on extremely good terms with Israel? I can pretty much blame them
its like David was best friends with Goliath's bro
Kashmir is our first priority
Palestine should be somewhere way down the list
Kashmir is our first priority
Palestine should be somewhere way down the list

modern Kashmir conflict began in 1947
modern Palestine conflict began in 1948

They are inseparable. If you gave Palestine the entire weaponry and nuclear arms and soldiers and ships and airplanes that Pak has, they would have liberated Kashmir yesterday.
keeping relations with a country that is on extremely good terms with Israel? I can pretty much blame them
its like David was best friends with Goliath's bro
Kashmir is our first priority
Palestine should be somewhere way down the list

Pakistan should be (and is) trying to build upward rather than break off with anyone who has relations with India.

You notice the oddity that they have to make relations with India even though India has even better relations with Israel. Do you think they are not aware of this? That should open your eyes to their situation.

Kashmir is the top priority but Palestine should never be forgotten.
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