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‘garrble, garrble, woonok wonk bing donk’

There are human drones. Suicide terrorists are the most prominent. So Americans have already experienced that - but not from Russia or China.

Its not about terrorists. Its about a bigger country bullying smaller and weaker ones. Pakistan should conduct drone strikes on USA because it secretly supports Baloch rebels and publishes maps of dividing Pakistan.
Oh come on guys!! You need to get a sense of humour, that was funny and also so true... he is simply highlighting our hypocrisy and paradoxes, it is only the mullah types that can never seem to find anything funny, always looking to be offended, too sensitive on issues that should be simply be laughed at and to see the issues he is writing about and to put right our own minds, which will lead to a collective change.

Well done Nadeem F Paracha.

I have met this guy, many moons ago and he is a decent and very clever person, a little arrogant, but also very hospitable. It is good to have someone who can bring some of us down from our very high horses.
Its not about terrorists. Its about a bigger country bullying smaller and weaker ones. Pakistan should conduct drone strikes on USA because it secretly supports Baloch rebels and publishes maps of dividing Pakistan.
Under UNSCR 1373 member-states have the sovereign obligation to eliminate terror havens, terror financing, and terror-training camps from their territories. In areas where terror networks demonstrably dominate and there is clearly no effort to do so - like N. Wazirstan - sovereignty is void in this regard; it's an open battlefield on terrorists in such places.

The same situation does not apply in the U.S. - not unless you're mixing up what things ARE with what they are CALLED.

Sorry, Jaanbaz, but some groups of people behave better than others. If you didn't believe in that, you'd be willing to trade a bed in your family home with that of a convict in your local jail.
Paracha is getting repetitive and boring now. He's got a template he rehashes for everything so this sort of satire gets lame after two or three pieces.
Looks like Opium Fed Paracha is short of supplies these days, that's why he is lacking innovation these days.
The first Pakistani to be hit by a drone was actually an innocent camel in North Waziristan.

So, according to Nadeem Paracha, Pakistanis are camels?? :blink: Wooot! :omghaha:
Under UNSCR 1373 member-states have the sovereign obligation to eliminate terror havens, terror financing, and terror-training camps from their territories. In areas where terror networks demonstrably dominate and there is clearly no effort to do so - like N. Wazirstan - sovereignty is void in this regard; it's an open battlefield on terrorists in such places.

The same situation does not apply in the U.S. - not unless you're mixing up what things ARE with what they are CALLED.

Sorry, Jaanbaz, but some groups of people behave better than others. If you didn't believe in that, you'd be willing to trade a bed in your family home with that of a convict in your local jail.

Terrorist? Your government funded the terrorists, back then they were ''Holy Warriors'' but now you don't need them they are terrorists? The whole war is about capturing Central Asia's resources and Baluchistan from Pakistan. USA is not in Afghanistan to give freedom to Afghans. Taliban are also supported and financed by CIA.
Terrorist? Your government funded the terrorists, back then they were ''Holy Warriors'' but now you don't need them they are terrorists?
If you dig a bit I think you'll discover that the U.S. supplied money to the ISI which then decided to whom the funds should be distributed. Most went to the Islamo-crazies and a token amount to Western-oriented Afghans.

The whole war is about capturing Central Asia's resources and Baluchistan from Pakistan.
Pakistan owns Central Asia's natural resources? The U.S. was supposed to invade Central Asia from Afghanistan?

USA is not in Afghanistan to give freedom to Afghans.
I thought we were in Afghanistan to find OBL and pass out cookies.
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