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Gandhi was Hitler's sincere friend?

If Axis powers would have won the war, we would be reading how cruel Winston Churchill was [for his role in Bengal famines, mass bombing of Dresden etc] or how cruel Stalin was instead of Hitler or Tojo..
I agree. Also,to nuke a country is no less of a genocide than what Hitler did.
I am with gandhi on this one.

The letter was written in 1939. The England and america got to know about the mass murder of jews and gypsies around 1942. And they publicized the news to the media then. Before that they were only considered either rumors or civilian casulities of war.

Gandhi has witnessed many massacre in british india done by the british, to him hitler is just another white man wanting power. And gandhi was trying his best to end the violence( although i disagree with his non vioence method)
lol what a great fail thread this is, The Legend actually wrote to Hitler to stop him from slaughtering millions, do you actually think that if Gandhi was a "friend" of Hitlers Israel, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, The Dali Lama etc would love him and try and follow Gandhi's path?

One of the reasons why India is respected in Israeli is because of Gandhi and his teachings, to even say he was a friend of Hitler is to show what type of person you truly are, this thread is a disgrace and stoops to new lows, this thread belongs in the gutter.
You did make the claim, now back it up. :)
Indeed. Now does the source have to be in an international paper or do you specifically want an Indian one? I have both (Three actually, one is Pakistani but you'll discredit that one).

lol what a great fail thread this is, The Legend actually wrote to Hitler to stop him from slaughtering millions, do you actually think that if Gandhi was a "friend" of Hitlers Israel, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, The Dali Lama etc would love him and try and follow Gandhi's path?

One of the reasons why India is respected in Israeli is because of Gandhi and his teachings, to even say he was a friend of Hitler is to show what type of person you truly are, this thread is a disgrace and stoops to new lows, this thread belongs in the gutter.

Greatness does not exempt one from historical critique
Indeed. Now does the source have to be in an international paper or do you specifically want an Indian one? I have both (Three actually, one is Pakistani but you'll discredit that one).

International one and for Indian one, i'd go with the newspaper : the Hindu
The other day I saw pakistani kids using wrong spelling of satellite and now this...
Please understand the meanings of words for the sake of english language..
Pakistani's not had/having popular and powerful leader like Gandhi in world arena , hence some cheap guys started 2 threads today with jealous to defame great Gandhi. Your country age is his experience mind it.
Gandhi was no one's sincere friend.

Gandhi was a devious manipulator.

I can never forget how during the Usmania movement, Gandhi pretended to side with Muslims and convinced them to leave British India and move to Afghanistan. When those poor people returned in few years their property was looted and houses were taken over by their Hindu neighbours.

I have always said " beware of the snake who pretends to be your friend and gives you advice"

Gandhi was that kind of a "sincere friend".
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Gandhi was no one's sincere friend.

Gandhi was a devious manipulator.

I can never forget how during the Usmania movement, Gandhi pretended to side with Muslims and convinced them to leave British India and move to Afghanistan. When those poor people returned in few years their property was looted and houses were taken over by their Hindu neighbours.

I have always said " beware of the snake who pretends to be your friend and gives you advice"

Gandhi was that kind of a snake.

Gandhi died in January 1948...just 5 months after independence.. Atleast for goodness sake, use your head once in a while.
Gandhi was no one's sincere friend.

Gandhi was a devious manipulator.

I can never forget how during the Usmania movement, Gandhi pretended to side with Muslims and convinced them to leave British India and move to Afghanistan. When those poor people returned in few years their property was looted and houses were taken over by their Hindu neighbours.

I have always said " beware of the snake who pretends to be your friend and gives you advice"

Gandhi was that kind of a snake.

These trolls represents a perfect orphen socity, a socity which never had any true leader. If they would have true leaders, these guys would have got proper upbringing, and undertand terms like politness, humanity, respecting leaders, but sad.....
You can see similar differences between children who have proper upbringing, they respect others, they are polite, but you will never found these in children whose upbringing happens without proper guardians.
Actually speaking we should feel petty for these trolls, same way we feel for kids not having family aks Lawaris kids. These people dont have proper upbringing.
Indeed. Now does the source have to be in an international paper or do you specifically want an Indian one? I have both (Three actually, one is Pakistani but you'll discredit that one).
I recommend that you try Google Trends to see, which country is so obsessed with p-orn.
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