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Gandhi the real Gandhi. EXPOSED!

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Mar 17, 2008
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Gandhi adored “friend” Hitler: Today BJP Modi use Nazi policies « Rupee News: Recording History, Narrating Archives, Strategic Vision, Profound Analysis, Unique ideas

The so called prophet of non-violence had some really nasty things to say about the Jews, and his support for the Booer and British wars was a slap in the face of “ahimsa” (non-violence).


The Durban Post Office: One of Gandhi’s major “achievements” in South Africa was to promote racial segregation by refusing to share a post office door with the black natives.

-“A general belief seems to prevail in the colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than the savages or natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.” [local native of South Africa] (Reference: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Government of India (CWMG), Vol I, p. 150)

-Regarding forcible registration with the state of blacks: “One can understand the necessity for registration of Kaffirs [local native of South Africa] who will not work.” (Reference: CWMG, Vol I, p. 105)

-“Why, of all places in Johannesburg, the Indian Location should be chosen for dumping down all the Kaffirs of the town passes my comprehension…the Town Council must withdraw the Kaffirs [local native of South Africa] from the Location.” (Reference: CWMG, Vol I, pp. 244-245)

-Gandhi’s description of black inmates: “Only a degree removed from the animal.” Also, “Kaffirs are as a rule uncivilized - the convicts even more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live almost like animals.” - Mar. 7, 1908 (Reference: CWMG, Vol VIII, pp. 135-136)

-Mohandas Gandhi’s description of black inmates:
Gandhi’s horrific advice to Jews—Commit mass suicide in the face of Nazi barbarism.

Everyone was shocked that Gandhi called the ultimate monster a “friend”.

In his first letter dated. July 23rd, 1939 (Complete Works, vol.70, p.20-21), Gandhi does mention his hesitation in addressing Hitler. But the reason is modesty rather than abhorrence:

“Friends have been urging me to write to you for the sake of humanity. But I have resisted their request, because of the feeling that any letter from me would be an impertinence.”

The war had already started. After the German occupation of Czech-inhabited Bohemia-Moravia (in violation of the 1938 Munich agreement and of the principle of the self-determination of nations which had justified the annexation of German-inhabited Austria and Sudetenland) and rising hostility with Poland, prompted him to write to the monster of the 20th century:

”Something tells me that I must not calculate and that I must make my appeal for whatever it may be worth.”

“Anyway I anticipate your forgiveness, if I have erred in writing to you. I remain, Your sincere friend, Sd. M. MK Gandhi“.

“It is quite clear that you are today the one person in the world who can prevent a war which may reduce humanity to the savage state. Must you pay that price for an object however worthy it may appear to you to be? Will you listen to the appeal of one who has deliberately shunned the method of war not without considerable success?”

This stupid approach is held in utter contempt by post-War generations.

Thus, the Flemish Leftist novelist and literature professor Kristien Hemmerechts has commented (”Milosevic, Saddam, Gandhi en Hitler”, De Morgen, 16-4-1999): “In other words, Gandhi was a nave fool who tried in vain to sell his non-violence as a panacea to the Fuhrer.”

Gandhi was in effect giving carte blanche to Hitler for doing that which we know Hitler to have done, viz. the deportation of Jews and others, the mass killings, the ruthless oppression of the subject populations, the self-destructive military policies imposed on the Germans in the final stage of the war.

Indeed, even in the early (and for German civilians, low-intensity) part of the war, protests from the public forced Hitler to stop the programme of euthanasia on the handicapped.

Moreover, it was the paranoia of the Nazi leadership about Jews as a fifth column, retained from their subjective and distorted World War 1 experience of Leftist agitators in the German cities stabbing the frontline soldiers in the back, which made them decide to remove the Jews from society in Germany and the occupied countries.

Transfer of Jews:-(The Saffron Swastika, Voice of India, Delhi 2001, p.506-517, and in Elst: Gandhi and Godse, Voice of India, Delhi 2001, p.48-56)

RACIST DOCTRINE: This very racist reason to befriend Hitler, what Gandhi goes on to call the “doctrine of universal friendship“, contrasts with the manner in which he addressed the British courts in South Africa out of which he was thrown out.

Gandhi certainly earned the ire of post-war public opinion by stating:

“We have no doubt about your bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents.”
Anyone having an iota of knowledge including Gandhi, was practically an accomplice to Hitlers crimes. However, while not giving up on the chance of converting Hitler to more peaceful ways, Gandhi was not that mild in judging the crimes Hitler had already committed. In particular, he criticized the already well-publicized Nazi conviction that the strong have a right to subdue the weak:

“But your own writings and pronouncements and those of your friends and admirers leave no room for doubt that many of your acts are monstrous and unbecoming of human dignity, especially in the estimation of men like me who believe in human friendliness. Such are your humiliation of Czechoslovakia, the rape of Poland and the swallowing of Denmark. I am aware that your view of life regards such spoliations as virtuous acts. But we have been taught from childhood to regard them as acts degrading humanity.”

“But ours is a unique position. We resist British imperialism no less than Nazism.” To Gandhi, British imperialism is closely akin to Nazi imperialism: “If there is a difference, it is in degree. One-fifth of the human race has been brought under the British heel by means that will not bear scrutiny.”

In outlining his position vis-a-vis British imperialism, Gandhi at once explained his attitude vis-a-vis Nazism: “Our resistance to it does not mean harm to the British people. We seek to convert them, not to defeat them on the battle-field.”

In a slogan: “The rulers may have our land and bodies but not our souls.”

To this, Hitler probably made a mental comment that prisoners, such as the many people whom he himself was locking away, were quite entitled to their souls, as long as they left their land as living space and their bodies as slave labour to the rulers.

Gandhi supported the British Empire. Unlike many of his countrymen, Gandhi rejected the idea of achieving freedom from British rule with German help:

“We know what the British heel means for us and the non-European races of the world. But we would never wish to end the British rule with German aid.”

Instead, Gandhi explained to Hitler, the non-violent method could defeat “a combination of all the most violent forces in the world”.

“If not the British, some other power will certainly improve upon your method and beat you with your own weapon. You are leaving no legacy to your people of which they would feel proud.”

It was a strange pacifist who condoned this torrent of violence.

Gandhis utterances regarding Nazism leave a lot of doubt about his ephimeral hostility to this militaristic and freedom-hating doctrine. He spported every British war, yet, he opposed war against Nazism.

It is not certain that this would have worked, but then Gandhism is not synonymous with effectiveness. Gandhis methods were unsuccessful in dissuading the British from holding on to India.

From that angle, it simply remains an open question, an untried experiment, whether the Gandhian approach could have succeeded in preventing World War 2. By contrast, there simply cannot be two opinions on whether that approach of non-violent dissuasion would have been Gandhian.

Our judgment of his letters to Hitler must be the same as our judgment of Gandhism itself: either both represented a lofty ethical alternative to the more common methods of power politics, or both were erroneous and ridiculous.
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Sex Antics of Mohandas Gandhi: His Failures, Pedophilia, Adultery, Incest, Sexual Perversion & Fetishes « Rupee News: Recording History, Narrating Archives, Strategic Vision, Profound Analysis, Unique ideas
1. Gandhi used to beat his wife up routinely.
2. Gandhi was having sex when his father lay breathing his last upstairs.
3. Gandhi denied sex to his wife for decades
4. Gandhi was an adulterer and had a spiritual marriage with two British women who were in the Ashram
5. Gandhi slept naked with his niece (and 12 year old girls) and other women to prove that he could control his manliness.
6. Gandhi would do enemas twice a day and if he liked you allowed you to enter the piece up his rectum.
7. Gandhi used to drink his own urine and also the urine of cows.

Chilled Urine drinking hot in India. From Gandhi to Prime Minister Desai to common man
Hindu India: A gift from the Hindu Gods:Cows Urine: UK Telegraph reports by Julian West
8. Gandhi son left him and converted to Islam
9. The racist Gandhi was a total failure in South Africa where he tried to stratify the society, Whites, Indians and Africans. His racism towards the Africans was horrendous. His horrific advice to all Jews to commit suicide was abomible. His atrocious letters to his friend Hitler were the height of stupidiy.
10. Gandhi condones Zulu massacres and defends the British. Aug 4 1906
11. The sex life of Mr. Gandhi, and his failures as a politician
12. The myth of Mohandas K. Gandhi debunked. He gets an “F” on South Africa, Salt Match, Non-Violence, and independence
13. Which war did Mohandas Gandhi support. All of them. There wasn’t a war that the prophet of Non-Violence did not support. He was Sergeant Major in the British Army and won a medal for his war duties
14. Gandhi’s racism. The truth behind the mask. Behold Sergeant Major Gandhi who supported the British during the Boer war, Zulu rebellion. Behold the prophet of peace who worked to stratify the South African society.Gandhi did not bring the British Empire down.
15. Gandhi’s letter to his friend Hitler.
16. Sex life of Mohandas Gandhi, his failures and sexual perversion
. .
Dear 23 March

enlightening Post ..
my goodness, biased education can really deprive people of their common sense .

by the way did you take permission from Moin Ansari for this copy and paste ?
People have speculated about these things for a long time. His call for non-violence was all political. He was a master manipulator. But that was what the people of India needed in those times and soon after they needed a mahatma, thus he became someone to look upto.

There are many more Indians who echo the same as you do. What's the point anyway? The people revering him as a mahatma will continue to do so since they need to. His manipulation however did the trick and the result helped us all. We don't need to be thankful of him, but in his twisted way he did play his role in our independence.
Dear 23 March

enlightening Post ..
my goodness, biased education can really deprive people of their common sense .

by the way did you take permission from Moin Ansari for this copy and paste ?

trust me he wont mind as i am doing him a big favor:azn:... spreading the words of fact!
trust me he wont mind as i am doing him a big favor:azn:... spreading the words of fact!

Please continue to do so....maybe if enough misinformed internet warriors gang up they can change history~~
trust me he wont mind as i am doing him a big favor:azn:... spreading the words of fact!


he really needs favour and who better then You ..

by the way all these facts are already given by Gandhi himself in his autobiography My Experiments with truth .. Lol
Greatness of gandhi was his ability to accpet his mistake and learn from it . thats why he was called mahatma by whole world ..
you proved all the great minds of this world wrong

Gandhi voted world's 2nd greatest leader - Sify.com

Einstein on Gandhi

Albert Einstein
I believe that Gandhi's views were the most enlightened of all the political men in our time.

Einstein on Gandhi
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. .
there is no one perfect dear.....but after reading all this eeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........i am sorry to say Ghandi is a perfect rubbish...oooo man drinking his own and cow urine.....how disgusting....bahi tu Urine ki jaga dodh pi laita tu itna kamzor na hota.....
Gandhi felt it was his duty to support the British during the Boer War; so he organized and led an Indian Ambulance Corps to nurse the wounded on the battlefield. Even this effort was somewhat delayed by race prejudice; but when three hundred free Indians and eight hundred indentured servants volunteered, the whites were impressed. Gandhi was given a medal for his service in the Boer War. In 1902 he traveled in India, and with Gokhale’s support his resolution for the Indians in South Africa was passed by the Indian Congress in Calcutta.

In the spring of 1918 Gandhi was persuaded by the British to help raise soldiers for a final victory effort in the war. Charlie Andrews criticized Gandhi for recruiting Indians to fight for the British.

Aided by a donation of 1500 pounds and the 1,100-acre farm bought and built by architect Hermann Kallenbach, Gandhi named this ashram Tolstoy Farm. He exchanged a few letters with the great Russian novelist before he died and continued to write and edit the journal Indian Opinion in order to elucidate the principles and practice of satyagraha

discrimination against “coolies” (as Indians were disparagingly termed) was an entrenched part of South African life-especially in the Boer-ruled regions, where Gandhi and his friends could exercise little influence. In Natal, Indians were not allowed to go out after nine p.m. without a pass; in the Orange Free State, they could not own property, run businesses, or manage farms; in the Transvaal, they could not own land, and were forced to live in the worst urban slums. Even in the Cape Colony, British-ruled for decades, Indians were often forbidden to walk on the sidewalk, and could be kicked off-quite literally, often-by passing whites.

On the political front, a last-minute petition drive failed to stop the passage of the Indian Franchise Bill; however, Gandhi remained undeterred. He proceeded to organize a still larger petition, which was sent to London, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, and distributed to the press in Britain, South Africa, and India. It caused a considerable stir, and prompted both the Times of London and the Times of India to write editorials in support of the Indian right to the vote. Meanwhile, Gandhi set about establishing a political organization for the Natalese Indians, which came to be called the Natal Indian Congress (a clear reference to the Indian National Congress, at that point a relatively tame body). Gandhi faced difficulties in financing the Congress, but the body soon possessed a library and a debating society, held regular (and lively) meetings, and published two major pamphlets. They were entitled An Appeal to Every Briton in South Africa, and The Indian Franchise-An Appeal, and offered a cogent, detailed case for putting an end to discrimination in South Africa.
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Mods? If you are not planning to close this thread, atleast shift it to the proper section?

• During a prayer speech: “If we had the atom bomb, we would have used it against
the British.” - June 16, 1947 (Reference: Gandhi’s “The Last Phase”, Vol II, p. 326)

To the British during WWII: ” You are losing; if you persist, it will only result in greater bloodshed. Hitler is not a bad man.”(Reference: G.D. Birla’s “In the Shadow of the Mahatma”, p. 276)


• “A general belief seems to prevail in the colony that the Indians are little better, if
at all, than the savages or natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to
believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to
the position of a raw Kaffir.” (Reference: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Government of India (CWMG), Vol I, p. 150)

• Regarding forcible registration with the state of blacks: “One can understand the
necessity for registration of Kaffirs who will not work.” (Reference: CWMG, Vol I, p. 105)

• “Why, of all places in Johannesburg, the Indian Location should be chosen for
dumping down all the Kaffirs of the town passes my comprehension…the Town
Council must withdraw the Kaffirs from the Location.” (Reference: CWMG, Vol I, pp. 244-245)

• His description of black inmates: “Only a degree removed from the animal.” Also,
“Kaffirs are as a rule uncivilized - the convicts even more so. They are troublesome,
very dirty and live almost like animals.” - Mar. 7, 1908 (Reference: CWMG, Vol VIII, pp. 135-136)

The Durban Post Office
One of Gandhi’s major “achievements” in South Africa was to promote racial segregation by refusing to share a post office door with the black natives.

Sergeant Major Gandhi
Learn how Gandhi became a Sgt. Major in the British Army and eagerly participated in the 1906 British war against the black Zulus.

Gandhi and South African Blacks
Gandhi wrote extensively about his experiences with the blacks of South Africa. He always termed them “Kaffirs” and his writings reveal a deep-seated disdain for these African natives
Mods? If you are not planning to close this thread, atleast shift it to the proper section?
I don't find the topic of much interest... but its a topic, nonetheless and its commentary upon a political figure. With politics comes criticism. We'll watch it closely, though.

Will be shifted to the appropriate section. Enough with the urine, 23march, lots of people drank urine in history, its no big deal. It was considered medicinal.
People have speculated about these things for a long time. His call for non-violence was all political. He was a master manipulator. But that was what the people of India needed in those times and soon after they needed a mahatma, thus he became someone to look upto.

There are many more Indians who echo the same as you do. What's the point anyway? The people revering him as a mahatma will continue to do so since they need to. His manipulation however did the trick and the result helped us all. We don't need to be thankful of him, but in his twisted way he did play his role in our independence.

Gandhi is historical leader, he is among the great leaders of the world, without his contribution and Jinnah's contribution India would never have achieved Independence from British, what happened during his non-violence camping was not to be blamed entirely on Gandhi people around him were more involved in the violence that erupted through out India against Muslims, his vision was for a united India where both races could live to gather something that even Jinnah had once agreed upon however, in the end we must take the Right decision to what would make both nations prosperous, Gandhi himself was murdered by Hindu Fundamentalist, if anything these fundamentalist are to blame for India's involvement in racial attacks. Nehru during his tenure tried to out law them but with little success.
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