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Gandhi Jayanti - A tribute to 'Father of the Nation'

Anna ji's fight against CORRUPTION was peaceful because he doesn't want his country to get into chaos with revolt against this government. WTF was happening when Brits were ruling? The country was ALREADY occupied. The idea was to free it from them; not to fight against corruption under their rule. If you didn't know, Anna Hazare ji has also been a warrior in his prime. He was a part of the Indian Army and fought valiantly in 65. He has proven himself.

What has Gandhi got to his credit? Fighting and killing Boer soldiers in their own land and support occupation? Murder Bhagat Singh by refusing to sign his freedom? Promising Brits of handing Neta ji over if captured? Urging thousands of Indian soldiers to fight and die for British in WW2; a fight that was not even ours? Causing more violence than all the bullcrap "Ahimsa" that he preached?

You tell me what credit does he have?

Here's the thing for you:

Invaders are not to be fought with hunger strikes and placards; it has never happened in the history of mankind. Nor it will ever. Enemy is not fought by appeasing him and bleeding your own. He is conquered only through war. War is the duty when injustice is spread against people.

Father of nation my foot. Our nation is too ancient and has borne too many true selfless valiant heros for a coward to be called "father".

I don't worship a coward treacherous whimsical old geezer who tore the nation apart and appeased enemies sending thousands of Indian soldiers to fight for our occupiers. That worshipping might be your sign and weakness is clearly visible there.
Anna has said he is a Gandhian............So did he get such a support all over the country..........and his Gandhi Cap

Pity on you that you don't respect the feelings of Millions of Indians.......

I didn,t knew that you were taught such history........that Gandhi had control of then military......
Gandhi was a great man..... Happy birthday MK.Gandhi!!

He did a good by making partition...but made a small mistake by incompleting the partition...

Pakistanis wanted land for muslims..then Gandhi should have made sure all the muslims should go to their newly created country and live peacefully...

But he made a mistake here...

But i respect him for bringing us independence
I din,t read or hear any such news.......
Don,t compare Baba with Anna........The ordinary man of India is not a fool.
Its better to say GOI rather than Congress....They underestimated they power of satyagraha
What about JP........

Read before you type "They called him everything short of being an ISI agent". If you may recall Congress tried to use US statement in favor of Annaji against him. Kapil Sibal questioned him about his sources and publicly said that he has doubts of how Annaji can do such a campaign. Then when he was on fast he was accused of being the lackey of Sangh Parivar so as to divide his movement . Congress even used paid paid mouth pieces like Shahi Imam and resident mouth pieces to like Digvijay Singh to spew venom against him. I didn't heard anyother leader from the ruling coalition saying anything against Annaji other than Congress, so Congress and Congress alone (at centre as well as in Delhi) who was responsible for Annaji' arrest.

Both JP and Anna Hazare was lucky to have mass support as their cause touched every Indian's heart. Just go to Thiruvananthapuram and you can find all types of people fasting in front of Secretariat , but the Govt wont care as they are fighting for their own cause. So 'satyagraha' is only powerful as the support it enjoys.
Anna has said he is a Gandhian............So did he get such a support all over the country..........and his Gandhi Cap

Pity on you that you don't respect the feelings of Millions of Indians.......

I didn,t knew that you were taught such history........that Gandhi had control of then military......

I learnt in school that India shares border with Afghanisthan and Tippu Sulthan was a benevolent ruler, but that was not the case which I found out when I grew up and got access to internet at a affordable rate (It was INR 1/- per minute when I was in school). So thank God and internet that I could cross check almost anything that hear from internet.
I learnt in school that India shares border with Afghanisthan and Tippu Sulthan was a benevolent ruler, but that was not the case which I found out when I grew up and got access to internet at a affordable rate (It was INR 1/- per minute when I was in school). So thank God and internet that I could cross check almost anything that hear from internet.

You are right, I did not know about p 0 k till kargil and internet.
Wow that was an enlightenment for me........

It is hard to digest, but it is the truth. UK became seriously weakened after WW2 that they find it impossible to hold on to such a large colony like India. Also new super powers US and USSR was not in favor of colonization and the British people lost their appetite for empires. The mutiny of British Indian Armed Forces in 1946 also convinced the British that they could no longer depend on Indian soldiers to keep India under British thump. So they decided to cut and run, but UK held on to many of the smaller colonies. Zimbabwe being the last which got independence in 1980.
Read before you type "They called him everything short of being an ISI agent". If you may recall Congress tried to use US statement in favor of Annaji against him. Kapil Sibal questioned him about his sources and publicly said that he has doubts of how Annaji can do such a campaign. Then when he was on fast he was accused of being the lackey of Sangh Parivar so as to divide his movement . Congress even used paid paid mouth pieces like Shahi Imam and resident mouth pieces to like Digvijay Singh to spew venom against him. I didn't heard anyother leader from the ruling coalition saying anything against Annaji other than Congress, so Congress and Congress alone (at centre as well as in Delhi) who was responsible for Annaji' arrest.

Both JP and Anna Hazare was lucky to have mass support as their cause touched every Indian's heart. Just go to Thiruvananthapuram and you can find all types of people fasting in front of Secretariat , but the Govt wont care as they are fighting for their own cause. So 'satyagraha' is only powerful as the support it enjoys.
Read before you type "They called him everything short of being an ISI agent". If you may recall Congress tried to use US statement in favor of Annaji against him. Kapil Sibal questioned him about his sources and publicly said that he has doubts of how Annaji can do such a campaign. Then when he was on fast he was accused of being the lackey of Sangh Parivar so as to divide his movement . Congress even used paid paid mouth pieces like Shahi Imam and resident mouth pieces to like Digvijay Singh to spew venom against him. I didn't heard anyother leader from the ruling coalition saying anything against Annaji other than Congress, so Congress and Congress alone (at centre as well as in Delhi) who was responsible for Annaji' arrest.

Both JP and Anna Hazare was lucky to have mass support as their cause touched every Indian's heart. Just go to Thiruvananthapuram and you can find all types of people fasting in front of Secretariat , but the Govt wont care as they are fighting for their own cause. So 'satyagraha' is only powerful as the support it enjoys.

Then You Search the same internet and Learn How Gandhi and his ideas are respected in India and whole of world.......

---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 PM ----------

It is hard to digest, but it is the truth. UK became seriously weakened after WW2 that they find it impossible to hold on to such a large colony like India. Also new super powers US and USSR was not in favor of colonization and the British people lost their appetite for empires. The mutiny of British Indian Armed Forces in 1946 also convinced the British that they could no longer depend on Indian soldiers to keep India under British thump. So they decided to cut and run, but UK held on to many of the smaller colonies. Zimbabwe being the last which got independence in 1980.

But with such weak leader like Gandhi who preached Non- Violence they could have continued to hold India
Then You Search the same internet and Learn How Gandhi and his ideas are respected in India and whole of world.......

---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 PM ----------

But with such weak leader like Gandhi who preached Non- Violence they could have continued to hold India

You are missing that Gandhi was not the only leader fighting for independence. There are a lot, unfortunately they are not in our history books.
Then You Search the same internet and Learn How Gandhi and his ideas are respected in India and whole of world.......

You just go to Thiruvananthapuram and you will find people from all over Kerala doing Satyagraha in front of Govt Secretariat for various reasons. I one time saw a family who completed almost a year of Satyagraha. Why is the Govt not looking into their matter? because they lack popular support. They are still there because there is no television cameras there and no news channel is covering it 24/7, so the Govt doesn't gives a damn about their plight. You may remember the Manipur lady who is doing satyagraha for the last 10 years and a Swami who died fasting so as to make Govt clean Ganga. So what happened to Manipur & Ganga...Manipur is still under AFSPA and Ganga is still dirty.

Aung San Suchi is using Gandhian principles to fight Burmese Govt for more than 20 years. She is under house arrest and even received a Nobel but Burma is still under Military boots.
You just go to Thiruvananthapuram and you will find people from all over Kerala doing Satyagraha in front of Govt Secretariat for various reasons. I one time saw a family who completed almost a year of Satyagraha. Why is the Govt not looking into their matter? because they lack popular support. They are still there because there is no television cameras there and no news channel is covering it 24/7, so the Govt doesn't gives a damn about their plight. You may remember the Manipur lady who is doing satyagraha for the last 10 years and a Swami who died fasting so as to make Govt clean Ganga. So what happened to Manipur & Ganga...Manipur is still under AFSPA and Ganga is still dirty.

Aung San Suchi is using Gandhian principles to fight Burmese Govt for more than 20 years. She is under house arrest and even received a Nobel but Burma is still under Military boots.

Jala peerengii.......:cheesy:
But with such weak leader like Gandhi who preached Non- Violence they could have continued to hold India

No, they couldn't it as UK was financially destroyed after the war and colonization lacked popular support among the victors of WW2 mainly US and USSR. Add to that the mutiny of Indian Armed Forces in 1946 convinced the British that they could not no longer trust the Indian soldiers to keep order in the colony.

---------- Post added at 11:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 PM ----------

Jala peerengii.......:cheesy:

Its name is VARUN.
Happy BirthDay "Shastri Jee"....

I remember when my teacher was really pissed off when in a debate i demonized both Gandhi and Nehru...The poor fellow was really furious but could do little to counter my arguments...
Anna has said he is a Gandhian............So did he get such a support all over the country..........and his Gandhi Cap

Pity on you that you don't respect the feelings of Millions of Indians.......

I didn,t knew that you were taught such history........that Gandhi had control of then military......

Wrong again. He took Gandhi's name but also mentioned king Shivaji as the new age method to get justice. He stood tall bravely against this phoney government single-handedly and just said that "I am going to fight for my country's rights. If you want, join me". People were fed up of the same SCAMgress party's evil and saw him as a genuine leader to lead this fight.

This is the educated era where CONgress party propaganda doesn't work. Just look around in the college; apart from making announcements on Independence Day (a standard procedure in the country) how many smart young and aware people "respect" him. I've traveled enough to know that. This ain't 50s mate where people are hidden from reality.

There was no army under Gandhi. Are you really Indian? Because your history is somewhat fudged by party files' data. He preached Indians to forget their ancient and righteous warrior culture and become spineless weak and enslaved. This is not the India where heros like Maharana Pratap, Lacchit Borphukan, Sambha ji Rao, Prithviraj were born to fight against foreign oppressors from time to time.

This man has called those heros who fought and died for the country as "misguided patriots" and "terrorists". He himself is the creator of modern terrorism; by weakening Indian mindset to retaliate when faced with injustice. You are one such example.

But i respect him for bringing us independence

PLease brother, you're insulting the valiant efforts of the real heros who died to give this country a life and gandhi just took the name and fame and monopolized Independence. I request you to carefully see through our historical facts. He did nothing. He is himself guilty of having the blood of countless Boer African soldiers on his hand fighting for the Brits in Africa. Not just their blood but the blood of valiant Bhagat Singh himself.

If you have genuine respect for these heros, then please reconsider what you've said and will to see the truth as it was not shown for so many years.

---------- Post added at 12:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

Happy BirthDay "Shastri Jee"....

I remember when my teacher was really pissed off when in a debate i demonized both Gandhi and Nehru...The poor fellow was really furious but could do little to counter my arguments...

Most Congressis and self-appointed intellectual types are unable to counter any fact. It is itself a fact which is why by the end when a debate comes to them losing, they accuse those aware, of personal attacks and "radicalization". Because even they know what the truth is but aren't ready to accept it or even search for it..

---------- Post added at 12:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 AM ----------

A far far far more capable personality to inspire the youth of today. King Shivaji was a valiant warrior, full of command, respect, splendor, valor and ferocity. Such is how our leader should be. Such is how our people should choose.

To all those Gandhi-lovers... here it is from the horse's mouth.
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