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Games India plays with neighbours

my question to BD members is this ? what is your Arm forces doing ? they have intervened on a number of times in fact it was they who had saved Bangladesh from the Indian influence back in 1975 a time when India was @ its strongest position , Pakistan @ that time was at its weakest they were not nuclear power like today also back then China was also not that strong either neither was Saudi Arabia, but the brave soldiers of BD nonetheless were successful in saving the country, not to mention the fact that the bd army was no where near to what it is today, however today the bd army has an active troops of 300,000 plus 75,000 border guards an air force an expanding Navy on top of that of there is a strong nuclear Pakistan
a China which is practically the second super power today & on the verge of becoming the no.1 economic super power of the world ! Indians cannot play any games what so ever in a country where the Arm Forces don't want them too we have seen this in Sri Lanka a country which is 65,000 sq km smaller then Bangladesh ! it just half the size of Bangladesh ! can China which is 3 times larger then India play games in south Korea which is 45,000 sq km smaller then Bangladesh ? no it cannot so what is your Arm Forces doing ? if they seriously wants then BAL wont even survive for two days, but if they are fine with a pro-Indian govt then in all fairness BD deserve BAL only !
remember a people are but the mirrors of their rulers ! so if the people are good then the rulers they get will be good & if they are bad then the rulers they get will be bad its the law of the of the world & it has always been like that

A good question. Unfortunately the armed forces have been disabled and thoroughly infiltrated. The Indians have done their homework and implemented a diabolical plan with grand success.
my question to BD members is this ? what is your Arm forces doing ? they have intervened on a number of times in fact it was they who had saved Bangladesh from the Indian influence back in 1975 a time when India was @ its strongest position , Pakistan @ that time was at its weakest they were not nuclear power like today also back then China was also not that strong either neither was Saudi Arabia, but the brave soldiers of BD nonetheless were successful in saving the country, not to mention the fact that the bd army was no where near to what it is today, however today the bd army has an active troops of 300,000 plus 75,000 border guards an air force an expanding Navy on top of that of there is a strong nuclear Pakistan
a China which is practically the second super power today & on the verge of becoming the no.1 economic super power of the world ! Indians cannot play any games what so ever in a country where the Arm Forces don't want them too we have seen this in Sri Lanka a country which is 65,000 sq km smaller then Bangladesh ! it just half the size of Bangladesh ! can China which is 3 times larger then India play games in south Korea which is 45,000 sq km smaller then Bangladesh ? no it cannot so what is your Arm Forces doing ? if they seriously wants then BAL wont even survive for two days, but if they are fine with a pro-Indian govt then in all fairness BD deserve BAL only !
remember a people are but the mirrors of their rulers ! so if the people are good then the rulers they get will be good & if they are bad then the rulers they get will be bad its the law of the of the world & it has always been like that

Three Para QUESTION???
dalit words at its best. Good job dalit..no wonder the brahmins rule over you! :lol:
better be a dalit rather than a bonded stooge ? :lol: Hows hasina looking on satellite ? doesn't she look like a perfect PM for BD ? :D
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