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Game of Thrones fans?

In case you chaps can't wait that long - I am happy to share the entire script for Season 8 -


Keep reading for all episodes

These leaks are almost certainly fake. Kit even said the cast hasn't even read the scripts yet. That tells me, only the showrunners/writers and maybe some of the head honchos at HBO know the plot. There are already inconsistencies in those leaks, and some terrible writing which makes no sense in the context of specific characters.

I know Season 7 got leaked early, but I believe that was after the season had been filmed last Nov/Dec. No way those are real.
These leaks are almost certainly fake. Kit even said the cast hasn't even read the scripts yet. That tells me, only the showrunners/writers and maybe some of the head honchos at HBO know the plot. There are already inconsistencies in those leaks, and some terrible writing which makes no sense in the context of specific characters.

I know Season 7 got leaked early, but I believe that was after the season had been filmed last Nov/Dec. No way those are real.
It's possible they are fake - the same source had leaked the Season 7 episodes and they were accurate.
These leaks are almost certainly fake. Kit even said the cast hasn't even read the scripts yet. That tells me, only the showrunners/writers and maybe some of the head honchos at HBO know the plot. There are already inconsistencies in those leaks, and some terrible writing which makes no sense in the context of specific characters.

I know Season 7 got leaked early, but I believe that was after the season had been filmed last Nov/Dec. No way those are real.
if even half of that is true...I'm going to bomb HBO. Because that would rival 'Dexter' for a final season and ending
if even half of that is true...I'm going to bomb HBO. Because that would rival 'Dexter' for a final season and ending

I will personally horse whip them myself if that's how there going to treat Dany. There about to do a cast read through of the final scripts within the next few weeks. If I was a cast member, and these were true, I'd walk out and force them to rewrite the season.
if even half of that is true...I'm going to bomb HBO. Because that would rival 'Dexter' for a final season and ending

I will personally horse whip them myself if that's how there going to treat Dany. There about to do a cast read through of the final scripts within the next few weeks. If I was a cast member, and these were true, I'd walk out and force them to rewrite the season.


You can pull a Misery!
Oh me, me, me, I'm a huge fan!


That zombie ice dragon is insane, just what the hell does that night king think he is? The true ruler of Westeros? I can bet you that in the upcoming final battle that Deny uses some form of magic power to bring back her beloved Viserion, and then he goes crazy on the night king's army. Well at the moment he's spitting blue flame, the hottest possible, its no wonder the wall went down.
God that Cersi Lancaster, the crazy woman does not know when to give up. I can see her meeting a horrible end at the hands of a senior white walker. Speaking of horrible ends look what happened to that devil Baylish hahahaha.
I had already given up the hope that Belish would die in this season:P...nevertheless, i got nearly a heart attack for Jamie.:sick:
I’ve been to the Game of Thrones exhibition in Spain - they had a tour on in Barcelona. There were these massive wood boats and some of the things they use in display

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