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Galwan Valley Movie | Ajay Devgan | Film Based On India-China Galwan Valley Clash

Indians in PDF also repeatedly claim that they beat China in a minor clash in 1967, but they can't provide any proof while we can, photos from 1967 conflict, Dead Indian soliders being taken way by Indian side under Chinese troops watch

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Is that bodies laying next to each other in the picture? I didn't noticed that before since the picture is black and white.

First of all, don't worry about that, judging by the current trend, there will be a war between China and India in at most 5 years time, which will put all India bullshits right into their mouths in an epic level, so 50 years later people will still remember India as a joke.

Secondly, most people in the world are smarter than indians, and can smell the sheer illogicality and retardness of indian bullshits, so most of the india bullshits will come back to haunt them sooner or later, depend on the IQ of the audiene.

Even in this forum you can clearly see, even the americans, who are very willing to hear bad news WRT China, LOL@indians and their clown show.

There will never be a war between India and China and that is because neither country is stupid enough to risk the spectacular and very good, respectively, rise in economies.
Is Ajay Devgan going to romance an India national with Chinese features. That being said, it only shows you how Indian media is adopting Hollywood tactics but without an iota of accountability or showing ugly truth of war(US movies such as Platoon or Apocalypse Now) in presenting their propoganda.

They are preparing a completely disconnected and deranged population for letting war happen so there is no longer questions on Indian government or military conduct. Dehumanizing everyone else except themselves was a known Nazi tactic which turned a majority of Germans to actively or passively accept the Nazi narrative.

Oddly enough, despite my reservations about the CPC and the system in China; I have seen more Chinese questioning and wanting accountability of officials in that controlled system versus the much more open “democratic” system of India. Does that reflect in that the Chinese are more aware or that they don’t cower in silence just to follow the crowd as Indians now seem to be doing?
I am amazed at how they have brain washed a nation of 1.4B.... No wonder they are delusional and live in complete and absolute denial.
@K_Bin_W ,
Pakistan captured Gilgit-Balistan in 1948, but Indian history books show India won the war. Pakistan captured Azad Kashmir & Indian history books show India won the war. Pakistan lost 1971 & our history books show we lost. India always tell lies.

They host the Dalia lama &poke nose in other countries and then complain that other countries promote terrorism. They funded the Hindu Fundamentalism & Hindu suicide bombers in the Sri Lankan war & say they are the biggest democracy. They are 3 faced liars
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