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G-7 should form united front versus China: ex-U.S. trade official


Nov 4, 2011
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G-7 should form united front versus China: ex-U.S. trade official​

Michael Beeman sees the group discussing trade sanctions that align with the U.S.


"The G-7 is the best forum for discussion," Michael Beeman told Nikkei, stressing that member nations should work together to address export curbs and other measures. © Reuters

RINTARO TOBITA, Nikkei staff writerMarch 10, 2023 23:27 JST

WASHINGTON -- An economic response toward China will be a leading agenda item for the Group of Seven major economies this year, Michael Beeman, who served as assistant U.S. trade representative for Japan, South Korea and APEC affairs until January, told Nikkei.

"It is important to agree on the most pressing issues, which will send a message to the rest of the world," said Beeman, now a visiting scholar at Stanford University.

The U.S. is urging European nations and Japan to align with export restrictions of advanced semiconductors.

"The G-7 is the best forum for discussion," said Beeman, who stressed member nations should work together to address export curbs and other measures.

"It is important to understand the most effective way to apply sanctions so that each country's interests are not harmed," he added.

Japan will host G-7 leaders at a May summit in Hiroshima. This presents "an important opportunity for Japan to demonstrate its leadership in the world," Beeman said.

U.S. President Joe Biden's administration had been considering unwinding punitive tariffs the Trump administration imposed on roughly $370 billion worth of Chinese goods. Beeman said he believes that step will not be taken in the near future.

"Frankly, unless there is some progress from the Chinese side in addressing U.S. concerns, it is difficult to see any significant change in tariff policy," he said.

This year, the U.S. is chairing the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, where it will seek to regain ground lost to China's influence in the Asia-Pacific economic sphere.

"The focus will be on how to incorporate attention to environmental sustainability and other issues into policy," Beeman said.

The Biden administration's trade policy has been subject to criticism from European nations, Japan, South Korea and other allies for putting self-interest first.

"The administration is not turning its back on globalization," said Beeman. At the same time, the Biden administration "is trying to create new priorities and values that differ from the prior model."

Beeman handled trade negotiations between Washington and Tokyo during the Trump administration.

"There are long-standing issues that either the U.S. or Japan feels are 'not yet resolved,'" he said regarding future talks.

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