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Future szenarios. what do you think would happen 1000 years from now?

Human Body parts decay majority of illness due to body parts wearing down is due to imbalance in blood sugar if Humans can cure diabetes , majority of organ failiures would not happen.

  • Cancer/Heart disease 2 leading causes of death
  • Kidney failiure comes close
  • Liver failiure comes close

The general aging elements like

a) Skin wrinkles
b) Hair Turning to white
c) Decaying tooth or Teeth not growing

These are all factors related to various enzymes which are produced in body these turn off for unknown reason after a certain age

The causes of ageing are uncertain; current theories are assigned to the damage concept, whereby the accumulation of damage (such as DNA oxidation) may cause biological systems to fail, or to the programmed ageing concept, whereby internal processes (such as DNA methylation) may cause ageing.

Aging changes occur in all of the body's cells, tissues, and organs, and these changes affect the functioning of all body systems. Living tissue is made up of cells. ... Tissues are layers of similar cells that perform a specific function. The different kinds of tissues group together to form organs

If scientist can figure to replace the organs and find the switch which stops production of enzymes needed by body to keep functioning like when a person was 18 year old is the key to keeping people living 200-300 years

Genetical re-engineering can reprogram our bodies to keep making natural enzymes while Medical innovation could technically produce alternatives for hearts /livers and kidneys

Synthetic orgams = key

Medical science we have today is similar to stone age ... we can't do much other then open a body and put some stitches
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Something like Doctor Who & Star Trek?

What we can or can't do

Brain = We can't touch it , or distrub it very tricky area almost zero knowledge , lot of guess work

Nerves (Transmission lines in body) = We can't fix it , if it is damaged ... there is no medicine to fix it

Kneck injuries = We can't fix many of these due to nerve damage

Heart = We made some progress , and some replacement parts but it keeps failing anyways

Liver = We have some idea but we still can't fix it 100% if you damage your liver by bad habbits you are done

Muscular tears = We can stitch some stuff live cave men but lot of time mobility is lost in limbs

Human Medical Science is really at shit level right now

When I see a Doctor , they look like a butcher in meat shop who stitch people up and open people up and give them pain killer.

Most of Human Medicince is experimental , science , it does not works equally on all patients


Then we have Million / 2 MIllion variation of Virus and Bectaria and we can may be cure 0.01% of these

Sometimes doctors get frustrated and they prescribe patients 3-5 medicines when nothing works !!!

Countries may invest 0.001% on medicine research .... so there has to be a drastic change in humans before they can master medical science

I don't necessarily see any major change in Human Average life in next 1,000 years
we might see perhaps better understanding of our body parts
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I see a very developed but very morally messed up world .
We will lose all morals , disgusting things will be appreciated and accepted .
Definitely dystopian.

Since machines and AI will be building and designing things the need for people will be small. You’ll have to prove your worthiness. Not sure what that will be since machines will be smarter than people.

People will be modifying their genes to do what it takes to be this worthiness. Soon they’ll be so gene manipulated that they will have lost their ability to reproduce.
disgusting things

Definitely dystopian.

Since machines and AI will be building and designing things the need for people will be small. You’ll have to prove your worthiness. Not sure what that will be since machines will be smarter than people.

People will be modifying their genes to do what it takes to be this worthiness. Soon they’ll be so gene manipulated that they will have lost their ability to reproduce.
yeah. seems like our generation will be the last with some social mobility. we need to be rich now. it's now or never before corporate twats swallow us completely and the world turns into a feudal society
The same thing that will happen tomorrow.

Now forget 3017. Tell me what will happen tomorrow the 22nd November 2017
nothing special. just another shit day for me

Then it will be another shitty day in 3017.

Why the time wasting if you are so negative about yourself?

Which country are you from? I can't see the flags
I see a very developed but very morally messed up world .
We will lose all morals , disgusting things will be appreciated and accepted .
Care to elaborate on this, please?

If there are no lightsabers in the future, I'm not interested :cheesy::cheesy:
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I see a very developed but very morally messed up world .
We will lose all morals , disgusting things will be appreciated and accepted .
morality is not fixed but by current standard we are the most moral people that earth has seen.... less violent, more humane, more considerate to environment and other animals, why would not the trend continue?
are you taken in by older folks who never stop saying that things were 'better in my days'?
Hopefully colonization of other planets and their moons which can relieve stress of our planet earth.
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