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Future szenarios. what do you think would happen 1000 years from now?

Teleporting humans might be realised and we dont have to take buses cabs anymore. more light would be shed on dark matter dark energy and nature of our universe
whats your problem with being naked????? how is your own body disgusting??! i dont get your thinking!!!! if i am to swim or enjoy weather it kinda feels nice. especially in a cold freezer like here where sun shines only for a week in a year

Build a pool in your backyard and a high fence and you can swim naked all you want.

Westerners have no shame. Nobody wants to see a fat *** American in shorts showing all the wrinkles, spider veins, cellulite, and fat hanging from their legs.

Have some class and refrain from showing body parts that nobody wants to see until you reach the privacy of your own home.

We've already accepted homosexuality , drinking , intercourse before marriage , nudity , porno , .. .. I wonder what's next . Incest ?
now don't lecture me them being human rights , they're still disgusting presented nd wrapping in form of goodness .

All of these things will lead to the downfall of the Western world. That's why they keep sabotaging Muslim countries. Because if Muslim countries modernize they won't have these things holding them back.

110 million out of 330 million Americans are living with STDs. That's 1/3 or 33% of the population. By 2025 the U.S. will run out of vaccines because too many people will have an STD.
Bladerunner 2049 is a good example. A very unnatural,controlled and overall a depressing world. #future #pehndisiri
Build a pool in your backyard and a high fence and you can swim naked all you want.

Westerners have no shame. Nobody wants to see a fat *** American in shorts showing all the wrinkles, spider veins, cellulite, and fat hanging from their legs.

Have some class and refrain from showing body parts that nobody wants to see until you reach the privacy of your own home.

All of these things will lead to the downfall of the Western world. That's why they keep sabotaging Muslim countries. Because if Muslim countries modernize they won't have these things holding them back.

110 million out of 330 million Americans are living with STDs. That's 1/3 or 33% of the population. By 2025 the U.S. will run out of vaccines because too many people will have an STD.

The Western mind is much more materialistic than spiritual . They treat their bodies as a material and an art thus , no regard for It being nude.
Let them believe in YOLO , let them believe this deception , they'll realise when they'll be alive again after death .
The Western mind is much more materialistic than spiritual . They treat their bodies as a material and an art thus , no regard for It being nude.
Let them believe in YOLO , let them believe this deception , they'll realise when they'll be alive again after death .
cant talk about wider west but if I take UK as the sample country for west, people are not any more materialistic than eastern country(say India but I very much doubt its different in countries of similar culture)... there is considerably less hypocrisy though here, people dont pretend to be all spiritual.
People are more individualistic, which means they live to their fuller potential. It does not mean there is no concept of family or friends, just that everybody gives you space, and you got to draw the line where your wishes take priority when it comes to your own affairs.
I have yet to meet anybody from east who does not enjoy the freedom here, there are problems like racism but they are born out of conflict between two different culture/people than being solely a western phenomena.
Here your body is yours, whether you want to wear full veil, or become celibate, or wear slutty cloths its upto you... nobody will stop you(although people will judge you, that's basic human tendency)
nobody knows what will happen after death, investment in afterlife could be waste, however humans live rather long life, so people do live life responsibly here.(not blowing their money on drugs/booze).
Build a pool in your backyard and a high fence and you can swim naked all you want.

Westerners have no shame. Nobody wants to see a fat *** American in shorts showing all the wrinkles, spider veins, cellulite, and fat hanging from their legs.

Have some class and refrain from showing body parts that nobody wants to see until you reach the privacy of your own home.
you are a moron. dont show us your face. go back to africa
Simple none of you would be alive....so dump all the theories right now!!!!:partay:
The Western mind is much more materialistic than spiritual . They treat their bodies as a material and an art thus , no regard for It being nude.
Let them believe in YOLO , let them believe this deception , they'll realise when they'll be alive again after death .
:lol: my body is a temple that everyone can come in and out ;)

jeez this forum has gotten even more lame, boring and shit
i think world will end before next 1000yrs
The world will be here. Human race however won't imo.

Really 3017? Human race will last 300 more years at best. It would just take one mad man to gain enough power. It would just take one nation to be pushed so much that it wouldn't care about anything anymore. With the weapons we already have we can wipe out the human race 10 times. Yet everyone is still making them as if it's not enough. The ones who have the best weapons are trying to make more. How powerful weapons will be in human hand in just 100 more years? How about the biological weapons? How deadly would they be? Just can't see humans making another 1000 years. The planet however will remain.
The world will be here. Human race however won't imo.

Really 3017? Human race will last 300 more years at best. It would just take one mad man to gain enough power. It would just take one nation to be pushed so much that it wouldn't care about anything anymore. With the weapons we already have we can wipe out the human race 10 times. Yet everyone is still making them as if it's not enough. The ones who have the best weapons are trying to make more. How powerful weapons will be in human hand in just 100 more years? How about the biological weapons? How deadly would they be? Just can't see humans making another 1000 years. The planet however will remain.
we need to have less people. there are way too many assholes in this planet and way less resources.
we need to have less people. there are way too many assholes in this planet and way less resources.
But not a massive bomb, neither a virus weapon nor even a giant meteor would selectively kill only assholes.
In 1000 years I will have long retired from this world! Good luck to whoever inherits it! :lol:
you are a moron. dont show us your face. go back to africa

Better than what you are. Jealous? Nah I'm good.

so homegirl said she's white. so what? i say i am black like all the time dawg. gotta keep it real

i am brown g. still identify with mah brothas from africa
You just admitted your black, so you're the one who needs to go back to Africa. :crazy_pilot:

:lol: my body is a temple that everyone can come in and out ;)

jeez this forum has gotten even more lame, boring and shit
You don't like the forum? Bounce then. :big_boss:

we need to have less people. there are way too many assholes in this planet and way less resources.
Yep and you're the main azzhole. Do the planet a favor and take the advice of this smiley. :suicide:
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