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Future of the Saudi Arabian Air Force (RSAF) - Possible new purchases

So you are Al Hasani? :rofl:

I can tell, from some signs:

1. Calling all tropical counties jungles.
2. Using the words, tiny, impoverished
3. Claiming "whole of Arabs."
4. Claiming Arabs are billions, gazillions, trillions in number. In fact the entire milky way galaxy is colonized by the Arabs.
5. Writing long walls of text.
6. Always making the spelling mistake intending to write 'except' but misspelling as 'expect'.
7. Taking no offence when I was dissing the Pakistanis

You know for a fact this is not true. This is just that you are trying to get back to me to hit me with anything you can, even nonsense. :rofl:

BTW, I am not an ill wisher of Arabs, it might sound like so. :rofl: Mr. Bonesaw even though I hate him is doing some good work.

How is your Chemical engineering degree going, did you finish yet? Are you still in Spain, I thought you were in Spain the last time you were here.

No idea who that guy is and your trolling seems to have no end in sight.

Never used jungle anywhere other than today just to provoke you as you were trolling this thread and had been trolling Pakistan and Pakistanis in other threads. We have already had similar discussions before where you were bashing Pakistan and Pakistanis.

So using correct words such as tiny and impoverished like millions of other users here.

Arabs are Arabs, I am talking about Arabs as a collective or are you going to compare 170 million big Bangladesh with 1 million native Emiratis to make a comparison now?

Never claimed that. Try again.

Nowhere close.

No spelling mistakes, autocorrect.

More nonsense, lol, which this thread is evidence of.

It is the ground reality, since most people in Pakistan don't pay any taxes and official economic numbers are worthless. Widely held opinion by economic experts as well from abroad. Read about the informal economy of Pakistan.

Read this newly published report from Lahore University about the topic.

Nobody cares about MBS or whether you like him or not, we are discussing the Saudi Arabian Air Force while you are trolling as usual. I am not an Arab either and have bashed Arabs plenty on this forum so far, most recently yesterday. However there is a difference between sane criticism and actual trolling.
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No idea who that guy is and your trolling seems to have no end in sight.

Never used jungle anywhere other than today just to provoke you as you were trolling this thread and had been trolling Pakistan and Pakistanis in other threads. We have already had similar discussions before where you were bashing Pakistan and Pakistanis.

So using correct words such as tiny and impoverished like millions of other users here.

Arabs are Arabs, I am talking about Arabs as a collective or are you going to compare 170 million big Bangladesh with 1 million native Emiratis to make a comparison now?

Never claimed that. Try again.

Nowhere close.

No spelling mistakes, autocorrect.

More nonsense, lol, which this thread is evidence of.

It is the ground reality, since most people in Pakistan don't pay any taxes and official economic numbers are worthless. Widely held opinion by economic experts as well from abroad. Read about the informal economy of Pakistan.

Read this newly published report from Lahore University about the topic.

Nobody cares about MBS or whether you like him or not, we are discussing the Saudi Arabian Air Force while you are trolling as usual.

So what do you mean by, "Yes, there are no Arabs now". Are you the Saudi guy "Al-Hasani" or "Arabian Empires and Caliphates" or not?

It is the ground reality, since most people in Pakistan don't pay any taxes and official economic numbers are worthless. Widely held opinion by economic experts as well from abroad. Read about the informal economy of Pakistan.

Yeah, ground reality. Whole world cann't see the ground reality. All economists of all the world can't see it. Obviously because Pakistanis with the help of lumber 1 ISI are hiding money under the mattress. Now claiming it's economy is 2-3 times larger, the more you go down, the higher the claim will be. In the future when it goes even more down, your claim will be higher, 5/6 time larger. Inversely proportional.

And no, I am not trolling. You made sh1tpost against me, I was compelled to reply. Have no interest in Arabian affairs. Chao.
There is nothing to stop them other than their own ability to execute such a program. Most nations find it far cheaper to buy from an existing vendor. Additionally the low probability of a first-time builder producing a product that matches the performance of existing market-place fighters is a serious disincentive
So what do you mean by, "Yes, there are no Arabs now". Are you the Saudi guy "Al-Hasani" or "Arabian Empires and Caliphates" or not?

Yeah, ground reality. Whole world cann't see the ground reality. All economists of all the world can't see it. Obviously because Pakistanis with the help of lumber 1 ISI are hiding money under the mattress. Now claiming it's economy is 2-3 times larger, the more you go down, the higher the claim will be. In the future when it goes even more down, your claim will be higher, 5/6 time larger. Inversely proportional.

And no, I am not trolling. You made sh1tpost against me, I was compelled to reply. Have no interest in Arabian affairs. Chao.

When I talk about Arabs, I talk about Arabs as a collective otherwise I would have specified which Arabs I was talking about. When you say there is no such thing as "Arabs as a whole" you are wrong. It amounts to saying that there is no such thing as "Pakistanis as a whole" or "Bangladeshis as a whole". I have no idea who that user is once again and I am not an Arab but a Pakistani. Read my posts in Urdu on the forum and general posts.

Once again, this is not something that I invented but a widely held fact on the ground in Pakistan and widely held opinion by economic experts.

Several actual academic reports have been written about this topic home and abroad.

All I see you doing in threads where I am present, whether related to Pakistan or Arabs, I only see trolling. How do you otherwise explain your -11 post rating and frequent bans? I on the other hand am yet to be banned once or get any infraction. The closest that I have been was 2 of my threads about Pakistani internal politics (15-20 pages long) being deleted for no reason and a thread that criticized our useless establishment.

Lastly, you have no interest but you keep trolling, some kind of contradiction indeed. Hard to take seriously.

As I wrote, my replies were replies to your constant bashing of Pakistan and Pakistanis (what are you even doing on a Pakistani forum if you hate us so much?) and personal insults. Yesterday I saw your post aimed at me as well but I ignored it. So quit the crying and "innocent" play when you are the instigator.

If you are really 40 years as claimed by your profile, I feel really sorry for you.

Have a nice day or night or whatever.
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When I talk about Arabs, I talk about Arabs as a collective otherwise I would have specified which Arabs I was talking about. When you say there is no such thing as "Arabs as a whole" you are wrong. It amounts to saying that there is no such thing as "Pakistanis as a whole" or "Bangladeshis as a whole". I have no idea who that user is once again and I am not an Arab but a Pakistani. Read my posts in Urdu on the forum and general posts.

Once again, this is not something that I invented but a widely held fact on the ground in Pakistan and widely held opinion by economic experts.

Several actual academic reports have been written about this topic home and abroad.

All I see you doing in threads where I am present, whether related to Pakistan or Arabs, I only see trolling. How do you otherwise explain your -11 post rating and frequent bans? I on the other hand am yet to be banned once or get any infraction. The closest that I have been was 2 of my threads about Pakistani internal politics (15-20 pages long) being deleted for no reason and a thread that criticized our useless establishment.

Lastly, you have no interest but you keep trolling, some kind of contradiction indeed. Hard to take seriously.

As I wrote, my replies were replies to your constant bashing of Pakistan and Pakistanis (what are you even doing on a Pakistani forum if you hate us so much?) and personal insults. Yesterday I saw your post aimed at me as well but I ignored it. So quit the crying and "innocent" play when you are the instigator.

If you are really 40 years as claimed by your profile, I feel really sorry for you.

Have a nice day or night or whatever.

Ah ok. I thought you were that Saudi user with a different username.

Widely held belief, that is all. It's a belief. No world economic body believes in 'beliefs'. They go by hard numbers. But we shall continue to see, there will be a point no belief will help.

You also made a false claim that I constantly bash Pakistan and Pakistanis. I don't, it's false.

If you are really 40 years as claimed by your profile, I feel really sorry for you.

Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for yourself. I cheer for the success of my country, you gloat and cheer over the success of others. Feel sorry for yourself indeed.

Anyway, good luck. Keep cheering for others.
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Ah ok. I thought you were that Saudi user with a different username.

Widely held belief, that is all. It's a belief. No world economic body believes in 'beliefs'. They go by hard numbers. But we shall continue to see, there will be a point no belief will help.

You also made a false claim that I constantly bash Pakistan and Pakistanis. I don't, it's false.

Anyway, good luck. Keep cheering for others.

Hardly anybody in Pakistan pays taxes to the government. It is a fact. Read the damn report that I posted or do a bit of research. Most of Pakistan's economy is informal (black economy).

Even despite that Pakistan's "official" economy in 2022 was $1.468 trillion (PPP) while that of Bangladesh was $1.11 trillion (PPP). So you are wrong as I wrote.

As for UAE, that I mentioned, as of 2022 the nominal GDP of UAE is $501.3 billion. Bangladesh's is yet to approach $400 billion. ($397 billion) but here you are talking about Bangladesh being ahead of Arabs as a whole (Arab world) in 20-30 years and accusing me of "dreaming". Try to beat tiny UAE let alone the entire GCC first or even the most underperforming nation on earth compared to its potential (Pakistan).

Whenever I have seen you or participated in threads, I have often seen you bashing Pakistan and Pakistanis. Once again, there must be a reason why you have 11 negative ratings.

As for bashing, I have been bashing Pakistan, Pakistanis, our establishment, Muslim leaders, Arab leaders, Arabs, Muslims as a collective often since I signed up on PDF and most recently yesterday however I try to do that in a "respectable manner" while criticizing and arguing, not by trolling/insults/nonsense posts, huge difference.

As for cheering, I will state the obvious again, but vast majority of Pakistanis have nothing but well-wishes for Arabs, I included (even more so since I grew up in KSA as a child for a while hence my interest in the developments of that country mainly when we talk about Arabs), which seems to be bothering you probably because you hate Arabs, contrary to what you claim here, because if you did not you would not be trolling this often.

For instance if I had a legitimate problem with Bangladesh or Bangladesh outside of silly internet discussions, I would be trolling you guys (plenty of arsenal) yet I am not doing that.

According to your user, you are 40 years old, try to act your age.
Hardly anybody in Pakistan pays taxes to the government. It is a fact. Read the damn report that I posted or do a bit of research. Most of Pakistan's economy is informal (black economy).

Even despite that Pakistan's "official" economy in 2022 was $1.468 trillion (PPP) while that of Bangladesh was $1.11 trillion (PPP). So you are wrong as I wrote.

As for UAE, that I mentioned, as of 2022 the nominal GDP of UAE is $501.3 billion. Bangladesh's is yet to approach $400 billion. ($397 billion) but here you are talking about Bangladesh being ahead of Arabs as a whole (Arab world) in 20-30 years and accusing me of "dreaming". Try to beat tiny UAE let alone the entire GCC first or even the most underperforming nation on earth compared to its potential (Pakistan).

Whenever I have seen you or participated in threads, I have often seen you bashing Pakistan and Pakistanis. Once again, there must be a reason why you have 11 negative ratings.

As for bashing, I have been bashing Pakistan, Pakistanis, our establishment, Muslim leaders, Arab leaders, Arabs, Muslims as a collective often since I signed up on PDF and most recently yesterday however I try to do that in a "respectable manner" while criticizing and arguing, not by trolling/insults/nonsense posts, huge difference.

As for cheering, I will state the obvious again, but vast majority of Pakistanis have nothing but well-wishes for Arabs, I included (even more so since I grew up in KSA as a child for a while hence my interest in the developments of that country mainly when we talk about Arabs), which seems to be bothering you probably because you hate Arabs, contrary to what you claim here, because if you did not you would not be trolling this often.

For instance if I had a legitimate problem with Bangladesh or Bangladesh outside of silly internet discussions, I would be trolling you guys (plenty of arsenal) yet I am not doing that.

You tell me not to 'troll' then you keep writing walls of text, then I respond and the you claim I am continuing to 'troll'.

As for UAE, that I mentioned, as of 2022 the nominal GDP of UAE is $501.3 billion. Bangladesh's is yet to approach $400 billion. ($397 billion) but here you are talking about Bangladesh being ahead of Arabs as a whole (Arab world) in 20-30 years and accusing me of "dreaming". Try to beat tiny UAE let alone the entire GCC first or even the most under performing nation on earth compared to its potential (Pakistan).

Why the hell we will beat "whole of Arabs"? Arabs are 20 odd countries. They are not united, neither are they one country. Even if they become one country why the hell we will compare our total GDP with a far larger country with larger land and population, We will compare GDP per capita. Singapore is tiny, do you think they are poorer than Pakistanis? What kind logic is this, you were claiming very high IQ?

Apart from few gulf oil kingdoms, none of the Arab countries are that prosperous. Without oil all of these gulf kingdoms would look like Yemen, not much of a difference between them and Yemenis as people, but the Yemenis are poor because they never had much oil.

We have already beaten Pakistan and left it in the dust already. In another 10 years you won't even be visible in the rear view mirror. Your country isn't even capable of running it's affairs without asking for bail outs here and there. How long will you run mouth to hide it, do you think the whole world is imbecile?

We will be ahead of the Arabs in wealth per capita. You can pick one Arab country and we will be ahead of them in GDP per capita some day in the future, my estimate is about 30 years. We are not you Pakistanis who repeatedly need to cite hidden economy and potential that always remained a potential for 75 years. We are indeed dreamers and we shed sweat and blood to make the dreams come true. BD being one of the fastest growing large economies of the world today is because of that reason. If we said in 1971 we will be the fastest growing large economy of the world in 50 years, I am sure Pakistanis of that time would call us dreamers and laugh it off, they actually did. So, don't follow your ancestors in mocking others, the 'others' are hard workers. We will be one of the wealthiest nations in the Islamic world, if not the wealthiest. Write it down and compare in 30 years. "Bengal is wealthy", this is the natural state of affairs. It has always been the natural state of affairs for thousands of years. The 190 years of British rule and 75 years since 1947, total 265 years is the anomaly. We will get back to our natural state of affairs.
You tell me not to 'troll' then you keep writing walls of text, then I respond and the you claim I am continuing to 'troll'.

As for UAE, that I mentioned, as of 2022 the nominal GDP of UAE is $501.3 billion. Bangladesh's is yet to approach $400 billion. ($397 billion) but here you are talking about Bangladesh being ahead of Arabs as a whole (Arab world) in 20-30 years and accusing me of "dreaming". Try to beat tiny UAE let alone the entire GCC first or even the most under performing nation on earth compared to its potential (Pakistan).

Why the hell we will beat "whole of Arabs"? Arabs are 20 odd countries. They are not united, neither are they one country. Even if they become one country why the hell we will compare our total GDP with a far larger country with larger land and population, We will compare GDP per capita. Singapore is tiny, do you think they are poorer than Pakistanis? What kind logic is this, you were claiming very high IQ?

Apart from few gulf oil kingdoms, none of the Arab countries are that prosperous. Without oil all of these gulf kingdoms would look like Yemen, not much of a difference between them and Yemenis as people, but the Yemenis are poor because they never had much oil.

We have already beaten Pakistan and left it in the dust already. In another 10 years you won't even be visible in the rear view mirror. Your country isn't even capable of running it's affairs without asking for bail outs here and there. How long will you run mouth to hide it, do you think the whole world is imbecile?

We will be ahead of the Arabs in wealth per capita. You can pick one Arab country and we will be ahead of them in GDP per capita some day in the future, my estimate is about 30 years. We are not you Pakistanis who repeatedly need to cite hidden economy and potential that always remained a potential for 75 years. We are indeed dreamers and we shed sweat and blood to make the dreams come true. BD being one of the fastest growing large economies of the world today is because of that reason. If we said in 1971 we will be the fastest growing large economy of the world in 50 years, I am sure Pakistanis of that time would call us dreamers and laugh it off, they actually did. So, don't follow your ancestors in mocking others, the 'others' are hard workers. We will be one of the wealthiest nations in the Islamic world, if not the wealthiest. Write it down and compare in 30 years. "Bengal is wealthy", this is the natural state of affairs. It has always been the natural state of affairs for thousands of years. The 190 years of British rule and 75 years since 1947, total 265 years is the anomaly. We will get back to our natural state of affairs.

Wall of text, precedes to write an actual ocean of text. Sorry, I did not read your post but as I wrote dreams are free and for all.
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Wall of text, precedes to write an actual ocean of text. Sorry, I did not read your post but as I wrote dreams are free and for all.

Yeah, thanks. I didn't read imaginary black economy 'research' either. Continue to have 'potential' for the next 75 years.
Yeah, thanks. I didn't read imaginary black economy 'research' either. Continue to have 'potential' for the next 75 years.

I just took a quick glance at your previous post.

Focus on the data that I posted which showed that Pakistan's official (even though the unofficial Pakistani economy is much larger as I already have provided academic evidence of) economy is larger than that of Bangladesh as of 2022.

Yet you want to compare yourself with 10 million big UAE (who still have a larger economy) with 170 million big Bangladesh and you are talking about the unfairness of comparing the Arab world with Bangladesh. I agree, but so is your comparison with UAE or even the GCC. Which I doubt that you will ever have a higher GDP per capita than them or even total economy. They are far, far ahead in both categories as I wrote initially.

You came from practically nothing, you were one of the most impoverished countries in the world so you are bound to have a big growth rate. With a huge population approaching 200 million and peace for 50 years and neighboring large economies (China not far away), large-scale trade with Bharat (unlike us for obvious reasons) it is actually not such a huge achievement. I personally find the accomplishments of some African countries more impressive given their much smaller populations but that is another topic of discussion.

The facts remain, you are underachieving hugely compared to your huge population but so is Pakistan and South Asia as a whole but that is hardly news but I will still insist that Pakistan is the most underperforming nation in the world compared to its enormous potential, yet we are ahead of you guys "officially" and unofficially even more. Think about what will happen when we get our house in order, we will be more ahead of you as I wrote, I have no doubt about that.

We are off-topic so I am ending it here, create a thread that compares the Pakistani economy with the Bangladeshi one and let us all have a discussion about that topic, I will add much further information and future economic prognosis. All such future economic prognosis that I have looked at shows Pakistan to have a larger economy than Bangladesh as well as a substantially larger population. As most of us know there is a big correlation between having a large population and a large economy as a developing nation. This is what makes India the 3 largest economy in the world on paper currently. Similar story with Indonesia and many others.
I just took a quick glance at your previous post.

Focus on the data that I posted which showed that Pakistan's official (even though the unofficial Pakistani economy is much larger as I already have provided academic evidence of) economy is larger than that of Bangladesh as of 2022.

Yet you want to compare yourself with 10 million big UAE (who still have a larger economy) with 170 million big Bangladesh and you are talking about the unfairness of comparing the Arab world with Bangladesh. I agree, but so is your comparison with UAE or even the GCC. Which I doubt that you will ever have a higher GDP per capita than them or even total economy. They are far, far ahead in both categories as I wrote initially.

You came from practically nothing, you were one of the most impoverished countries in the world so you are bound to have a big growth rate. With a huge population approaching 200 million and peace for 50 years and neighboring large economies (China not far away), large-scale trade with Bharat (unlike us for obvious reasons) it is actually not such a huge achievement. I personally find the accomplishments of some African countries more impressive given their much smaller populations but that is another topic of discussion.

The facts remain, you are underachieving hugely compared to your huge population but so is Pakistan and South Asia as a whole but that is hardly news but I will still insist that Pakistan is the most underperforming nation in the world compared to its enormous potential, yet we are ahead of you guys "officially" and unofficially even more. Think about what will happen when we get our house in order, we will be more ahead of you as I wrote, I have no doubt about that.

We are off-topic so I am ending it here, create a thread that compares the Pakistani economy with the Bangladeshi one and let us all have a discussion about that topic, I will add much further information and future economic prognosis. All such future economic prognosis that I have looked at shows Pakistan to have a larger economy than Bangladesh as well as a substantially larger population. As most of us know there is a big correlation between having a large population and a large economy as a developing nation. This is what makes India the 3 largest economy in the world on paper currently. Similar story with Indonesia and many others.

You are again writing nonsense that I didn't even mention. I didn't compare ourselves with UAE or any other Arab country. I said we will be wealthier that Arabs no matter which country they are from on per capita basis, probably in the next 30 years. I also mentioned those gulf countries are rich because of oil, without oil they would be like Yemen.

Yes we are underachieving but we have performed better than Pakistan. We started with zero and Pakistan had a 24 year lead over us. Still we are ahead of you and we will increase the difference. And don't bring up 'research' about black economy. The more Pakistan's economy goes down, the bigger the claim of black economy becomes. You can have your copium 'research', we don't need it.
You are again writing nonsense that I didn't even mention. I didn't compare ourselves with UAE or any other Arab country. I said we will be wealthier that Arabs no matter which country they are from on per capita basis, probably in the next 30 years. I also mentioned those gulf countries are rich because of oil, without oil they would be like Yemen.

Yes we are underachieving but we have performed better than Pakistan. We started with zero and Pakistan had a 24 year lead over us. Still we are ahead of you and we will increase the difference. And don't bring up 'research' about black economy. The more Pakistan's economy goes down, the bigger the claim of black economy becomes. You can have your copium 'research', we don't need it.

You did not compare yourself with Arabs you say, yet you precede to write that you will have a higher per capita than Arabs in the next 30 years. Are you even seeing what you are writing, lol? Anyway what I wrote is quite clear, Arabs as a collective have a far larger economy than Bangladesh and that will continue to be the case in the future as will their lightyears higher GDP per capita. Nothing points to that changing. We can reduce Arabs to just a few GCC states and the same will remain. As I wrote, tiny 10 million big UAE has a larger GDP than 170 million big Bangladesh and a light-years higher GDP per capita. Probably 20 times higher if that can do it. And most of the UAE economy does not rely on oil or gas.
Yes, and if Bangladesh had a population of 1 million you would have an economy the size of the Maldives. If my aunt had **** she would be my uncle kind of logic.
Yemen is a beautiful country with a rich civilization for many millennia and they have a lot of potential and resources and a fairly large population for regional standards. What has kept them back is conflict and wars. They are actually talented people. Their situation is similar to Afghanistan.

I will try again, it seems.

Pakistan's "official" economy (even though the real economy, if we include the black economy is much larger, at least 2 times larger) in 2022 was $1.468 trillion (PPP) while that of Bangladesh was $1.11 trillion (PPP). So you are wrong as I wrote, you don't have a bigger economy.

BTW, once Khan returns (Insha'Allah) as the PM and reforms the rotten establishment further, you will see the enormous potential of Pakistan first hand.

Actually what I find amazing is that you are not 2-3 times ahead considering the mess that Pakistan has been in the past many decades while you have had nothing but peace and stability.

Anyway fair play to Bangladesh for their economic development in the past decades coming from a position of almost nothing, I have praised that before in other threads, but let us not overreact here and look at the numbers. You are severely underestimating the potential of Pakistan and I would claim that you are deluded if you think that Bangladesh will be ahead of Pakistan in say 2050.
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You did not compare yourself with Arabs you say, yet you precede to write that you will have a higher per capita than Arabs in the next 30 years. Are you even seeing what you are writing, lol? Anyway what I wrote is quite clear, Arabs as a collective have a far larger economy than Bangladesh and that will continue to be the case in the future as will their lightyears higher GDP per capita. Nothing points to that changing. We can reduce Arabs to just a few GCC states and the same will remain. As I wrote, tiny 10 million big UAE has a larger GDP than 170 million big Bangladesh and a light-years higher GDP per capita. Probably 20 times higher if that can do it. And most of the UAE economy does not rely on oil or gas.
Yes, and if Bangladesh had a population of 1 million you would have an economy the size of the Maldives. If my aunt had **** she would be my uncle kind of logic.
Yemen is a beautiful country with a rich civilization for many millennia and they have a lot of potential and resources and a fairly large population for regional standards. What has kept them back is conflict and wars. They are actually talented people. Their situation is similar to Afghanistan.

I will try again, it seems.

Pakistan's "official" economy (even though the real economy, if we include the black economy is much larger, at least 2 times larger) in 2022 was $1.468 trillion (PPP) while that of Bangladesh was $1.11 trillion (PPP). So you are wrong as I wrote, you don't have a bigger economy.

BTW, once Khan returns (Insha'Allah) as the PM and reforms the rotten establishment further, you will see the enormous potential of Pakistan first hand.

Actually what I find amazing is that you are not 2-3 times ahead considering the mess that Pakistan has been in the past many decades while you have had nothing but peace and stability.

Anyway fair play to Bangladesh for their economic development in the past decades coming from a position of almost nothing, I have praised that before in other threads, but let us not overreact here and look at the numbers. You are severely underestimating the potential of Pakistan and I would claim that you are deluded if you think that Bangladesh will be ahead of Pakistan in say 2050.

Arabs are not a collective, they are not a single country. We will surpass even the richest Arab country in per capita. Keep your lightyears comment, we don't get demoralized because of some naysayers. Dogs bark, the caravan moves on. We will see in 30 years. The Arab countries without oil would be like Yemen, the beautiful country with great history and that's about it.

There is no overreaction about our economic progress compared to Pakistan. I don't underestimate the potential of Pakistan, it had great potential in the last 75 years and it will continue to have great potential in the next 75 years. 2050 is too far, by 2030 we won't even see Pakistan in the rear view mirror. Only 8 years left, I can be patient for another 8 years and revisit this in this very forum. Challenge, by 2030 Pakistan will be far behind BD.
I dont know where did some bengalis get the balls to argue like they are in a place of power
Your Economy cant beat the UAE or even Egypt which suffers an economic hit due to the russian ukraine war.
Arabs are not a collective, they are not a single country. We will surpass even the richest Arab country in per capita. Keep your lightyears comment, we don't get demoralized because of some naysayers. Dogs bark, the caravan moves on. We will see in 30 years. The Arab countries without oil would be like Yemen, the beautiful country with great history and that's about it.

There is no overreaction about our economic progress compared to Pakistan. I don't underestimate the potential of Pakistan, it had great potential in the last 75 years and it will continue to have great potential in the next 75 years. 2050 is too far, by 2030 we won't even see Pakistan in the rear view mirror. Only 8 years left, I can be patient for another 8 years and revisit this in this very forum. Challenge, by 2030 Pakistan will be far behind BD.

They don't need to be a single federal state for us to talk about Arabs as a collective or the Arab world. We talk about Europe as a collective constantly and the West as a collective despite them being made up of 100's of different countries with different languages, ethnic groups etc.
Besides the GCC is already a de facto federal state, at least it acts like one on many fronts.

That aside, with all due respect, you are completely deluded if you think that Bangladesh will have a higher GDP per capita than the richest Arab states in the GCC in 30 years time. That would mean that your GDP per capita would grow 15-20 times (1500-2000 %) in the next 30 years with the Arabs just stagnating (lol) for no apparent reason. Not going to happen. Most GCC states are moving away from oil and in any case it is not their problem that they have been blessed with oil, gas, minerals and everything else that they have been given by God. They did not steal it from anyone unlike much of the Western wealth. So we are back to the "if my aunt had """" she would be my uncle" kind of logic. As I said, if Bangladesh had a native population of 1 million (instead of being the most densely populated nation on the planet that is not a micro-nation) like the UAE has, your economy would be the size of Maldives.

Now you are trolling again, but as I just showed even a chronically underperforming Pakistan and a stable Bangladesh with just 1% of the problems that Pakistan is facing, has a smaller GDP (PPP) than Pakistan. Enough said.

Anyway only the future will tell. Let us agree to disagree as this continued discussion will just be repeats of what we have already written.

Back to topic which is that of the Saudi Arabian Air Force.
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