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Fukushima's Nuclear Waste Will Be Dumped Into the Ocean, Japanese Plant Owner Decides

Well dumping Nuclear Waste Into the Ocean doesn't necessarily make them safe does it. :cuckoo:
Finally you are talking about the topic instead of your dolphins.

except this discharge from fukushima has over 6 times the radioactivity when compared to latest waste water discharge from a US nuclear power plant.

according to reports the discharge from Fukushima contains 4 grams of tritium in 777000 litres of water which is 1.8Mbq/L. Last year Indian point nuclear power plant in NYC had a discharge that had a radioactivity of 0.296Mbq/L
Fukushima plant and reactors are outdated and the plant it self ignored a lot warnings. All outdated reactors need to be pushed out of service and replaced with newer safer reactors and of course with proper safety guidelines
I would not get too sentimental. we slaughter cow, goats, sheep and chicken. I do not want to see or hear it

You are quite naive. Slaughter is still humane if you do it right.

These people go beyond that for which you are just not ready sir
Countries can now reach other celestial bodies, I think it would be a better idea to form a consortium to dispose off the radioactive nuclear wastes generated by all countries far away from Earth.
what is the protocol on
You are quite naive. Slaughter is still humane if you do it right.

These people go beyond that for which you are just not ready sir

I do not know much about the topic
if you say so I take your word
You are quite naive. Slaughter is still humane if you do it right.

These people go beyond that for which you are just not ready sir
All forms of fishing are inhumane as fish usually suffocate before being killed.
Marine mamals are killed in more humane ways. Japan banned slitting throats of dolphins due to being inhumane and instead they send metal spikes into the spine killing them within 2-4 minutes and without the spinal cord its pretty painless.
Also how animals are killed is irrelevant to a thread about Nuclear waste being dumped into the ocean in large numbers. If you want to talk about humane killing of animals create a thread for that

Countries can now reach other celestial bodies, I think it would be a better idea to form a consortium to dispose off the radioactive nuclear wastes generated by all countries far away from Earth.
Nuclear waste can be safely stored or even be used again. Sending waste into the Space has the dangers of launch failure releasing a lot of radioactive material on a large area.
This is isn't the regular waste but result of accident and launching tons of radioactive water is not safe ,cheap or practical
Nuclear waste can be safely stored or even be used again. Sending waste into the Space has the dangers of launch failure releasing a lot of radioactive material on a large area.
This is isn't the regular waste but result of accident and launching tons of radioactive water is not safe ,cheap or practical
Ah! haven't thought about that....launch failures, we're not there yet.
Anyway, nuclear wastes/byproducts may be reused but this radioactive water is totally useless, I think, but keeping everything in mind, now I think that it's safer to keep them in earth.
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