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Fukushima - the continuing saga

Yeah, there is considerable concern with respect to Japanese food (especially seafood) these days here. I guess Japan should provide regional labeling (truthfully), otherwise, a forced TO ruling would further cement people's negative perception of Japanese food.
But how can we be sure the Japanese are honest with their labeling? After the tsunami Japanese were shipping their contaminated seafood to Canada and other parts of the world
But Politicians in Tokyo got balls in American hand. That truth. America got chain ! Look at Germany! Also chained to America.
Well,US have some responsiblity on conniving.
Japan still have choice.
Japan can choose to face the history and the nuclear leakage.
US won't force you to forget history or to ignore the nuclear accidents.
And you say German,
German can get amostly victim-countries' forgiveness.Especially Russia and France.
This can be used as a weight to balance the other side--US on the diplomacy.
So Uncle Sam can't totally control it on his will.
If there is a will,there is a way.
I think that German still have chance.

IMHO, no-matter how securely we try to contain nuclear wastes on earth, the risk of leakage will always remain, therefore it's better to transfer those to the moon considering that no life form exists there and now that we've the tech. to go there......or just throw then in open space and let them drift away, may be, they will hit a planet/star in billion billion light years by which time they will no longer be radioactive......
Brilliant idea,so this important work had better to be assigned to India.
Now,please send the nuclear wastes to Mars(Your cost is the cheapest in doing such things).
Oh GOD, Are you kidding me, Japan? Do I need take a radioactive detector with me to seafood restaurant? Damn it

At least 82 bags filled with contaminated material from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant have been swept away by flood water as typhoon Etau hit Japan, officials said. TEPCO said rainwater from the nuclear plant has been leaking into the Pacific.
TrendsFukushima nuclear disasterTagsAbby Martin
Flooding caused by Tropical Typhoon Etau has swept at least 82 bags suspected to contain radioactive grass and other contaminated materials that had been collected at the site of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (NPP). They had been stored in a nearby town in the same prefecture, the Environment Ministry said on Friday, according to local media. Though the Ministry went on to say that most of the bags had been recovered undamaged, local media reported that only 30 of the bags had been found.

Officials said the flooding had not reached the nuclear reactors damaged in the 2011 disaster, when the NPP was hit by a tsunami that had been caused by an earthquake. The nuclear disaster at Fukushima, which took place over four years ago, was dubbed the worst since the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident.

Earlier on Friday, Tokyo Electric Power CO. (TEPCO), the company in charge of the damaged NPP, said that one of the holding tanks on the premises of the plant has been leaking drainage rainwater into the ocean. Later in the day, TEPCO said the leakage had been stopped. According to the company’s website, there have been several similar cases in recent days.

READ MORE: Fukushima leaks radioactive water after Typhoon Etau busts drainage system

“On September 9th and 11th, due to typhoon no.18 (Etau), heavy rain caused Fukushima Daiichi K drainage rainwater to overflow to the sea,” TEPCO said, adding that the samples taken on Wednesday “show safe, low levels” of radiation.

From the sampling result of the 9th, TEPCO concluded that slightly tainted rainwater had overflowed to the sea; however, the new sampling measurement results show no impact to the ocean,” it continued.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga warned that the rainwater drenching the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant could flow into the Pacific Ocean, the Japan Times reported on Friday. However, he told reporters that the radiation level of such rainwater would be “sufficiently below” the legally permitted level.

TEPCO said on Friday it will continue to monito

japan in recent times have gotten very sloppy in the way they do things. From Fukushima, to the tank demo in Mt Fuji that failed, etc could it be because the nation has given up hope?
Scary. I would suggest California people to have radioactive detector with himself/herself.

It will be quite useful when in supermarket or seafood restaurant.

It's good to have something like these handy in your backpack while shopping for food stuff



And this link about Chernobyl


There are bad man...
They even transport the nuclear contamination soil to Qingdao...


Today's news, maybe the effect from Fukushima disaster . It's really worrisome.

strange fish

more to check
日本渔民福岛附近捕获怪鱼 引发生物变异担忧_国际新闻_环球网

plants. Old news from 2013.


Absolute horror

More horrors from the Fukushima radiation fallouts:



Mutant Butterflies Found in Japan After Fukushima Nuclear Disaster | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

Also see and read these:
Fukushima: 1st Semester Project




Fukushima: 1st Semester Project

These are just a few of the genetic mutations that have occurred in the Fukushima region. The reality is, this disaster can effect not only the people of Japan, but all over the world. The fishing industry near Fukushima has collapsed due to the radiation leaking into the water. Not only does it affect the waters near Fukushima but all over the Pacific Ocean. According to Canadian media sources, the fishing industry in British Columbia has collapsed because radiation was found in fish in the area. In markets in Korea, the sea-food section has Geiger Counters so customers can measure how much radiation is in the fish, if any at all.
We're being told that the situation at Fukushima is improving, but by how much?
To prevent future ruptures in the nuclear reactors, workers have begun removing these cores from the plant. It seems like the situation can be fixed easily but it's actually more complicated than that. There are about 1,500 highly radioactive and explosive fuel rods that the workers have to remove. They are about 4.5 -5 meters in height. These fuel roads have to be in safest possible condition before,during and after removal. Even a little bit of shaking could rupture one rod and emit countless amounts of radiation. Imagine if all of these fuel rods ruptured. The consequences could be absolutely devastating; and that is an understatement.

Chernobyl isn't even in the same class as Fukushima. While Chernobyl was, and still is a major disaster, Fukushima has the potential to change the world. If the core fuel rods rupture, extreme life loss in and around Japan could be in the millions. Even an evacuation of the entire west coast of the United States. Nuclear waste and radiation is not organic and does not disappear overnight. In fact in last up to 1500 years without showing the first sign of decay. If we don't act now as a human race to clean up this disaster and protect our ecosystems, health and habitants, their won't be anything worth protecting.
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Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Radiation Disaster Produces Mutant Veggies And Fruits (PHOTOS) - Carbonated.TV

The March 11, 2011 quake and tsunami killed nearly 19,000 people and smashed Tokyo Electric Power Co's Fukushima plant, triggering meltdowns, spewing radiation and forcing some 160,000 people to flee their homes, many never to return. It was the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986.

Later on World Health Organization (WHO) released a report that that people in the area worst affected by Japan's Fukushima nuclear accident two years ago have a slightly higher risk of developing certain cancers. It was estimated that there was a 70 percent higher risk of females exposed as infants developing thyroid cancer over their lifetime. The thyroid is the most exposed organ as radioactive iodine concentrates there and children are deemed especially vulnerable.

And now, a Korean website has assembled this image collection of vegetables from towns and villages surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant which show how the produce has mutated because of the radiations caused by the disaster. Have a look:

A two-faced corn!



Peaches ‘double up’



Identity crisis: This is a mutant orange.



A woman holds a tomato that appears to have green shoots sprouting out of it


A sunflower ‘within’ a sunflower!



Can you spot the mutant cabbage in the picture below? Of course you can!

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A five-fingered turnip



Weird, isn’t it?

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