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Fuel, power price hike: PML-N policies anti poor, anti-middle class


Sep 7, 2010
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Fuel, power price hike: PML-N policies anti poor, anti-middle class, says Imran

Chairman PTI, Imran Khan condemning the latest price "bomb" has said that the latest increase in electricity and fuel prices is yet another step in the anti poor & anti-middle class policies of the PML N government.

In a strong worded condemnation statement Imran Khan said the electricity price hike is an unprecedented increase in price never before seen in Pakistan with the middle class consumer has been hit the hardest In some cases the bills of middle class consumers will more then double as a result of this brutal price hike.

“The increases in prices that is continuing, is criminal because it is not just making the citizens pay for the cost of electricity but also the cost of corruption and incompetence Therefore these latest increase in electricity and fuel prices is yet another step in the anti poor & anti-middle class policies of the PML N government”, he said.

Khan pointed out that the first such discriminatory step was taken in the budget in which GST and other indirect taxes were increased along with the previous round of oil and electricity price increases, the forced devaluation of the rupee and the unprecedented note printing in the first 3 months of this government.

Khan asserted that instead of cracking down on power theft, recovering the bills of defaulters, increasing the tax net by recovering dues from tax evaders and taking measures to make use of the changed international laws to recover the illegitimate wealth stashed abroad by Pakistanis, the government just keeps on taking one anti-people measure after another to make the lives of the people of Pakistan miserable.

Khan said PTI demands that this criminal and unjustifiable increase in electricity prices is reversed with immediate effect.

"We also demand that the govt explain to the nation why fuel prices have been increased when the international prices of oil declined during the month of September which has led neighboring India to reduce petrol prices?" Khan questioned.

Khan also asked why the government is not prepared to cut its lavish
lifestyle, huge mansions and frivolous expenditures?

Khan declared that PTI rejects these price hikes and will protest in the Assemblies and across the country. The government has become anti-people and has betrayed the mandate given to it by the Pakistani nation.

Fuel, power price hike: PML-N policies anti poor, anti-middle class, says Imran
Mein ty kena waan KHICH KAY RAKHAN AWAM NU!

People voted for PMLN and they should pay for it.
I am really disappointed to see the current gov doing this.... people were really counting on them, but i guess they will have to continue suffer.... as long as these fuedals are in power.... pak and **** people will not be able to move forward.
Not surprised. Their method is way to painful and will eventually crush the lay man. Such high inflation. Why not concentrate on collecting taxes heavily to raise revenues. I see very very hard times to come. On top of it all they are heavily increasing the petrol price and then shutting CNG for three months.
Cutting subsidies and more austerity drive from govt is the need of hour or beleaguered Pakistan economy, its hard on the middle class but no other way out
Why is it that Indians on this forum seem 100 times more educated, mannered and sane than Pakistani members? We all know this is the need of hour. Money spent on giving subsidy = money gone in gutter. I mean I can write a 12 page single space essay on how nawaz sharif is going to revive the economy but most people here would say "hes stuuppppid, hes ganjaaaa, hes visionless" etc. Read the history of South korea, singapore please.
Why is it that Indians on this forum seem 100 times more educated, mannered and sane than Pakistani members? We all know this is the need of hour. Money spent on giving subsidy = money gone in gutter. I mean I can write a 12 page single space essay on how nawaz sharif is going to revive the economy but most people here would say "hes stuuppppid, hes ganjaaaa, hes visionless" etc. Read the history of South korea, singapore please.

The simple fact is, when it comes to political commentary there is little doubt as to why Pakistanis love the trash talk shows. Because it fuels their need for mindless drama and low quality talk that achieves little than satisfy testosterone levels. And most of the parties won on testosterone levels.
Why is it that Indians on this forum seem 100 times more educated, mannered and sane than Pakistani members? We all know this is the need of hour. Money spent on giving subsidy = money gone in gutter. I mean I can write a 12 page single space essay on how nawaz sharif is going to revive the economy but most people here would say "hes stuuppppid, hes ganjaaaa, hes visionless" etc. Read the history of South korea, singapore please.

Indians get the the boot more often, so the only ones seen here are mostly saner ones or the ones who try not to offend Paksitanis :D

You have to trust the IMF, we guys are your only hope, you have displayed little economic sense in your policies, let the professionals do the job for you.

BTW you should be glad you are still in the good books of USA to get IMF's help, I can pretty well imagine a subsistence economy if you get sanctioned by USA/world.
Mein ty kena waan KHICH KAY RAKHAN AWAM NU!

People voted for PMLN and they should pay for it.

People seemed to have voted every one evenly... so no blame can be leveled against public, they voted smartly.
If they were given choice of 'no vote' this would be the most selected choice in every constituency.

While, blames lies to public, for not uprooting the illegal election commission and taking part in bogus elections.
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