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Frontier Corps officially links Afghan intelligence to terror groups in Balochistan


May 3, 2009
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Weapons and explosives recovered near Pak-Afghan border

Afghanis and their Indian gurus will hear us soon.
I was kind of surprised to see the heading and jumped to the thread to see people discussing afghan involvement in balochistan..... and expecting to get a relief for we Indians...... But then........

I guess i should stop judging the thread looking at the heading......
Most of them are brand new Russian arms paid for by the Indians. How cool would this be if these same arms showed up in the Red corridor, Kashmir and Punjab :D
Really? And how, pray, do you know that the arms were paid for by India?


or are you just shooting from the hip as usual?
I was kind of surprised to see the heading and jumped to the thread to see people discussing afghan involvement in balochistan..... and expecting to get a relief for we Indians...... But then........

I guess i should stop judging the thread looking at the heading......
Be happy you guys are always given credit :sarcastic:

QUETTA: Security forces raided a truck and recovered a large quantity of weapons, ammunition and explosives in Balochistan's Gulistan area near the Pak-Afghan border region on Monday, DawnNews reported.

Balochistan Home Minister Mir Sarfaraz Bugti alleged that neighbouring countries, including India and Afghanistan, were trying to carry out terror activities to weaken Pakistan.

He further claimed that Afhgan intelligence agencies had set up at least 34 insurgent camps in this regard.

Security forces claimed to have recovered 70 sacks of explosive materials, 45 prepared bombs, 200 detonators, 100 AK-47 rifles, nine Kalakov rifles, three G-3 rifles and 135 handguns from hidden compartments in the truck.

Bomb making and other equipment recovered included one hundred bundles of prima cord, 50 remote control detonators, sophisticated binoculars, sniper scopes and at least 2,000 rounds of ammunition.

Security sources said the weapons were being smuggled into Balochistan from Afghanistan to be used in terror activities across the country, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
I read somewhere that some Afghani was also arrested in this case. Months ago some Afghani was arrested with 2000 illegal sims in his custody. What these people don't realize is that if Pakistan got destabilized too much, millions of Afghanis living in Pakistan might have to suffer some good old mob justice.
could someone translate the OP's news report??

plus,what is meant by "Official"???


we couldn't buy our own weapons,how we'll be able to buy weapons for "Pakistanis"??we still have tens of millions of public toilets to make and hundreds of millions to feed.plus remember,we've a "Hindu Extremist" govt in power,who despise muslims,be it from Islamabad or from Balochistan. :D

and even if it is provided by India and Afghanistan,just take it as a complement of 3 decades of proxy war waged upon us and 2 decades of proxy war waged upon Afghanistan by Pakistan.its time for payback. :rofl::rofl:

plus,if I'm not wrong,all these weapons are easily available in Pakistani Black market.though I couldn't recognize the pistols.also,G-3 isn't made by Russia and used by ANA or India.
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nothing we didnt know already.....Afghan intelligence basically is hell-bent on attacking Pashtuns in Balochistan, KPK, and FATA in the interests of sowing discord in Pakistan

with that said - Afghan "intelligence" has felt the brunt of attacks....not necessarily revenge from Pakistan; but even insider attacks within their own ranks. Afghan intelligence and military have many insiders working for the Afghan taleban (under Mullah Omar directive I believe)

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