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From Wani to Wani, How Army fails in Kashmir

Listen, there are more Muslims in number than Hindus. You liberate them, they liberate you. It won't affect them but you. 8-)
So sad he is going to die soon. At least he will get his 72 virgins I guess.
Better trained than someone who cant find the world's most wanted terrorist near a military containment :rofl:
Osama bin Laden died in 2005 not in Abbottabad: Hameed Gul - thenews.com.pk
Read it!
Define terrorism?

Might not be well trained but better trained than our neighbour where a world most wanted terrorist lived for almost a decade in a place adjacent to army cantonment(Ever heard of name Osama and Abbottabad).
How well trained is your military who can't stop terrorists from destroying it's main surveillance aircrafts(Ever heard of Mehran base).

As you Pakistanis are telling that these terrorists are because of wrong doings of Indian Army then my brothers, all the terrorists inside Pakistan, TTP etc are also innocent and they have to take weapons because Paksitan army has killed their innocent relatives, raped their women and sisters, allowed America to bomb their houses.
If you don't agree with me on this then you are a hypocrite.
Osama bin Laden died in 2005 not in Abbottabad: Hameed Gul - thenews.com.pk
Indian Airlines Flight 814 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :D

Look at the photograph of these Zihadi idiots. They are geting photos like they are attending a marriage function. Non of them look like warrior. After getting the training of few weeks from Pakistani army, They will enter India to be the target practice of Idian armed forces. poor people. These Victims of Zihadi propaganda shall soon neutralized and loose theri valuable life in lust of 72 hoors. May almighty give them good sense and they go back to the life of peace and enjoy a beautiful life.
Losses on both sides even your highly decorated officers are killed by their hands.
Tearful but proud daughter salutes braveheart Col MN Rai - The Times of India
Anyone who wants to be liberated. :enjoy:

Or needs to.

Kashmiris best hope of security lies in the Indian Army they revile.

They have had glimpses of the alternative should the Army ever be looking the other way ...

Admittedly few, sporadic, and very quickly and thoroughly hushed up. By the govt and the army.

But we know.

@sarthak knows.
Losses on both sides even your highly decorated officers are killed by their hands.

So what ??? Lots of scums attack here in coward manner and get neutralized. We also suffer some collateral damage which is inevitable. You should also count how many Pakistani soldiers died fighting terrorist.

People scan newspapers and website to see his photographs. He is fast becoming the popular face of present armed resistance in Kashmir. For last five years Burhan has given sleepless nights to army and other counter militancy forces.

A famous saying by Gerald Seymour “Someone’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” sounds quite fit in a state like Jammu and Kashmir, where a new breed of freedom fighters have emerged to fight 68-year long occupation. From, Ashfaq Majeed Wani- the iconic face of armed struggle to this new phase of militancy to a new face Burhan Wani one thing has remained unchanged in Kashmir….the sentiment for Azadi…

This time it is not an 84-year old man whom Indian media proudly call a “terrorist” like Syed Ali Geelani or firebrand hurriyat leader Masrat Alam-also called the jailbird of Kashmir, but a 19-year old boy Burhan Wani- a new face of militancy in Kashmir. Burhan might be an “armed terrorist” for them, but for Kashmiris he is a freedom fighter, in the same fashion Shaheed Bhagat Singh was for Indians when he fought British.

Burhan was a lesser known militant in valley. It is not me or you but Army itself that made him a household name in a conflict torn state of J&K. Army in a “staged encounter” killed his brother Khalid Muzzafar Wani, a postgraduate in Economics on Monday (April 12, 2015).

Army claimed Khalid was an over ground worker and had gone to meet his militant brother in Kamla forests of volatile Tral area of South Kashmir. Tral is also known as the “Kandhar of Kashmir”. Army’s claim was widely rejected by family and the locals. His father said he was tortured to death because his body had no bullet marks. Newspaper reports also said Khalid’s body had torture marks-broken nose, broken teeth and other atrocities, making it ample clear that Khalid was tortured to death.

Khalid’s only fault was he was the brother of a most wanted militant. His killing has made Burhan a household name in Kashmir. Today, everybody wants to know who Burhan is. People scan newspapers and websites to see his photographs. He is fast becoming the popular face of present armed resistance in Kashmir. For last five years Burhan has given sleepless nights to army and other counter militancy forces.

Police and Army top officials put the present figures of militants between 300 to 500 who are active. In 1990’s the number was in thousands. The number might have decreased by a huge percentage but the sentiment is alive and is growing with every passing day. Not only unemployed educated youth but employed persons join the militant ranks.

1990’s militancy had produced some top icons and one among them was Ashaq Majeed. He was a top educated youth of his times, later a militant commander and also a founder member of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF). And today we see Burhan, a teenager from South Kashmir’s Tral emerging out the same way.

Ashfaq Majeed’s close friend and militant turned non-violent supporter of Kashmir struggle, the JKLF chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik also believes that if India didn’t shun its rigid approach, Kashmiris next generation will be forced to pick up the gun again.

The present militancy is different what it used to be in 1990’s. Today the world’s largest democracy has seven lakh troops making Kashmir the world’s highest militarized zone. Burhan along with other few hundred odd militants are giving them sleepless nights.

What forced Burhan to become a militant? It is reportedly another story of harassment, which today almost every Kashmiri youth witnesses. He was ruthlessly beaten by forces in 2010 and to take revenge he joined militants. Today we see Burhan the most wanted commander of Hizbul Mujahideen in Kashmir.

Kashmir has been an apple of discord between India and Pakistan since 1947 when both the countries achieved independence. As per the doctrine of the partition, J&K a Muslim majority state should have been a part of Pakistan, but that didn’t happen because of the political theories used at that time. And today Kashmir stands tall as a nuclear flash-point between two nuclear powers-India and Pakistan.
@Zarvan @DESERT FIGHTER @Imran Khan @waz @Shamain @Horus @Akheilos @fakhre mirpur @Areesh @WAJsal @Umair Nawaz @rockstar08 @Side-Winder @Winchester @Slav Defence @haviZsultan @Sage @SrNair @ranjeet @OrionHunter


A thread from July 18, 2015.

And that's how the picture looks like after almost a year.


Just for a reality check..
Should intensify the urban guirella warfare in the valley now. Time to do that.

Lolzz yeah one kashmiri dies and in return 10 indian army and cprf dogs get slaughtered.
See, we can't kill "unarmed" at will due to our own moral and constitutional obligations. So, it is better if they take up arms in large numbers. Especially younglings. We can have peaceful pre-700 CE days back in the land of rishi Kashyap. And you can kill all the dogs you want, CPF, Army, or kashmiri street dogs, you will need something to eat when Jammu blocks its roads..
See throughtout ind young people sre creating mayhem by being anti establishment. First it was hardik Patel then kanhaiya Kumar and vemula and now this boy. And on to of it there is rahul gandhi. It's all passing phase

They will remain our heroes and role model for upcoming freedom fighters.
Terrorists week remain so until the source is finished
They will remain our heroes and role model for upcoming freedom fighters.

No problem, we will make more 'shaheed' roll models for you out of those 'upcoming freedom fighters' aka religious fanatics aspiring to create an Islamic Khilafat.
No problem, we will make more 'shaheed' roll models for you out of those 'upcoming freedom fighters' aka religious fanatics aspiring to create an Islamic Khilafat.
Then you should consider losses on both sides.
Then you should consider losses on both sides.

Yes losses on both sides, but who lose more? Given the difference between India and Pakistan, the marginal losses are miniscule for India.

And Pakistan was never consistent on Kashmir, first there were UN resolution, then you signed Shimla, then Musharraf 4 point formula. None of them are consistent with each other, hence international community stopped taking you seriously.

Even now, CPEC is against UN resolution. You cannot claim the land to disputed and use it when it suites you. You lost the game on Kashmir. In future it will be even doubly tough for you guys take on even more powerful India.
Then you should consider losses on both sides.

If Pakistani minorities like Hindus, Christians, or minority Muslim sects like Shias or Ahmediyas pick up arms and demand their separate country, will Pakistan be ready to bear the losses and fight it, or allow that to happen?

(BTW, I know Pakistan doesn't consider them Muslims, but we do).
Yes losses on both sides, but who lose more? Given the difference between India and Pakistan, the marginal losses are miniscule for India.

And Pakistan was never consistent on Kashmir, first there were UN resolution, then you signed Shimla, then Musharraf 4 point formula. None of them are consistent with each other, hence international community stopped taking you seriously.

Even now, CPEC is against UN resolution. You cannot claim the land to disputed and use it when it suites you. You lost the game on Kashmir. In future it will be even doubly tough for you guys take on even more powerful India.
Pakistan is not related and involved in Kashmiri militancy. If you want to drag them in personally so what can i do?
You know Musharraf derailed the movement and Kahsmiri leaders strongly oppose his views and policies.
Yes you can say Pakistan lost the game in Kashmir, but indigenous movement is getting strong day by day and alarming situation for you.
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