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Friendship with India

Tell me how we holded dagger :woot: It was since day 1, Pakistan never wanted good relations with India when a nation created on two-nation theory interfered in Junagarh within one month of independence.

People in pakistan consider Americans a bigger threat than india whereas india is still stuck in 1947 separation. I used to think that pakistan is wrong by not extending a hand of friendship to india but during my time here in UK i have never met an indian who is not suffering from pakistan phobia except some indian muslims or indians born abroad.
Tell me how we holded dagger :woot: It was since day 1, Pakistan never wanted good relations with India when a nation created on two-nation theory interfered in Junagarh within one month of independence.

Now you are talking facts! :disagree:

Unfortunately, people like the author of the DAWN piece are obsessed with India and can't cut the apron strings. They don't understand that Indian polity is dominated by anti-Pakistan hawks and the only way to deal with India is from a position of strength.

You have been trying to do exactly that for the last 60 years.

And will keep on doing that till someone comes to his sense that this is not the way to deal with India.

It's been over 60 years and some people still haven't grown up to see the whole wide world beyond India.

That is where the very basis, the identity issues come into the picture.
haha... you guys are illegally occuppied kashmir and GB.
Kashmir is disputed territory while GB is a province of Pakistan.
but we never cause terrorism , you do. but no worries.. you are paying for it. and will do so until you are dimembered again , this time without india's help

Why is brahamdog using indian passport than?
Friendship with india is just a waste of time. India has a long history of extending a hand of friendship and holding a dagger at the same time. No chance unless miraculously we are able to solve kashmir issue.

We should concentrate on developing our trade and diplomatic relation with China, Iran and other central asian countries.

No, that is Pakistan's behavior. Holding Lahore summit and opening bus routes while plotting a Kargil simultaneously.

Anyway, India is not that desperate for pakistan's friendship. As the author rightly says, "It will not be possible to effect any change in the political and economic direction of Pakistan so long as the country remains embroiled in the conflicts of its neighbours." India's political or economic institutions don't really give much thought to Pakistan, and don't need to. We don't have large armed groups and jihadis inside the country who are constantly frustrated in their dreams and ambitions in pursuit of a pipe dream. We don't have a culture of terror and violence due to misplaced priorities. We will do pretty well, with or without pak's friendship.
No need for friendship crap. Pakistan just needs to return the illegally occupied Kashmir to India, and we wont hold anything against you guy...
Unfortunately, people like the author of the DAWN piece are obsessed with India and can't cut the apron strings. They don't understand that Indian polity is dominated by anti-Pakistan hawks and the only way to deal with India is from a position of strength.

It's been over 60 years and some people still haven't grown up to see the whole wide world beyond India.

If it was so easy to get along with traditional enemies then US and Russia would have gotten over it long time ago.
Friendship with india is just a waste of time. India has a long history of extending a hand of friendship and holding a dagger at the same time. No chance unless miraculously we are able to solve kashmir issue.

We should concentrate on developing our trade and diplomatic relation with China, Iran and other central asian countries.

You actually perfectly described Pakistan. Kargil War anyone?
We are always ready but not at the cost of our territorial integrity

You should become a Central Asian or Arab country. That is your destiny.

India has nothing to do with you and vice versa.

Nothing gonna happen to Kashmir. It is safe and sound with India.

Yeah keep dreaming.
Not true, India is very serious to improve its relationship with Pakistan. The people who talk anti Pakistan when they come to power they make steps to firm up the relationship. What we talk for public consumption is not what we do in actions. Pakistan has to understand this, at-least educated ones.

There is a sizable segment of Indian thought which believes that a successful Pakistan validates the two nation theory, whereas a failed Pakistan validates those opposed to it.

You have been trying to do exactly that for the last 60 years.

Not at all. Pakistani elite have never understood that true strength comes, not just from the military, but from the full spectrum of economics, diplomacy, media, etc., etc.

It is India's greatest luck that Pakistan never took care of the feudals the way India did.

And will keep on doing that till someone comes to his sense that this is not the way to deal with India.

India's changing stance towards China shows us that that's the ONLY way to deal with India.

That is where the very basis, the identity issues come into the picture.

Some people in Pakistan, like the author, are confused about this identity; the rest of us have moved on long ago.
If it was so easy to get along with traditional enemies then US and Russia would have gotten over it long time ago.

It's not about enemies.

India and China also have border disputes, but the ONLY way to deal with India is from a position of (economic, diplomatic, military, media, etc.) strength.

India-Pakistan relations would actually improve much better if Pakistan was stronger in these other aspects. The author believes that Pakistan cannot succeed without India, and that is his blindspot -- he doesn't see a whole wide world out there.
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