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Friendship day -Hope to see India & Pakistan standing side by side as friends

Thanks bro ..... to all my pakistani brothers too!

Cheers, Doc
Of course Kashmir is a big issue with Pak sending in the Jihadis (non state variety of course) and supporting terrorism. That has to stop.

Kashmir is our home...no permission required to enter the home...you worry about Kashmir...we r looling at India...:lol:...promise
What you see when you close your eyes...learn the lesson from that darkness

OK...for the topic...with love you win the soul and with hate nothing...thanks
To all my Indian and Pakistani Bros and Sisters,
When we say friendship between our nations is impossible, please take a minute and introspect WHY? There is nothing impossible in this world. If America and Japan can be friends after what happened in WW2, why can't we? We have to stop this madness now or else our future is in jeopardy.
Judging by some of the tasteless comments i have seen by Indians, especially recently. We still have a very long way to go.
One year on from when I last posted on this now resurrected thread, I must confess that friendship between our countries is a long long way away.

Yes, Indians and Pakistanis can be friends.

But India and Pakistan never can.

You can never make oil mix with water.

And that is what these two nations of one people are.

Two completely radically and irrevocably divergent ideologies.

Anyways, for what its worth, I wish the Pakistanis here a belated Happy Friendship day once again.

Cheers, Doc
Belated Happy Friendship Day To People across the border.

And yeah I agree with vsdoc tht

Indians and Pakistanis can be friends but

India and Pakistan can never be.
Belated Happy Friendship Day Wishes To all ..........
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