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Friend, father & philosopher of black money is Chidambaram


Jan 18, 2011
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Friend, father & philosopher of black money is Chidambaram

Palaniappan Chidambaram, whom I shall for the sake of brevity call just Chidambaram, is best seen through black and white. And please don't get me wrong and accuse me of racism. I refer not to epidermis or mane, but to the economic colour of money. Some of his greatest contributions to the economy of India are his brilliant pioneering initiatives for changing the colour of money from black to white. And this passion has never left him.

Many of us have forgotten the Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme (VDIS) 1997, which he announced when he was Finance Minister with the United Front government, granting income-tax defaulters indefinite immunity from prosecution under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973, Income Tax Act, 1961, Wealth Tax Act, 1957, and Companies Act, 1956, in exchange of self-valuation and disclosure of income and assets. The scheme was brilliantly conceived. While all schemes in the past valued declared assets at current prices, VDIS 1997 brought in an arbitrary date of 1 April 1987. Gold and silver hoarders, and large property holders got an exceptional bonanza on this valuation system. Further, proof of purchase was not insisted upon, which gave complete freedom to the confessors to fudge any date they wanted to their own financial advantage and further plunder of the country. So, even if gold was bought after 1987, it could be shown as having been bought before 1987, and it was a win-win game for all stakeholders to rake in the cuts. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India condemned the scheme in his report as abusive and a fraud on the genuine taxpayers of the country. But the issue was forgotten, and the illustrious career of Palaniappan Chidambaram rose to greater heights in the UPA regime.

Those were his innocent days. What a long way he has come since the era when he was cooking up VDISs, so utterly transparent, that the loopholes and avenues to give relief to the looters stared you in the face. The world economy was also then a little simpler than it is today, and his best achievement was getting caught about his investments in Fairgrowth, which was involved in the Securities Scam of 1992. Chidambaram had to resign for this utterly transparent investment in a company whose scam would have paid rich dividends. Unfortunately, he was not Finance Minister at the time and did not have the machinery to hush things up, and could only remotely control the markets, unlike his present capabilities as former Finance Minister and thereafter.

Being Finance Minister in the UPA government was his finest hour. He could fiddle around with share markets, capital markets, banks, financial instruments, such as, securities, participatory notes, tax treaties, not to speak of spectrum sale, and use his extraordinary innovative powers of black money magic to plunder our country with complete impunity. He assiduously cultivated the media with his clipped English accent (that led him down, now and then), occasional freebies, and sustained shadows of the Enforcement Directorate that he commanded.

Chidambaram cannot get black money out of his blood. Dr Subramanian Swamy has clearly stated in his website, "I now have further information from my usually reliable sources in the Union Government that the tapping of Finance Minister Mr. Pranab Mukherjee and his close associate in the Ministry, enabled Mr. Robert Vadra the son-in-law of Ms. Sonia Gandhi and Mr. Karthik son of Mr. P. Chidambaram, to use the data thereby collected to manipulate and rig the Mumbai stock market. Earlier these data were directly provided by the then Finance Minister Mr. Chidambaram. I demand that the SEBI be asked by PM to initiate 'Insider Trading' investigation and prosecution of Mr. Vadra and Mr. Karthik."

If what is put out by Dr Subramanian Swamy is false why doesn't Chidambaram sue him?

The dark clouds of the 2G scam and the repeated evidence being given by A. Raja and other accused of his tacit involvement and other acts of omission and commission are menacingly closing in on Chidambaram. He is losing his cool, and more importantly, losing his carefully clipped English accent to its more indigenous roots more often. And like his colleague Digvijay Singh, his mind seems to be disintegrating to a stage where he has started talking gibberish. Take this, for example: in reply to the BJP demand for his resignation for his involvement in the 2G scam, Chidambaram claims that the BJP is targeting him since he initiated a probe by the NIA into Hindu terror. Can any rational person see the connection between the two?

Take also his comments regarding the recent Mumbai blasts. As Home Minister, instead of taking stock of the situation, and providing leadership, the only intelligent thing he could think of saying was, "No intelligence is not intelligence failure." Even a college debating society expects better logic. It's something like saying "illness is not a failure of health" or "impotence is not a failure of potency".

Chidambaram's special financial skills have diversified into electoral politics also. He has the distinction of having been declared defeated in the last Lok Sabha election, after which he galvanized his special skills and local machinery, in particular, a data entry operator, and doctored a marginal victory on the recount. That is quite a record for fraud. And can one forget how the Indian Bank was cleaned up and left with only non-performing assets thanks to him and his Tamil Maanila buddies?

Chidambaram's record as Home Minister has been disastrous. Neither has he made any impact on internal security, with the worst massacres of his own paramilitary forces taking place in his time, nor on terrorism, which carries on in complete complacency because there are neither effective preventive or punitive systems in place, nor political will and national legislation to combat terrorism. It is on record and in the public domain that the Home Ministry gave incorrect names of India's most wanted list of terrorists allegedly hiding in Pakistan, some of whom were tracked living in India or in custody. Is this a testament to his fabled efficiency and commitment?

What a laughing stock we must be before the world. It is almost as if India is determined that it shall not combat terrorism, shall not have enabling legislation as enacted by the US, such as the Homeland Security Act 2002, and the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 of UK and similar legislations in European governments. India is determined not to have an effective national agency on the lines of the Homeland Security Department of the US. The ramshackle National Investigation Agency showed itself as a complete failure during the recent Mumbai attacks. Understandable, because its only mandate appears to be to investigate "Hindu terror", the last refuge for failed and hopeless Congressmen like Chidambaram. The CCTNS, JIC, ARC, NTRO (presently in another scam), and NCTC remain effete, scattered and unmonitorable, even by the Home Ministry. With such an unequivocal determination by the UPA government not to address terrorism effectively, I can only grieve for my country.
Mr. Robert Vadra the son-in-law of Ms. Sonia Gandhi is tipped to be the fastest growing Billionaire in India.
This moron talks about black money and says PC allowed the money to flourish. But, the VDIS scheme allowed 3,50,000 people to disclose their income and assets, which bought revenue of INR 7800 crore to Indian finance ministry. The scheme were closed on 31 December, 1998.

After closing the scheme, had VajpayeeAdvani duo devised any new scheme to bring the money back? We know how CAG talked about coffin scam and mahajan manipulation and how NDA treated those findings.

This moron talks about his failure in stopping the massacre of police in Dantewada. Saying so, he is showing his lack of knowledge that Chatisgar is the weakest link in fighting the naxalites. It is the BJP govt. in that state which is failing to curb the menace.
Swamy is a mad man who is good at spreading garbage. he is good for nothing. subramanya swamy was a member of the Planning Commission between 1990 and 1991. During that time India was forced to mortgage its gold to survive.

Between 1994 and 1996, he held the position of Chairman of the Commission on Labour Standards and International Trade (equivalent to the rank of a cabinet minister) under the P. V. Narasimha Rao government. Now, this guy talks about honesty. This guy is nothing but a professional stalker, who is trying to get some attention.

BJP is asking PC's resignation based on the remark of Raja in court, then Vajapyee should also be in jail as Raja also told that if he is in jail, all the telecom minister from 1998 should be in jail for the same crime. This is another case of blathering.

Regarding vadra or this krthik, if you have any grievance, you can press for an investigation through court. As, kerala Govt. was doing in case of former CJI's son and Jaga's case.

By leveling wild allegations will not change your lies to truth; yeh some more morons may start believe the nonsense.
the BJP cant get over the fact they are soon becoming a non entity . so we see thamashas and dharnas , dhongi BABA coming to tell us how to lead lives and telling the Indian public that all will be ok once black money comes back . :disagree:

what happned when they were in power? not once did they bring up black money . look at yeddy what he is done to karnataka . these guys just want power . and not bothered how they attain it .
I want congress's a$$ kicked but how is this related to India defence?

Is this guy Manas some stupid? :oops: Why is this party bashing here?
BJP is asking PC's resignation based on the remark of Raja in court, then Vajapyee should also be in jail as Raja also told that if he is in jail, all the telecom minister from 1998 should be in jail for the same crime. This is another case of blathering.

Raja is in jail only because of SC intervention, not due to honest CBI's investigations who reports to the PMO if had its way Raja would be still the King of DOTelecom.

So the credibility of this govt and its PM who broke world of corruption in human history will need more stupid posturing .

BTW Vajapyee neither sold spectrum in 2008 at the price of 2001 nor he shifted dates for application of 2G licenses in a criminal conspiracy to help few nominated companies . Raja did it for which he resident at Tihar now and his PM overlooked this mother all corruption is going end his tenure soon.
I want congress's a$$ kicked but how is this related to India defence?

Is this guy Manas some stupid? :oops: Why is this party bashing here?

noooo not stupid just a mouthpiece who does not know what he is talking about , he gets his daily dose from the BJP patrika.
noooo not stupid just a mouthpiece who does not know what he is talking about , he gets his daily dose from the BJP patrika.

Its better than being a tailpiece of Congress you act like .You know whats utility of Tail.:P
3 years ago nobody paid attention to the 2G scandal expect the few in the opposition and in the media . Now we know the scale of its enormity and status of its conspirators . People facilitating and hording black money abroad will also get exposed . Wait and watch.
BJP 2014

CONGress cant rot for all i care corrupt useless spineless put Modi or Advani as PM and Jaitley as home minister
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What Gandhis don't tell the Lok Sabha

Early in June this year, United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Chairperson Sonia Gandhi took off for London and her native Italy as political heat from civil society activists over black money and corruption soared in the Capital. In mid-June, Congress General Secretary and MP Rahul Gandhi ushered in his 41st birthday in London and topped up with a Swiss holiday. Both Sonia and Rahul's trips were widely documented in the media but the Lok Sabha secretariat has no information on them. It's common courtesy for MPs to inform the secretariat about trips abroad, even if they are of a personal nature. But since June 2004, the month UPA came to power, the Congress president and her son have not bothered to inform the secretariat about any of their foreign trips.

When India Today filed an application under the Right to Information (RTI) Act to the Lok Sabha secretariat asking for details of personal foreign travel made by MPs since the 14th Lok Sabha, it furnished relevant information for lawmakers other than the Gandhis. The reply from Harish Chander, Deputy Secretary, Lok Sabha, was, "This secretariat attends to work relating to official visits of Indian parliamentary delegations going abroad and maintains record of foreign travel of members of the Lok Sabha in their personal capacity if such travel is intimated by them to the Speaker's office." India Today filed another RTI query specifically asking how many intimations/requests the Lok Sabha secretariat received regarding the foreign travels of Sonia and Rahul during the 14th and 15th Lok Sabhas. The response of K. Sona, under secretary, Lok Sabha, on July 4 was: "Nil."
Even official foreign travel details of the Gandhis are a mystery. In February 2010, Hisar-based activist Ramesh Kumar filed an RTI query with the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) for details of foreign travel made by Sonia Gandhi and followed it up with a second appeal before the Central Information Commission (CIC). PMO and Cabinet secretariat representatives told CIC that they had forwarded the query to the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. The Cabinet secretariat told Kumar on July 8, 2011 that his query has been forwarded to the National Advisory Council's (NAC) Central Public Information Officer and PMO. In turn, NAC said it didn't have the details.

"It is disturbing that institutions that run the government have no knowledge of the authority that can furnish details of Sonia Gandhi's foreign travel," says Kumar.

Don’t allow demented Kalmadi in House: Government

New Delhi:

The Centre on Monday opposed Congress MP and sacked CWG Organising Committee chief Suresh Kalmadi’s plea for participating in the ongoing Parliament session saying he is not medically fit as he claims to be suffering from dementia.

Referring to the affidavit filed by Kalmadi, 66, in which he has for the first time admitted to undergoing treatment for memory loss, the government submitted before justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw that under these conditions he should not be allowed to attend the monsoon session.

“As per the medical report of Kalmadi, he is suffering from various ailments, including loss of memory and neurological infractions. If this is the condition of an MP, what will he remember from his constituency and present before parliament?” additional solicitor general AS Chandihoke, appearing for the government, said. “What will he remember? What will he understand and what will he be able to do in parliament if he has a loss of memory?” he said adding the petition is not maintainable.

He further said Kalmadi was making all attempts to get bail indirectly on the pretext of attending parliament session as the trial court has rejected his bail plea.

CBI also vehemently opposed Kalmadi’s plea saying there is no provision under law allowing an MP, who is under judicial custody, to attend the session.

CBI also vehemently opposed Kalmadi's plea saying there is no provision under law allowing an MP, who is under judicial custody, to attend the session. "Whoever is in the lawful custody has no right to attend the parliament session," advocate Dayan Krishnan, appearing for CBI, said

The high court reserved its order onthe plea.

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