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Fresh protests in *** over Guru hanging; one dead

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Apr 25, 2012
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SRINAGAR - Residents of Indian-held Kashmir chafed for a second day Sunday under a curfew imposed following the hanging of Afzal Guru which has sparked a fresh debate on capital punishment.
Mohammed Afzal Guru, a Kashmiri Muslim was executed Saturday in New Delhi’s Tihar Jail.
Fearing a backlash, Indian authorities imposed an indefinite curfew on Saturday in major populated areas of Kashmir, shut down Internet services and blocked local newspapers in a bid to prevent demonstrations.
One protester died on Sunday when he jumped into the Jhelum River to escape government forces in the Sambal area and another four were injured after police fired tear gas to disperse a crowd near Guru’s home town of Sopore, 43 kilometres from the biggest city of Srinagar.
Abdul Hafeez, a resident of Srinagar, said his two-month-old granddaughter needed milk, but they were unable to go shopping because of strict orders restricting people to their homes.
“We have seen so much violence in the past. We just hope that things return to normal as quickly as possible,” he told AFP.
The one-time fruit merchant and medical college dropout, Afzal Guru, always insisted he was innocent and was initially denied a proper legal defence. Protesters in Kashmir have often accused the police of framing him.
The world’s biggest democracy uses capital punishment for the ‘rarest of rare’ crimes.
It had not carried out an execution since 2004 until the hanging in November last year of Mohammed Kasab, the lone surviving gunman of 2008 militant attacks in Mumbai.
The two executions - both approved under new President Pranab Mukherjee — raised concerns among human rights activists who had hoped India was phasing out executions.
“India should end this distressing use of executions as a way to satisfy some public opinion,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director at Human Rights Watch.
Amnesty International was also quick to condemn Guru’s hanging as a disturbing and regressive trend towards executions in India.
A section of the Indian press speculated on who could be the next to face the gallows, while the newspaper The Hindu slammed the execution.
“There is no principle underpinning the death penalty in India today except vengeance. And vengeance is no principle at all,” the daily wrote.
In Kashmir, where a bloody freedom struggle has claimed an estimated 100,000 lives over the last 20 years, some feared that the execution could feed local anti-India feeling and spur more violence.
Held Kashmir’s puppet chief minister Omar Abdullah said the long-term implications of Guru’s hanging were worrying as they were linked to the people of the region.
“Like it or not, the execution has reinforced the point that there is no justice,” he told India’s NDTV network.
Guru’s execution was mired in further controversy Sunday after his family said they learned about it from television reports. The government said it had sent a letter by registered mail.
“We were not informed by the government... if they sent a letter, please show us the receipt,” Yasin Guru, a cousin, told the same news channel.
In Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir, around 400 people held funeral prayers in absentia for Guru, led by Shahabuddin Madani, the leader of religious party Jamiat Ahle Hadith.
“The execution of Guru has infused a new life in the Kashmiri freedom struggle and people will now fight against Indian forces everywhere, in mountains and planes of Kashmir,” Madani warned.

So when a terrorist is hanged his terror supporters on both sides of border throw a tantrum. Thats news?

These same people were offering prayers on both sides of border when Osama Bin Laden was killed too. A bystander can only look at this display of hypocricy and good terrorism with a mild sense of amusement and revulsion. Nothing else here to see or say. NOT possible to appease, reason with or accommodate in any way possible people who support terrorism. Its also wrong. We can talk when these people develop a sense of ethics beyond their fairy tales.
So when a terrorist is hanged his terror supporters on both sides of border throw a tantrum. Thats news?

These same people were offering prayers on both sides of border when Osama Bin Laden was killed too. A bystander can only look at this display of hypocricy and good terrorism with a mild sense of amusement and revulsion. Nothing else here to see or say. NOT possible to appease, reason with or accommodate in any way possible people who support terrorism. Its also wrong. We can talk when these people develop a sense of ethics beyond their fairy tales.

the question remains, afzal guru is hanged, but when is the guy who is responsible for samjhota express terrorism is not hanged, and why is babu bajrangi of gujrat massacre is not hanged?
the question remains, afzal guru is hanged, but when is the guy who is responsible for samjhota express terrorism is not hanged, and why is babu bajrangi of gujrat massacre is not hanged?

Sabr karo, every one will be hanged. Election is heading near, congress will woo votes from every community.
the question remains, afzal guru is hanged, but when is the guy who is responsible for samjhota express terrorism is not hanged, and why is babu bajrangi of gujrat massacre is not hanged?

Indian double standard and mockery of justice!

90% of Indian don't follow Kashmir news. Rest 10% enjoy KBC. We have lot of things to do.

Indian double standard and mockery of justice!

Ok we will hang him too... Happy ?
the question remains, afzal guru is hanged, but when is the guy who is responsible for samjhota express terrorism is not hanged, and why is babu bajrangi of gujrat massacre is not hanged?

Kongress is hanging Muslims (Afjal and KAsab) much before 2014 elections, to save Muslim Votes bank.
Samjhota express suspect is not yet pronounced guilty (Like Gilani and Yasin Malik)
Babu Bajrangi is not pronounced Guilty (like Owasis and many Mulla)

Our law is weak for both Muslim and Hindu...

90% of Indian don't follow Kashmir news. Rest 10% enjoy KBC. We have lot of things to do.

Ok we will hang him too... Happy ?

Correction: 90% of indians dont follow Kashimir news because they dont Care about The Kashmir! Its illegally occupied by Indian Indian Public knows this.
Correction: 90% of indians dont follow Kashimir news because they dont Care about The Kashmir! Its illegally occupied by Indian Indian Public knows this.

Why should we care about?, the rest 90%? we care about ourselves and there are govt. to to worry about (centre as well as J&K govt).

By the way, you care about yourself, not our problems....problem solved
Why should we care about?, the rest 90%? we care about ourselves and there are govt. to to worry about (centre as well as J&K govt).

By the way, you care about yourself, not our problems....problem solved

We care For Kashmir And its never your Problem! kashmir is alive in in every citizen of Pakistan!
@darkinsky Babu Bajrangi has got life imprisonment till death. Even BJP minister was also given same sentence. A man was given death sentence for rape and murder of a minor. He was Hindu. You didn't question then ?
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Kongress is hanging Muslims (Afjal and KAsab) much before 2014 elections, to save Muslim Votes bank.
Samjhota express suspect is not yet pronounced guilty (Like Gilani and Yasin Malik)
Babu Bajrangi is not pronounced Guilty (like Owasis and many Mulla)

Our law is weak for both Muslim and Hindu...

if you want to hang gilani and yasin please go ahead :lol: you know whats coming next :lol:

@darkisnky Babu Bajrangi has got life imprisonment till death. Even BJP minister was also given same sentence. A man was given death sentence for rape and murder of a minor. He was Hindu. You didn't question then ?

the guy who butchered the gujrati muslims is not even hanged wow!!

i thought india had stopped capital punishment, looks like babu needs to be hanged too

not even mentioning narinder modi who is the chief minister of gujrat

your law is partial against muslims
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the question remains, afzal guru is hanged, but when is the guy who is responsible for samjhota express terrorism is not hanged, and why is babu bajrangi of gujrat massacre is not hanged?

Has the court said they be hanged? If not, then thats your answer. Why do you ask such silly questions, just so that then you can issues a fatwa on Indian judicial system???

Grow up, ok one of your boys was hanged, its a small price chill. Four other pakistani punjabis were killed in the attacks too, mourn their deaths, this guy was indian.
Why do some Pakistani posters here make themselves and their nation to be the champions of Islam and the Defenders of the Faith when there is so much carnage in Pakistan with Muslims slaughtering Muslims? At least these guys were hanged after a presumably free and fair trial. Are the Taliban extremists afforded a free and fair trial before the Pakistani army and airforce (and offcourse the USA drones) practically exterminates them? Are the Muslim minority groups afforded a free and fair trial before third forces in Pakistan exterminates them?
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