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French secret agent shot dead Gaddafi on Sarkozy's order: Report

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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A French secret serviceman shot dead Libya's former strongman Col Muammar Gaddafi and not a lynch mob of rebels as he lay trapped and cornered in a sewage pipe in his home town of Sirte

The French secret agent is said to have infiltrated a violent mob which had encircled the Libyan leader on October 20, 2011, in a sewage pipe in his home town, and shot him in the head, the Daily Mail reported.

Quoting diplomatic sources in the North African capital, the Mail said the motive apparently was to stop Gaddafi being interrogated about his highly suspicious links with Nicolas Sarkozy, who was the President of France at that time

The paper said Sarkozy who once welcomed Gaddafi as the "Brother leader" during a state visit to Paris was said to have received millions of dollars from the Libyan despot to fund his election campaign in 2007.

Sarkozy, the paper said, was not the only Western leader to have close links with Gaddafi and claimed that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair visited Gaddafi regularly and was helping to facilitate multi-billion pounds business deals.

Italian newspaper Corriere della Serra also reported that the French agent was acting on the express orders of Sarkozy.

"Since the beginning of NATO support for the revolution, strongly backed by the government of Nicolas Sarkozy, Gaddafi openly threatened to reveal details of his relationship with the former president of France, including the millions of dollars paid to finance his candidacy at the 2007 elections," the paper said.

French secret agent shot dead Gaddafi on Sarkozy's order: Report
Entire West didnt wanted Gadaffi neither interrogated nor alive, not just Sarkozi. Imagine if during trial he started talking about whom he financed, about behind curtains deals and intrigues - too many politicians would be impeached.

Add another major reason - accusations against Gaddafi were fake and wouldnt hold water in any semi-fair court. What would happen then? Gaddafi released and probably re-elected in Libya, while those who pushed for war would not only hadnt achieved any goal, but also would had to answer hard questions why they destroyed the country on fake pretenses.

Therefore West/Arabs saw the only "solution" - no man, no problem.
Entire West didnt wanted Gadaffi neither interrogated nor alive, not just Sarkozi. Imagine if during trial he started talking about whom he financed, about behind curtains deals and intrigues - too many politicians would be impeached.

Add another major reason - accusations against Gaddafi were fake and wouldnt hold water in any semi-fair court. What would happen then? Gaddafi released and probably re-elected in Libya, while those who pushed for war would not only hadnt achieved any goal, but also would had to answer hard questions why they destroyed the country on fake pretenses.

Therefore West/Arabs saw the only "solution" - no man, no problem.

Dead Men Tell No Tales if Gaddafi was smart he would have documented all and released it to the press but he didn't cause he was blinded by power.
and 911 was an inside job and Osama lives on and ..... yeah yeah we heard it. more fodder for the tin foil hat wearing public :argh:
What lunacy.. How could a leader keep mum all this time while being bombarded by French fighter planes.. There are levels of ridiculous news reports and this one is out of the park.
The story gets stranger.

Gaddafi 'betrayed to French by Assad'

JERUSALEM: The Assad regime in Syria brought about Muammar Gaddafi's death by providing France with the key intelligence which led to the operation that killed him, sources in Libya have claimed.

French spies operating in Sirte, Gaddafi's last refuge, were able to set a trap for the Libyan dictator after obtaining his satellite telephone number from the Syrian government, they said.

In what would amount to an extraordinary betrayal of one Middle Eastern dictator by another, President Bashar al-Assad sold out his fellow tyrant in an act of self-preservation, a former senior intelligence official in Tripoli said.

With international attention switching from Libya to the mounting horrors in Syria, Mr Assad offered Paris the telephone number in exchange for an easing of French pressure on Damascus, Rami El Obeidi said.

''In exchange for this information, Assad had obtained a promise of a grace period from the French and less political pressure on the regime - which is what happened,'' Mr Obeidi said.

While it was not possible to verify Mr Obeidi's allegation independently, the former French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, played a leading role in both the NATO mission to bomb Libya and in bringing international pressure to bear on the Assad regime.

The claims by Mr Obeidi, the former head of foreign intelligence for the movement that overthrew Gaddafi, followed comments by Mahmoud Jibril, who was prime minister in the transitional government and who now leads one of Libya's largest political parties.

He confirmed at the weekend that a foreign ''agent'' was involved in the operation that killed Gaddafi, but did not identify his nationality.

However, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera quoted Western diplomats in Tripoli as saying that if a foreign agent was involved ''he was almost certainly French''. The news of the Syria deal could potentially embarrass NATO, which initially claimed that it did ''not target individuals''.

The alliance's official version says an RAF reconnaissance plane spotted a large convoy of vehicles trying to flee Sirte on October 20 last year, two months after Gaddafi fled Tripoli.

NATO warplanes bombed the convoy, apparently unaware of who was travelling in it, before militia fighters found Gaddafi hiding in a drainpipe.

He is believed to have been killed by his captors en route to the city of Misrata, west of Sirte.

But Mr Obeidi said France had essentially masterminded the operation by directing Libyan militiamen to an ambush spot where they could intercept Gaddafi's convoy. He also suggested that France had little interest in how Gaddafi was treated once captured, although the fighters were encouraged to try to take him alive. ''French intelligence played a direct role in the death of Gaddafi, including his killing,'' Mr Obeidi said.

''They gave directions that he was to be apprehended, but they didn't care if he was bloodied or beaten up as long as he was delivered alive.''

Mr Obeidi said French intelligence began monitoring Gaddafi's Iridium satellite telephone and made a breakthrough when he rang two of his senior loyalists, Yusuf Shakir and Ahmed Jibril, who had fled to Syria.

A spokesman at the French foreign ministry refused to confirm or deny the claims.
Entire West didnt wanted Gadaffi neither interrogated nor alive, not just Sarkozi. Imagine if during trial he started talking about whom he financed, about behind curtains deals and intrigues - too many politicians would be impeached.

Add another major reason - accusations against Gaddafi were fake and wouldnt hold water in any semi-fair court. What would happen then? Gaddafi released and probably re-elected in Libya, while those who pushed for war would not only hadnt achieved any goal, but also would had to answer hard questions why they destroyed the country on fake pretenses.

Therefore West/Arabs saw the only "solution" - no man, no problem.

you might want to reconsider your location on your profile to be changed to la la land:hang2:
and 911 was an inside job and Osama lives on and ..... yeah yeah we heard it. more fodder for the tin foil hat wearing public :argh:

And you are a type of slave who accepts everything the west says, as if 9/11 could have happened without inside help.

Oh! Iraq had Weapons of Mass destruction. The west was crying hoarse for more than a decade. None found, so it was bad intel!!
And you are a type of slave who accepts everything the west says, as if 9/11 could have happened without inside help.

Oh! Iraq had Weapons of Mass destruction. The west was crying hoarse for more than a decade. None found, so it was bad intel!!

Clean up on aisle one!
Canadian mental healthcare system better watch out for you...need budget increases asap.
Looks like they are going to drum up the Assad "betrayal" story to roll over and distract from any unpleasant questions and rumours about these Western leaders tight connections to those suddenly so called "tyrants" and their questionable deaths before the chance of facing even a unfair trial.
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