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French documentary about rabid illegal criminal Jewish settlers preventing peace in Palestine


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
They are even harassing Israeli soldiers. The Ultra-Orthodox Jews are a ticking time bomb. I suggest watching it to see what is really going on. It's not something that is reported in Western media and rarely in Arab media too. It's the "invincible" war/conflict that makes people take the next and final step.

This documentary was shown on Danish television recently.

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Its a 47mins long video so I found an article that summarises it.
We recognise that the Palestinian state must be big enough to be viable, to be independent, to be prosperous. We will be generous," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said.

But his words have rang hollow.

In the face of international condemnation, the incremental encroachment of new Israeli settlements onto Palestinian land goes on with little restraint.

"[Israeli settlers] have much more rights than me. I am not allowed in the street where I was born.
Issa Amro, Youth Against Settlements"

With every square metre of territory that is taken, with every Palestinian olive grove that is burnt down, or house that is demolished, the land available for an independent Palestine state shrinks a little more.

But why is the settlement movement so difficult to stop? Who is driving it and why? Is it destined to continue until there is no more Palestinian land to take?

In this film, French producer and reporter Paul Moriera travels through the West Bank to meet Palestinians and Israeli settlers.

In Hebron, Moriera sees how the old Arab city is gradually being overwhelmed by Israeli incomers, whose security forces are imposing a bizarre street-by-street apartheid on the Palestinians who have always lived there.

In new hilltop settlements, built on stolen land, he encounters the sometimes startling intolerance of their ultra-orthodox communities who will do whatever they can to take more.

Meanwhile the outside world looks on helplessly - either unable or unwilling to intercede - and there are few signs this tidal wave of occupation and annexation is ever going to end.

Journey into an Invisible War - Al Jazeera World - Al Jazeera English
Its a 47mins long video so I found an article that summarises it.

Journey into an Invisible War - Al Jazeera World - Al Jazeera English

The Israeli regime is a big joke. While they are meeting with Western leaders they are very determined to show the world that everything goes "according to the plan" and that they are committed to a two-state solution. In the meantime illegal Jewish settlers and criminals are making a two-state solution a even more distant dream. Of course with the accept of the Israeli regime that looks the other way and even encourages this.

Some Jews are truly pathetic and the epitome of hypocrisy. Talk about a Stockholm syndrome. Solomon2 and other Jewish users on PDF are the result of this syndrome.

Then some people here have the audacity to cry when Palestinians whose ancestral lands are taken from them and stolen are turning to desperate means such as violence. Bunch of morons.

There can be no peace with this regime.

Palestinians should continue to increase in numbers in Israel and should never leave under any circumstances. Hopefully one day those illegal criminal settlers will return back to Romania, Belarus, Ethiopia, Russia etc. where they came from.
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Yep. Recommend you watch it.

Mate, do you know where I can watch some of the BBC documentaries that are shown on BBC?

All the documentaries seem to have been removed from both Youtube and Dailymotion. I once (long ago) watched a 10 year old documentary about KSA (called the Hidden Kingdom or something along those lines) which had 20 million or so views on Youtube but it was removed a while ago due to copyright.

Similarily the documentaries about Frank Gardner (great guy) in KSA. It's a shame.

Of course there are torrent(s) etc. but it's always easier the "traditional way". Can persons in the UK watch those documentaries on BBC's webpage?

Queen Rania will deal with those rabid settlers. Leave people alone and stop stealing their lands and making them homeless.

Zionists have removed the documentary from Youtube. What a surprise!

Not so quick.

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