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French City Rocked by Unrest Blamed on Score-Settling Chechens

With Chechens?
Albanians are known to be heavily involve in drugs and that Algerians gangs are into drugs so there’s a connection there.

I can’t imagine Chechens that value honor siding with historically known deceitful backstabbers who would do anything for money.

Algerians more likely.

French police said Monday that dozens of reinforcements were being sent to the eastern city of Dijon after it was rocked by a weekend of unrest blamed on Chechens seeking vengeance for an assault on a teenager.

Police sources said the unrest was sparked by an attack on a 16-year-old member of the Chechen community on June 10.

Members of the Chechen diaspora then set out on so-called punishment raids seeking to avenge the assault, they said.

"What happened is unprecedented and unacceptable," the city's mayor, Francois Rebsamen, told AFP.

The crowd carried out three raids on three successive nights starting Friday, with many people wielding baseball bats.

The local prefect Bernard Schmeltz — the top state official in the region — said in a statement that the violence "appeared to be part of a settling of scores between members of the Chechen community in France and residents" of Dijon.

Police said that in one incident some 50 Chechens entered the restive district of Gresilles overnight Saturday, and a man who owns a pizzeria was badly wounded by apparent gunfire.

Even more people, around 200, also entered Gresilles late on Sunday with violent intent.

In an interview with local daily Le Bien Public, a man claiming to be a Chechen said the raids aimed to avenge an assault by local dealers on the 16-year-old.

"There were about a hundred of us from all over France but also from Belgium and Germany. We never intended to ransack the city or take it out on the people," said the man, who was not identified by name.

Dijon prosecutor Eric Mathais said a total of six people had been injured in the three incidents on the successive nights, but no one has yet been arrested.

A probe has been opened into attempted murder by a criminal gang, he added.

Rebsamen said the police reinforcements were arriving after he spoke by telephone with Interior Minister Christophe Castaner.

Thirty-seven anti-riot police members came on Sunday, while 110 additional gendarmes would be deployed from Monday, he said.

Chechnya is a predominantly Muslim Russian republic in the North Caucasus. Two wars in the 1990s triggered a wave of emigration, with many Chechens heading for western Europe.

It sounds so reminiscent of @PAKISTANFOREVER's exploits in UK.

@El Sidd @Indus Pakistan @OsmanAli98

Maybe I think or maybe to settle scores with the Algerians on their own accord.

Basically a gang war.

This kinda "proves" that Muslim "Brotherhood" does not exist these days

It sounds so reminiscent of @PAKISTANFOREVER's exploits in UK.

@El Sidd @Indus Pakistan @OsmanAli98


Nah he Good dude @PAKISTANFOREVER is busy putting Indians down

It is said albanians have joined in.

Oh boy Balkan Boiis in the gang war whats next Serbs joining in to Remove Kebab

Dijon also known as federation of arabistan and chechenistan
Diversity and demo(n)cracy are flourishing hehe

At least you figured it out "Multiculturalism and so called Democracy" is a bloody fraud

They said diversity is our strength.

French police should shoot to kill on both of those gangs.

its not Diverse Countries are materialistic dystopia Capitalist hell holes
hé bé ! Voilà que je ne suis à la maison que la France semble être sens dessus dessous ! :disagree:

il est grand temps de faire le nettoyage de printemps avec le karsher de Sarko même si c’est un peu tard.

Vortex Président ! Je voterai pour toi aux prochaines élections ! :victory:

Le seul qui puisse nettoyer le pays de toute cette pourriture. :victory:

Is someone under the impression that Chechens are selling flowers, own restaurants and this wasn't a turf fight between rival gangs?

According to several sources,most of the Chechens arrested and identified have refugee status. Many of them have heavy criminal records. The presidency has asked the home ministry to deport any of them who could be expelled.

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Vortex Président ! Je voterai pour toi aux prochaines élections ! :victory:

Le seul qui puisse nettoyer le pays de toute cette pourriture. :victory:


According to several sources,most of the Chechens arrested and identified have refugee status. Many of them have heavy criminal records. The presidency has asked the home ministry to deport any of them who could be expelled.

I doubt they would be deported, as,no matter their crime, I fail to see France (or any other EU country) deporting someone to Russia, or Chechnia.
Hopefully, I'm wrong.
I doubt they would be deported, as,no matter their crime, I fail to see France (or any other EU country) deporting someone to Russia, or Chechnia.
Hopefully, I'm wrong.

Well,actually France did deport countless times Chechens to Russia. Don't know about other EU countries though.

Why do you think EU nations can't deport people to Russia ?

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