You do not know of France, see your post quote below, and yet make comparison with the USA? I've lived in both and can tell you that you know precious nothing. See below.
All right, here we go : In France, no religion is favored by law since 1905. You can have any faith you want but if you try to use it in a social context under government supervision, you are going against the République. It goes for Christianity, Islam, Hebraism and the Holy Church of Alien Unicorns Adorers. In all cases, coercion on basis of faith is a punishable offense. Leave your beliefs at home or stay there yourself if you cannot respect the freedom of others.
I am
personally doubtful about Mayor Estrosi's point on the mosque and in general find him way too right wing for my taste but as long as he acts within his prerogatives, since I am not a Nice elector, there is little I can do. His town is populated by old rich folks and a huge tourist attraction, both reasons behind his success and why he'd be wary of letting the social substrate change too much.
France is not more racist than America for sure. As proof, compare the number of Blacks killed yearly in the US by Police to that of Arabs in France and you will find a factor of nearly a thousand times more in the former. Which is not to say that everything is peachy to which I'll come later.
We have had Govt Ministers of immigrant descent ( berber /Arab included ) in all governments of this century so that the pretense that France is racist per say is utter and complete BS. You have to earn your success, that much is true!
There were structural problems to immigration before that produced a ghetto like situation, I recognize that. However, it did not stop many people from climbing the social ladder. Trust me when I say that some "native or ancestral" French folks in the countryside and small towns are much worst off.
I agree Bratva, but it still shows that rights are not the same everywhere. Yes I did pick it as an example as brazen as the stupid remarks hurled at my land by folks who have never lived there and tried to apply their rules to it; I'll admit that.
The point is that Saudi money is used to build Mosques in France while they do not reciprocate. I condemn that sort of hypocrisy everywhere : the case here is blatant enough to warrant mention, that's all!
Houphouët Boigny and two other from Ivory-Coast created the circumstances for decolonization of the majority of French "possessions" in 1960. Do you know how he accomplished that? He ( and the two others ) got elected to the French parliament to influence views in favor of independence!!! He was a Minister 6 times including of Health. Don't give me patronizing bul…it as then ( late 1950s ) the US was segregated and most Black people could not even vote!
Does he look white to you :
View attachment 207393
Now shut up about racism in my country, please!
France has precious little to understand about civilization from just about anywhere else! Remember we had built Versailles before helping America garner its freedom for instance or that we were the only ones that maintained the heritage from Rome. In fact, the immigrants to the notable exception of Algerian ones came because it was a better place than where they came from. I'm not saying we are alone to have had this success story but again we were a land of immigration ten times longer than the US so fit your smug pretense where it belongs, man!
Some one answered you already but hey :
Check this for fun, links in there and all.
AGAIN NO! There is no discrimination since all faiths are treated equally namely forbidden for interacting in the public sphere. Stop it with the lies already. Faith is not part of the Republican agenda. When it surfaces as a problem it is dealt with. You may want to ask yourself why Christian numbers have diminished by half in the last century without a fuss; Jews are rarely heard of apart as victims of attacks; Buddhist are never in the news period but Muslim extremists make the news for bad reasons regularly which sullies the name of all the millions of perfectly decent Muslims that I know of and cause no problems whatsoever?
France has ONE position as regards religion and it seems that there is ONE faith that can't handle it? The only other religious theories singled out in France are sects ( no matter what their basis ) that indoctrinate people. The comparison is honestly not savory to Islam.
This being said, I have always had friends of all religions and never encountered the problems heard bandied around in this thread nor in many other news worldwide. Maybe the problem is with the attitude of some, what do you think?
We have a Muslim aumônier ( layman priest if you will ) in the Army for Pete's sake!
YES, for once you are right, AUz! There are racists in France … just like anywhere else!
Check this from this thread for instance :
Firstly, you Europeans and Whites in general are simply a spoiled race who are prone to throwing tantrums whenever you cannot get your way.
But this is where your ignorance and bias is most striking and to me most unwelcome.
While serving as a Staff-Sergeant circa 1984, I was in a platoon forming the best out of what was then mandatory servicemen. We had a young guy of Algerian descent ( born in France or second generation as it was then called ) who was the best by far and of course finished boot camp first.
The hierarchy gave orders to change the positions because rule was that the first 3 automatically made sera gent course which I know he would have aced! A "perequation" strangely lowered him to fourth place.
The lieutenant protested to the Captain. So did the NCO above me and myself. All
White if you may know.
I was so angry that I kept pressing the issue, battling expressions like "youth of Maghreb origin" and the likes saying that he was French born and serving for our country, not Algeria, so that no other word but French fitted the bill and others only served as excuses to deny him his due place. I discovered that the Captain was not racist himself and ill at ease to defend that unjust policy.
That got me two results : A- I almost came to blows with a superior who used the term krouilles to my face about my guy ( eq. to nigger ) and B- I was brought to the Lt_Col commanding the battalion and asked to desist or face jail time.
I told my commander that I would but would also log a letter of formal complaint to the minister and tell the young man why it had happened ( as if he didn't know ). He said that this was my right to do and I did.
The situation has since been corrected.
In light of which, to have idiots make false claims as if all French or the official policy of my land nowadays was racist or religiously segregationist ( especially when they probably never went there and apply double blind standards ) is an insult to the memory of this nice young man who since made a life for himself and all this that fought the injustice until things got better.
( Out of context, I'll then last add that I have lived in the US also, have family there too, was friends with Blacks including 3 girlfriends, some of which called me nigger and vice-versa without a glitch
so that I'd pretty much pit my humanist nature against anyone else's without knowing them. Oh, and my little sister is marrying a charming Japanese fellow next summer! )
For all of the above, I find the talks and views expressed here ungracious to the utmost and have no respect whatsoever for the aggressive ignorance they convey, I am sorry to say. When one knows not what they're talking about, shutting their pie trap would be the recommended option IMHoO.
Maybe the problem is you?
Sincerely Tay,
P.S. Now that I answered as asked, I'll let this discussion proceed and abstain. Bye!