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Freeing temples from state control?

well bro until or unless hinsdus themselfs start and revolution by themselfs for the same i dont thing any things gonna change

West & East Muslims got Muslim countries for them, but Hindus still couldn't not get Hindustan, nor they are gonna get it in foreseeable future :dance3:
I think that depends on which party is in power lolz

West & East Muslims got Muslim countries for them, but Hindus still couldn't not get Hindustan, nor they are gonna get it in foreseeable future :dance3:

Trust me - we never will. We will be extinct, but still cherish false self-righteousness.

Don't worry Dada just 3-4 months more :D
I think that depends on which party is in power lolz
Don't worry Dada just 3-4 months more :D
I have been called "Dada" enough times. I am not Bengali. :ashamed: Sorry for picking Ganguly - no offense intended :P
But I seriously doubt Modi will come to power now - considering the janta.
Modi alone cannot change the hindu psyci he can onli guide them just look around there are more hindus who are against Modi than muslims what does that tell you

problem is not congress any more but this lack of guts to fight for what is owrs that has made hindu a joke in hindustan and the world

ever thought where ever we go though we are often most obidient and sought after employees and enterprenurs but always get bullied by stupid racist and ilogicall relegous fundamantailsts recent exapmle ....... iskon temple in moscow or pilght of hindus in FIJI, Indonasia , malasia , sri lanka or pakistan & bangladesh....... how many hindus do you see prtoesting for there rights
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Freeing Temples from govt control is a two edged sword:
Temple Monks Brahmin and others related ppl will have a huge amount at their disposal which will be dangerous as it could be used in feeding religious fanaticism.
Also, it could make Monks Rishis etc more powerful that could result in Mullah-ism like situation.
well bro until or unless hinsdus themselfs start and revolution by themselfs for the same i dont thing any things gonna change ..

heck owr govt imposes heavytaxes on marnath yatra , kailash mansarovar yatara but gives heavy subsudies to minorities like muslims for hajj and they manage there own places of worship thru there waqf board

its not govt but hindus in genral who never raise a voice RSS anlone cant fight for them if they dont want a change themselfs just look at owr so called siculars and there views on land mangement at ram mandir site

enof said

You have to understand that its the hindu politicians themselves who fight among themselves to impose govt writ on temples so they can enjoy the money.
Its not about RSS or BJP. Its about politicians.

Freeing Temples from govt control is a two edged sword:
Temple Monks Brahmin and others related ppl will have a huge amount at their disposal which will be dangerous as it could be used in feeding religious fanaticism.
Also, it could make Monks Rishis etc more powerful that could result in Mullah-ism like situation.

You have a point there dude. The matter is appropriate disregardment of temple properties by the govt. A temple in its prime locality rents out the areas for shops for a faltry few hundread rupees lease. If it was run like a company 1000's can be earned and used for other purposes.
And secondly, all religious places must come under govt, headed by the respective religious heads , selected by govt or through some committees.
The properties of Temple if used properly could rake in 1000's of crores. The Govt do not have a better policy. The temples in Kerala, TN and AP are the richest in India.

There should be autonomous bodies represented and overseen by reputed members of different religions managing their own assets but with representatives from Government in the body. Government will screw it up as well and likewise the properties landing up with individuals belonging to different religions. For example, the Waqf properties all over India run into $20 billion dollars worth but the returns per year is around Rs 67 crore (as per Sachar committee report). So one can understand the swindle when property is left to individuals. On other side, the Hindu temples' returns are taken over by the Government and diverted elsewhere which is wrong as well.
I support releasing control of temples by government. Let them sink or swim on their own merit.

They have become like businesses after all, and the Government does a poor job of running a business.
The properties of Temple if used properly could rake in 1000's of crores. The Govt do not have a better policy. The temples in Kerala, TN and AP are the richest in India.
If used properly by temple boards they could stop the evangelical conversions in India.
Let us buy out the Vatican and then may be Madam ji may change her mind.
Just a question does Hinduism approves of conversion/accepts converts from other Indian, Abrahamic or any other religions.
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