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Freedom Of Speech In India

Freedom of speech in India?

This must be the biggest joke this planet has ever heard of。

Freedom of speech means that you are not only free to speak,but aslo listened to。

Otherwise you are simply high on drugs and live in delusion。And denial。

talking to a chinese about FREEDOM OF SPEECH is like talking to a poor malnourished kid about French cuisine.
Clause (2) of Article 19 of the Indian constitution enables the legislature to impose reasonable restrictions on free speech under following heads.

security of the State,
friendly relations with foreign States,
public order,
decency and morality,
contempt of court,
incitement to an offense,
sovereignty and integrity of India.

I today lay an open challenge to everyone to bring into my notice one such case where a citizen of this country was charged, apart from the above clauses.
now it is clear that India is no more different from Pakistan or China on the topic of *Freedom of Speech*! you people called us extremist then where was your freedom of speech and your government and your rising Democracy when those two girls were dragged out from their home , slapped and beaten in front of the cops. Where were your media when the shiv sehna's goons torched the commenter's uncle clinic!
News of Bal Thakrey's death saw businesses shutting and taxis staying off the roads amid fears of violence by supporters of the right-wing Shiv Sena party he founded.
Those girls are still facing the trial and the indian is still thinking to wave off the charges when both the girls didnt do any crime! they just showed their views on facebook for Gods sake! By the way in Pakistan no one is arrested for showing their personal views on facebook! lol India a free country where people of different religion lives and exercise their religious customs freely! buhahaha fake rising democracy!

Indian Women Arrested Over Facebook Post Questioning Mumbai's 'Bal Thackeray Shutdown'

At worst this is a case of misapplication of law by police. Already police have conducted an inquiry and action against polcemen involved has been recommended.

Thanks for your concern for freedom of speech in india, we appreciate it. We as a people know what it is and know its value and we will protect it. Take it from us, its good and hope you taste it some day.
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