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Free "Syrian" Army burn Syrian churches....

Ha, people of Libya have raped and killed U.S. ambassador. So what will so-called "people" of Syria will do?

I do not think Asad is good one or Sadam.

However, How many people die each day before and after right now?

Well, it is very clear that the Muslims world's (and that includes most of the members here) support or opposition is largely dictated by the sects they belong to.

The Shia and Iran supporters are largely on Assad's side, the Sunnis and GCC supporters are largely opposed to him.

Exactly the same behavior was seen in Bahrain's case, only the situation was opposite to that here, a Sunni ruler over largely Shia population there.

There are no innocent sides here in this conflict. Both have blood on their hands, like it was in Libya and Bahrain.
Well, it is very clear that the Muslims world's (and that includes most of the members here) support or opposition is largely dictated by the sects they belong to.

The Shia and Iran supporters are largely on Assad's side, the Sunnis and GCC supporters are largely opposed to him.

Exactly the same behavior was seen in Bahrain's case, only the situation was opposite to that here, a Sunni ruler over largely Shia population there.

There are no innocent sides here in this conflict. Both have blood on their hands, like it was in Libya and Bahrain.

You forgot that in Bahrain the media is silent, because Bahrain government is pro west, and its hosts the largest U.S fleet and base
You forgot that in Bahrain the media is silent, because Bahrain government is pro west, and its hosts the largest U.S fleet and base

That is correct. The West is anti Iran as of now.

The media is playing to the tune of the American interests as of this moment. It may change in case Iran is back to becoming the Western favorite in the region.

That time is not far I guess.
Religious minorities were safer in hands of dictators
Saddam, Qaddafi and Assad. We have seen the condition of minorities on fall of Saddam and Qaddafi.
Egypt Christians were not harmed because the transition was peaceful.
If Assad falls, the most who gonna suffer are religious minorities.
how b'out a free and fair election to judge who people love more. Why assad didnt agree 4 it in 1st place.
how b'out a free and fair election to judge who people love more. Why assad didnt agree 4 it in 1st place.

Because the old Constitution didn't state there should be elections, however now the new Constitution does, and elections will happen in 2014
It takes awhile when dealing with a superior force.

how does it take a while if the west, Gcc, other regional countries are all against Alasad, how can Alasad face the west by himself? he can't however he got the Syrian people backing him up...
attacking religious place should not be tolerated.
USA/KSA doesn't give a f*** about Syrian people, that's why they are supporting FSA.
To choose the lesser of the two evils, Asad is the better choice. When you violently throw out a govt, there is chaos and the country needs a looong time to get back to normal. A gradual change is infinitely better.

Besides he has agreed to elections, unlike Bahrain's dictators.

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