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France's presidential candidate accuses Saudi and Qatar of sheltering radical ideology


Mar 14, 2015
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So so far we've had the former US Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey say in 2014 that major Arab allies (Saudi & Qatar obviously) fund ISIS. A German minister accused Qatar of funding IS. Trump said Saudi funds IS. Which other major figure did I forget.

With all the other evidence I think it's hard to dispute that now but of course some will keep insisting on it. How can these terrorist regimes be forgiven for support to such a group? IS hitting the west finally woke them up and we see the results of the leaders they're getting in power now.
Things are said to gain votes, once the candidate wins, everything he says will be meaningless.
Europeans are getting more Anti-Saudi everyday. Anti Saudi speeches in Europe and America are several times more compared to few years ago.
Things are said to gain votes, once the candidate wins, everything he says will be meaningless.

It's not meaningless, Europe is directly threatened by this, money is not more important than security. I believe the Gulf states need freedom and democracy, some at least such as Qatar and Saudi.
Well duh!... if the woman's driving ban wasn't a hint then i don't what would have been.

Of course... the entire global terror movement has its roots in wahabbis ideology...
Just about everybody except for the King of Saudia Arabia has said this at some time or other - problem is the next day Saudi oil is still there like it was yesterday ......

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