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France successfully tests the M51 missile

bullcrap, one failure doesn't mean you start from scratch :rofl: get multiple failues in a row like the RSM-56 yeah sure

You always need a re-evaluation after a test failure.

The re-evaluation usually consists a new launch spree based on 5 out of 5 times.

Since M51 has been retested in a water pool, then this proves my statement was right.
You always need a re-evaluation after a test failure.

The re-evaluation usually consists a new launch spree based on 5 out of 5 times.

Since M51 has been retested in a water pool, then this proves my statement was right.

we don't even know what caused the failure in the first place.

a tweak here or there, but a total re-design, nah.
we don't even know what caused the failure in the first place.

a tweak here or there, but a total re-design, nah.

And you don't need five successful launches in a row during the course of the re-evaluation, but a successful spree of 5 times based on separated periods is also fine.
Cool,does france even has enemies ? -__-
I think Fiji doesn't like them!

Thankfully,we do not really have a lot of enemies,serious enemies,threatening us and/or our sovereignty.
The only 'country' we have problems with is Vanuatu that is contesting our sovereignty over the Matthew and Hunter islands (Two small inhabited islands in the south pacific.)

We sometimes remind them that they are ours. But nothing really serious. Are we really ready to nuke them ? :p:


@C130 @Taygibay @pts_m_h_2016 @SvenSvensonov @Hamartia Antidote @Desertfalcon

According to our chinese 'friend',the french experiance in SLBMs was 'a long and painful agonizing experiance' and we are by far the weakest,while in over 50 years of experiance,we only faced two fails.

From 1966 to 2010,only one missile experianced a failure and it was in 1981.


The second was in 2013. 2 fails in ~50 years !
Pravda.ru wrotes ;

Seems like the chinese also encountered several problems with their JL-2.

Other countries manufacturing SLBMs also faced failures recently.

As I mentioned before, the M51 just needs more tests to become more mature.

Like all other players who has experienced the failure, how could you conclude that to develop an intercontinental SLBM is not an extremely difficult task?
Like all other players who has experienced the failure, how could you conclude that to develop an intercontinental SLBM is not an extremely difficult task?

Yes it is.
I fully apologize as I didn't get your post (on another thread) right.
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