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France has sold two spy satellites to Morocco in 2013


Aug 13, 2013
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Armement : la France a vendu deux satellites espions au Maroc en 2013

According to reliable sources , Airbus Space Systems and Thales Alenia Space signed last year a contract for the sale of two observation satellites in Morocco.

Morocco is the big surprise in the ranking of very good customers of industrial traffic weapons in 2013. The United actually ranks third among orders won by France last year behind Saudi Arabia ( € 1.8 billion) and Singapore. Such a classification can not be the fruit of an exceptional contract given limited trade between Paris and Rabat in the field of armaments .

According to reliable sources , Astrium (now Airbus Space Systems) and Thales Alenia Space (TAS) have signed a contract for the sale of two observation satellites in Morocco. A confidential contract no stakeholders (industry and state ) do not want to confirm to The Tribune. Other contracts signed with Morocco in 2013 , MBDA has obtained a series of commands to arm the multi-mission frigates FREMM ( DCNS ) and Dutch Sigma ( Damen ) Exocet MM40 Block 3 missiles ( anti-ship ) , VL Mica ( ground - air) and Aster 15 (anti -aircraft )...

Armement : la France a vendu deux satellites espions au Maroc en 2013

Michel Cabirol | 03/02/2014, 12:07

Selon des sources concordantes, Airbus Space Systems et Thales Alenia Space ont signé l'an dernier un contrat portant sur la vente de deux satellites d'observation au Maroc.

Le Maroc est la grosse surprise dans le classement des très bons clients des industriels de l'armement tricolores en 2013. Le Royaume se classe effectivement au troisième rang des prises de commandes gagnées par la France l'an dernier derrière l'Arabie Saoudite (1,8 milliard d'euros) et Singapour. Un tel classement ne peut être le fruit que d'un contrat exceptionnel compte tenu des échanges commerciaux limités entre Paris et Rabat dans le domaine de l'armement.

Selon des sources concordantes, Astrium (devenu Airbus Space Systems) et Thales Alenia Space (TAS) ont signé un contrat portant sur la vente de deux satellites d'observation au Maroc. Un contrat confidentiel qu'aucun des acteurs concernés (industriels et étatiques) ne veulent confirmer à La Tribune. Parmi les autres contrats signés en 2013 avec le Maroc, MBDA a obtenu une série de commandes pour armer les frégates multimissions Fremm (DCNS) et néerlandaise Sigma (Damen) de missiles Exocet MM40 block 3 (antinavire), VL Mica (sol-air) et Aster 15 (anti-aérien)...
Morroco, should be taking help from France in building R&D facility for electrical and electronic research along with facility of Satellite assembly as well. This will benefit for commercial and military purposes.
And why do you think France will help them??
Airbus is not a french company. So your assumption here is wrong. Airbus is a multi nation corporation and the space departments HQ is in germany.
But these satellites have been sold by France.... :what:
The H.Q is in Toulouse.. :what:

Look ----> Contacts | Airbus, a leading aircraft manufacturer

France has no more power over airbus than UK, Germany and spain and the other shareholders. the entire board must accept such business contracts. Airbus is not a french corporation. I'm a trainee there and we always find the pompous french behavior funny. Btw, the HQ of Airbus defence & space is in Munich, Germany.
So,those satellites have been sold by France.
Our Minister of Defence (Jean Yves le Drian) went to UAE for sell those satellites.
We sold satellites to Morocco too.
That's All.

Where was "Ursula Von der Leyen" ? :omghaha:
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