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Four new schemes to be part of CPEC


Jul 12, 2014
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and China are set to make four new infrastructure schemes worth $8 billion part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor next week but prospects for early inclusion of Punjab government’s Orange Line Metro project and the Karachi Circular Railway remain bleak. The inclusion of the four schemes would increase the size of CPEC to nearly $54 billion.

The upcoming sixth meeting of the Joint Cooperation Committee, the highest decision-making body of CPEC, would be different from past five meetings. This time, all chief ministers for the first time are expected to attend the JCC. Each of them would be seeking inclusion of mass transit projects in their provincial capitals in the CPEC framework, according to officials of the Planning Ministry.

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Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif would be keen to get the $1.6 billion Orange Line Metro project into CPEC to win Rs20 billion tax concessions. Punjab government would also seek inclusion of a $662 million steel mill project, which is planned to be set up at Chiniot, in the CPEC framework, according to Punjab’s planning minister.

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah would want the much-delayed $2.6 billion Karachi Circular Railway to get a place in CPEC after the Japanese have apparently backed out. K-P Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak has also forwarded the proposal of a Peshawar Metro bus project to be made part of CPEC while the Balochistan chief minister would like to have the Quetta Light Rail project in the CPEC.

However, none of these four mass transit projects would be officially made part of the CPEC, during the upcoming JCC meeting. The Joint Working Group on Infrastructure has not discussed these projects, which is a prerequisite, said sources in the planning ministry. The agenda of the JCC, which will meet in Beijing, has already been finalised, they said. However, the expectations are that the JCC would forward these projects to the respective working group for its technical and financial evaluation, the sources said.

Few days back, the Sindh CM requested the prime minister to make the Karachi Circular Railway a part of the CPEC framework, said Ahsan Iqbal on Thursday. A planning ministry official said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has set up a committee under the joint leadership of Member Infrastructure of Planning Commission Malik Ahmad Khan and Additional Chief Secretary Sindh. The joint committee would work to resolve the issue of land between Pakistan Railways and the Sindh government for smooth execution of the Karachi Circular Railway.

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Pakistan Railways has demanded money in return for land, which the Sindh government is not eager to pay due to its impact on the cost of the project, said the officials. However, if Karachi Circular Railway eventually becomes part of the CPEC framework, the provincial government may get concessional financing from China like the one offered to Orange Line Metro project.

Japan International Cooperation Agency has not responded to our numerous letters, therefore, we have decided to seek Chinese financial assistance, said Nasir Shah, Sindh Minister for Transport while talking to The Express Tribune. He said that Sindh government has also forwarded Keti Bandar Seaport project for its inclusion into the CPEC framework.

New projects

It is expected that the JCC would announce to include four new infrastructure projects in the CPEC framework, according to the sources. They said that ML-I Peshwar-Karachi railway line project would be formally added into the CPEC framework. The total cost of the project is over $8 billion out of which China is expected to give $5.5 billion loan.

The JCC may also approve to include three projects of National Highway Authority (NHA) into the CPEC framework. These include $200 million Khuzdar-Basima road project, Dera Ismail Khan-Zohb project of western route worth $800 million and a missing section of Thakot-Havelian of the eastern route, said the sources.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 23rd, 2016
  • Punjab government would also seek inclusion of a $662 million steel mill project
  • Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah would want the much-delayed $2.6 billion Karachi Circular Railway
  • K-P Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak has also forwarded the proposal of a Peshawar Metro bus project to be made part of CPEC
  • Balochistan chief minister would like to have the Quetta Light Rail project in the CPEC.

Instead of these proposals why don't the 4 provinces do the following

Social Projects
  • Metro Bus Projects in Quetta/Peshawar/Karachi, similar to Lahore - Islamabad - Multan , via Turkish Company will cost fraction of the hassle for Railway tracks and trains. (Make sure that same format is used for universal look and feel)
  • Revival of Karachi Steeles Mills using existing property (Fraction of $662 Million)
  • 5 Recyclation plants to process garbage in cities of Pakistan. (Use the funding here)
Plant to be based outside the primiss of Lahore , Karachi , Quetta , Peshawar, Rawalpindi
would create fertilizer and recycled goods

Karachi to my knowledge used to have a local Train service in Ayub Khan's era till 80's after which the lack of funding caused all engines to collapse the tracks I believe are still there for the train , just need to put 40-50 Locomotives on the tracks with bogeys to run the local train service

Locomotives sell for 1-2 Million so that is about 40-80 million expense and not the 2.5 Billion being requested by PPP guy

I don't understand why not revive the same service by simple purchase of Locomotives

This is good for Karachi / Peshawar and Quetta follow a model that has worked well in Pakistan for 1-2 years, follow the same process get the Turkish company involved in 3 more cities


However all the requests by Provinces are proper as all folks want something positive in their province , I feel having world clibre recycling plants would help with reducing the garbage and related illness in Pakistan to great degree and also create many jobs in Engineering/Processing sector

The benefits of 4-5 Recycling Plants in Top 5 populated cities of Pakistan

a) would help reduce garbage
b) help reduce various health related ailments
c) also help create fertilizers , and other products that can be sold again in market
d) Surplus energy is also a byproduct of these plants (who says no to extra electricity?)

  • Metro Train project in Lahore / Karachi / Peshawar / Quetta would be welcomed sign in ideal world
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  • Punjab government would also seek inclusion of a $662 million steel mill project
  • Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah would want the much-delayed $2.6 billion Karachi Circular Railway
  • K-P Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak has also forwarded the proposal of a Peshawar Metro bus project to be made part of CPEC
  • Balochistan chief minister would like to have the Quetta Light Rail project in the CPEC.
Instead of these proposals why don't the 4 provinces do the following

Social Projects
  • Metro Bus Projects in Quetta/Peshawar/Karachi, similar to Lahore - Islamabad - Multan , via Turkish Company will cost fraction of the hassle for Railway tracks and trains. (Make sure that same format is used for universal look and feel)
  • Revival of Karachi Steeles Mills using existing property (Fraction of $662 Million)
  • 5 Recyclation plants to process garbage in cities of Pakistan. (Use the funding here)
Plant to be based outside the primiss of Lahore , Karachi , Quetta , Peshawar, Rawalpindi
would create fertilizer and recycled goods

Karachi to my knowledge used to have a local Train service in Ayub Khan's era till 80's after which the lack of funding caused all engines to collapse the tracks I believe are still there for the train , just need to put 40-50 Locomotives on the tracks with bogeys to run the local train service

Locomotives sell for 1-2 Million so that is about 40-80 million expense and not the 2.5 Billion being requested by PPP guy

I don't understand why not revive the same service by simple purchase of Locomotives

This is good for Karachi / Peshawar and Quetta follow a model that has worked well in Pakistan for 1-2 years, follow the same process get the Turkish company involved in 3 more cities


However all the requests by Provinces are proper as all folks want something positive in their province , I feel having world clibre recycling plants would help with reducing the garbage and related illness in Pakistan to great degree and also create many jobs in Engineering/Processing sector

The benefits of 4-5 Recycling Plants in Top 5 populated cities of Pakistan

a) would help reduce garbage
b) help reduce various health related ailments
c) also help create fertilizers , and other products that can be sold again in market
d) Surplus energy is also a byproduct of these plants (who says no to extra electricity?)

  • Metro Train project in Lahore / Karachi / Peshawar / Quetta would be welcomed sign in ideal world
Design of Peshawar's B.R.T is already finalized and if it isn't included in CPEC, it will likely be financed by ADB.

people who used to talk against metros are now begging for it .

Karachi did attempted to have CNG green buses not sure on whose time or era perhaps Musharaf time based on evidence from Internet however lack of continuous funds and management firm to look after the assets caused a quick demise of the buses as you can see in picture

With the new approach the difference is that a Turkish management firm is involved which knows how to maintain and keep the buses running on a Contractual bassis by Province to Company

The initial objection against the bus project was why not just make a TRAIN service ?
Subway or Train un all major cities , no one said it was bad , we all know Trains are better !!!
But limitations are on funding for such City wide projects

Which is Better Train or Bus Metro ?

Answer : Train , but it costs 100 time more to implement

Traditionally in Pakistan , projects like Metro Bus have been launched before in Pakistan and they fialed miserably after government changed and that risk also exists after Nawaz sharif will get out of power. But we hope that such projects do continue to help people after he finishes his government

People who don't learn from their mistakes always stay backward and dependent
The only difference in previous attempt and now is that a professional management firm is involved who do maintain the buses

As stated before Karachi also has the honor of being first with Local Train service in 60's to 80's
why that train service never evolved to next level same story between PPP and Karachi



The attempt was there right in pilot project 2008-2009 but as you know Zardari came to power



I read this pilot project did not used federal funding and it was 100% private funded project

That is why there was HEAVY objection to another such short term projects Bus projects
In Pakistan's political climate folks just don't know how the new government's policy will effect small things like Bus

Perhaps having a international Management firm does helps with these kind of Mega city wide projects and may be this time around the result would last 10-15 years instead of 5 years

PS: I have never seen such large and brand new buses bought in 2009 to decay or get destroyed so fast due to mismanagement , 2-3 years. Such buses at least last 10 years

Becasue this video shows the guy saying "We were looking for subsidies? "
and that explains the problem the middle man was looking for $$$$ Cut from the provincial funds to run the bus service ?!

Also as we know we had CNG shortages 2009-2013 allegedly

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