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Four million Burmese to be absorbed in KSA!!!

Good gesture. (wrong number in the report though)
This is win-win for all-
  • Saudi arabia anyway needs cheap labour. Rohingyas come without any baggage of their original nationality.
  • Rohingyas- they get a chance for better life in their dream land.
Similarly now rest of the Rohingyas can be settled in Pakistan. OIC should arrange funds for that. I am sure Rohingyas will also like to settle in Pakistan and Arabia.
Good move. Also take thankless Afghans for we are done hosting them for 30+ years.

Ongli kiya pakraiee aap nai to giraeban he pakr liya hazrat!

Nobody in the GCC (or their right minds) wants Afghani's.
Four million Burmese entitled to get iqama

Four million Burmese residents in the Kingdom are now entitled to obtain an ‘iqama,’ turning many of their dreams of long-term residence and stability in the Kingdom into a reality.
Sheikh of the Burmese community in Makkah, Abu Alshamaa Abdulmajeed, said a large number of Burmese citizens have been living in the Kingdom for more than 70 years, arriving here as a result of injustice and torture against Muslims at the hands of their former governments and various extremist groups.
The sheikh praised the role of the Saudi government in assisting the Burmese community and supporting them as they resettled in the Kingdom.


Four million Burmese entitled to get iqama | Arab News

May ALLAH bless and protect Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


An excelleant move. it will be a win win situation for all. The Saudis need the man power and the Rohingiyas need a land to live in peace.
Did anyone actually note that the date is 16th March 2015?

Secondly and more importantly, these are not the ones being persecuted in Burma, but the ones already resident in Saudi:

"Four million Burmese residents in the Kingdom are now entitled to obtain an ‘iqama,’ turning many of their dreams of long-term residence and stability in the Kingdom into a reality"

Four million Burmese entitled to get iqama | Arab News

Note: Iqama is the Arabic word for residence visa
Total Rohingya people in the world is around 2 million. Whom are these additional 2 million? Okay I get it there are 4 hundred thousand Rohingyas in KSA. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman also made this mistake once.

he was adopted by Saudis ?
Erm im sure the op got their numbers wrong. Rohingyas number between 2-3 million st most afaik. Maybe an iqama has been given to 40 000 or even 400 000 but no way can it.be 4 million.
Slavery, cheap labour is the need of the hour maybe. Why is that no news of Refugee camps in Saudia yet? Every labour who went to Saudi has always come back with a story of mistreatment, racism and oppression
An excelleant move. it will be a win win situation for all. The Saudis need the man power and the Rohingiyas need a land to live in peace.

This story is only about easier renewals of iqamas for 3 to 4 hundred thousands Burmese already inside SA, it does not mean that resettlement of the affected Rohingya population is being offered.
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