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Four million Burmese to be absorbed in KSA!!!

Let me re-phrase that, what is the basis of you disputing this number?

The number has been garbled in translation. There is no way SA is about allow such a large influx of new migrants. The only thing being offered is easier renewal of iqamas for the Burmese already inside the country. That is all.
Although I agree with you about the Afghans, however, I sense this agenda (ulterior motive) the way and the frequency you say it...

Let's say that we agree that ALL the Afghans (you actually mean Pashtuns here) should be kicked out, at the same time I'd put in a proposal to kick out each and every Mohajir who arrived after 1949? What say you, I think it's only fair...... and that my friend would be in multiple of MILLIONS.......

On topic: Good job Saudia.... have to give credit here....... I wasn't expecting this gesture.

Good move. Also take thankless Afghans for we are done hosting them for 30+ years.
Will be reunited after Ghazwa-e-Hind.


Dravidian federation really made me laugh. Where will all the Aryan Indians go? Since you know 90% of Indians are pure Aryan blood.
Good for KSA.

Now do the second logical step and kick out all the Indians so that the new Burmese can take over their jobs.

It will send a strong signal to Indians that if you support pathetic and systematic ethnic cleansing by the terrorist Budhists, you also pay the price for that.

PS. Shame on UN and the champions of "humans rights", which find faults only in Russia, China and keep their eyes tightly shut at the atrocities of their allies.

Lol you are really a funny bunch
Indians and Bengali's are the cheapest labor there..Wonder why would you think like that..

Really? Let's check that.

Number of Indian workers in KSA: 1,300,000
Number of Pakistani workers in KSA: 900,000

Source: http://www.un.org/esa/population/meetings/EGM_Ittmig_Arab/P02_Kapiszewski.pdf

Remittance from KSA to India: $8.4 billion
Remittance from KSA to Pakistan: $3 billion

Source: India receives most remittance from Saudi Arabia - timesofindia-economictimes


You might want to rethink who provides the cheapest labor for KSA.

Actually Indian labour is 1.5 times as expensive as Pakistani labour in the gulf.
More than twice as expensive, as the numbers I gave show. I don't know how certain Pakistanis pretend to be richer and all high and mighty when discussing India.
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I thought there were about a million burmese muslim only . . . where did this 4 million figure came from.
Although I agree with you about the Afghans, however, I sense this agenda (ulterior motive) the way and the frequency you say it...

Let's say that we agree that ALL the Afghans (you actually mean Pashtuns here) should be kicked out, at the same time I'd put in a proposal to kick out each and every Mohajir who arrived after 1949? What say you, I think it's only fair...... and that my friend would be in multiple of MILLIONS.......

On topic: Good job Saudia.... have to give credit here....... I wasn't expecting this gesture.
Comparing Mohajirs (irrespective of pre or post 1949 arrival) who voted for the creation of Pakistan with Afghans who voted against Pakistan in the UN is absurd to begin with.
Good for KSA.

Now do the second logical step and kick out all the Indians so that the new Burmese can take over their jobs.

It will send a strong signal to Indians that if you support pathetic and systematic ethnic cleansing by the terrorist Budhists, you also pay the price for that.

All right, let's see if they act upon this "logical" recommendation of yours. If they don't, then you should take a hint.:-)
What is equally absurd is to punish subsequent generations for decisions made generations ago in a past century.
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