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Four Bangladesh bloggers charged with defaming Islam.

Since Bangladesh is a "secular" country, being atheistic can hardly be a crime. I'm not sure of the specifics of this case but if the charge is of offending "all religions", I can hardly see a case. I dont get this business of offending all religions. Every religion that believes in being the only one is offensive to every other religion & they in return, by being there, are offensive to the said religion. For exaample, a Islamic claim of their god being the only one & there being no other God but him can conceivable be read as to accuse every other religion of being fake & therefore should constitute an insult to those religions. Who is going to be booked for that? Buddhism is essentially atheistic in nature, would their denial of God warrant a case of insulting "other" religions? This is quite simply silly territory.

Secularism is in the nation's constitution. However, Islam happens to be its state religion at the same time. You can say that it is contradictory.

Muslims in Bangladesh don't tolerate insults against Islam. Do as the Romans do.
Its very simple - All the imams of BD should declare they will not perform janaza of an atheist. They should not have a grave in Muslim graveyard.and no Muslim will attend their funerals. Problem will solve automatically.:azn:
These parasites are not mere athiest but venomous anti-islamic bigots. Along with their awami cohorts these are the parasites planted here by India. Why not deport them back to their motherland India offcourse after using them in some soviet gulag style labour camp. That would be a fitting punishment IMO.
Secularism is in the nation's constitution. However, Islam happens to be its state religion at the same time. You can say that it is contradictory.

Muslims in Bangladesh don't tolerate insults against Islam. Do as the Romans do.

this is not muslims of bangladesh... this is a court order ...
They should be deported back to whatever jungle they came from in Africa or India
why do you have to use pbuh, saw and ra in every instance when you refer to mohammed or his wife or some other respected person.. dont you think it sounds a bit silly.

btw, can anybody give a link to the blogs ?
I think calling it silly is not appropriate. Everyone has a right to practice his religion and the way it is deemed appropriate. Therefore, people from other religion should refrain from making such comments and same goes for Muslims.
this is not muslims of bangladesh... this is a court order ...

What country are you living in? :omghaha:

The courts of Bangladesh are controlled by the government. There's no such thing as an independent judiciary in Bangladesh. Hasina got a lot of fire on her tail after that Shahbag fiasco.

This was simply done to calm the Islamists down.
what is wrong in having anti-islamic view .. :angel:

They are not tolerated by the majority of the Bangladeshi population.

What part of that sentence do you have trouble understanding?

If you have any real courage, I'd suggest you ask your Bangladeshi friends over coffee....wait it's tea....and see their response.
They are not tolerated by the majority of the Bangladeshi population.

What part of that sentence do you have trouble understanding?

If you have any real courage, I'd suggest you ask your Bangladeshi friends over coffee....wait it's tea....and see their response.

which is why internet blogs and books are good medium to express such views.
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