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Fotros - new strategic drone

The guy who writes this articles is a retard with no knowledge about defence industry, and farag is allways using his articles to troll.

Fact is, we can show the R&D works, Production Lines, Working Prototypes, Contracts, etcetera.
Unlike other countrys where prototypes appear out of nowhere...

And we never claimed that our products are 100% Turkish everything with foreign origin is declared on our products.
At least we are developping our own defence industry with foreign help to come forward instead of claiming to be a super power who unveils a ''super weapon'' every month...

All this works are helping us to increase the percentage of indigenous productions and someday we will not need any foreign help.

So, go on and throw mud on our products as much as you want, in the end we will go forward while others ''super indigenous prototypes'' will be buried in oblivion...

Mate, i have lost my interest in Iranian Defence Products when @SOHEIL said that they can develop a Turbofan engine for a commercial plane. I'm not commenting on defence related issues in Iranian section anymore.

Regarding Farag.... he can keep his attitude in various platforms in PDF or elsewhere. It's not important. As we are very transparent when it come to our defence products, one can acquire the knowledge but if one choose to believe a troll.... well that's his/her problem.
She says it's an UAE industry and I believe it can hold 8 missiles. But, I want to know if the employees are Arabic or western.

Not to criticize them, but, I want to see if Arabs reached this point on their own it's a better thing.

She gets 2 barrels of oil for lieing.

None of it is Emirati, the problem is these people cry and get angry when I say the truth about it backed up by evidence.

Iran has done a lot of reverse engineering, they have gained the knowledge themselves and can now use it in other projects.
So Anka is all about foreign project assembled in turky what a disappointment for the Turks. I affraid their tank is all about foreign project too. you just like the Arab regimes nothing real all fake all for propaganda that target the nation I mean for domestic purpose.

So, go on and throw mud on our products as much as you want, in the end we will go forward while others ''super indigenous prototypes'' will be buried in oblivion...

Turkish defence industry is quite trasnparent to reach almost all details of some products from beggining to final, unlike Iranian one that is busy to introduce the systems without serious specifications/contribution. If the issue is putting an aerial vehicle flying on air, It is carried out well by amateurs as well, no need military expertise. What makes military standart UAV's attractive and operational is their sensors capabilities, communication ranges, mission profiles and resistances against electronic attacks thanks to latest generation crypto technics. For exm. Iran was a country that was calling one eye roundy box as helmet mounted attack helicopter FLIR system until 3-4 years ago. Today, Nobody really wonders How capable Iranian current FLIR system to be manufactureed for related systems? Which manufacturer will provide IIR detector, coolers of its FLIR system? It takes 10-12 years for Turkey to develop and manufacture Long Wavelength Infrared and Quantum Well Infrared Detectors for Own strategic FLIR systems that exportation of them are restricted with international regulations. At present SWIR is under development phase based on those expertises. Neither anybody from Iran can introduce such a strategic system capability Iran has, nor pointing out a production brend. Such conductors can't be copied from foreign equivalents and Rare World countries(5-6 countries) are able to manufacture them. Even Russia is dependant on France for detectors. Another one, Which Eastern manufacturer supply transducers, resistors of electronic circuits Iran uses ? Taiwan ? China ? When was the last time Iran sent a highly capable military communication satellite which is able to guide an SATCOM based aerial vehicle from thousands of km away? What about their high capable transponders that Development requires impressive module expertize. What about SATCOM terminal You are going to integrate on vehicle?

The members hiding under different flags who never suspect performance of related boltless and "%100 indigenous" introduced systems, are always asking indigenousity of Tukish products based on lie articles although tens of times the arguments they used on, are proved wrong. If you pay attention, Nobody from Turk side needs to give strong reactions (despite provocations) to prove trolls wrong because Everybody is aware of What Turkish defence industry is doing and What We are going to do in near future as well. There are such a self-confidence among Turks that Noone eats some simple attempts like that. Ambitious lead us to catch success step by step on complete products, While other industrial channels concantrated on serious subsystem developments that rare countries hold their technologies. Turkish engineers began development/shaping of very rare technologies.

In additions, At present, ANKA-B is under consideration as a main part of NATO ISR aerial vehicle platform and It is the first MALE aerial vehicle with its capabilities that Europe has at present.


Be happy, No need to know details about systems dudes...
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Do you work in the propaganda sector for the IDF? That's your job right, going around international forums portraying Israel in a good light and Palestinians in a bad one?

Many online pro-Israeli people are paid agents . They are literally everywhere on the internet. I've seen a lot of comments repeated by different users online, sometimes they even copy and paste the same thing over and over again. Now,They are active more than ever.

Israel to pay students to defend it online - Yahoo News

^^ this was reported couple months ago, but the truth is they've been doing this for a LONG TIME. They even have offices in the U.S , where they employ people to write these pro-Israeli messages online.

Diary of an Israeli Shill | Veterans Today

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Today, Nobody really wonders How capable Iranian current FLIR system to be manufactureed for related systems? Which manufacturer will provide IIR detector, coolers of its FLIR system?

The members hiding under different flags who never suspect performance of related boltless and "%100 indigenous" introduced systems, are always asking indigenousity of Tukish products based on lie articles although tens of times the arguments they used on, are proved wrong.

Be happy, No need to know details about systems dudes...

mate chill down a little bit !! i remember you posted sth in our f-14 section and i proved you wrong somehow that you couldnt even reply .

you might be an expert on turkish industry but no way u know anything about iran .

you talk about satcom for our satellite ? dear at least we have the tech to send our satellite to space all by ourselves ! we are sending human to space by 2020 . thats not sth any other muslim country capable of doing in the next century or so !!

we are making this :



so please dont bring about space tech !!

you are posting on nationalism , your posts are not fair . i wont take the anka-shahed issue here for the sake of some turk members :D

u see in this thread we didnt even mention your drone but you just derailed the topic .

malik ashtar is a proud citizen of iraq , he is our brother and we love him . but youre right!! heavens anyone who likes iran is considered iranian by me
you talk about satcom for our satellite ? dear at least we have the tech to send our satellite to space all by ourselves ! we are sending human to space by 2020 . thats not sth any other muslim country capable of doing in the next century or so !!
I wouldnt be so sure about that, we are also making progress in this field.
We are allready building our own satelites, and the next step, a carrier platform with lauch pad is also in work.
Im sure @cabatli_53 can tell you more about this.

you are posting on nationalism , your posts are not fair . i wont take the anka-shahed issue here for the sake of some turk members :D
What makes Shahed 129 superior to Anka if i may ask? Because its Iranian?

u see in this thread we didnt even mention your drone but you just derailed the topic .
Thats from second page
Where are Turks?

malik ashtar is a proud citizen of iraq , he is our brother and we love him . but youre right!! heavens anyone who likes iran is considered iranian by me
If so then a Iranian did mention our drone or not? :lol:
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I wouldnt be so sure about that, we are also making progress in this field.
We are allready building our own satelites, and the next step, a carrier platform with lauch pad is also in work.
Im sure @cabatli_53 can tell you more about this.

give me a break bro!! are u somehow implying that turkey is not a lightyear behind iran in space tech (the highest tech in the world) ?? :undecided:

What makes Shahed 129 superior to Anka if i may ask? Because its Iranian?

please bro its off-topic mate , you can post it on shahed thread and i will prove its better than anka :agree: :enjoy:

If so then a Iranian did mention our drone or not? :lol:

yes youre right ! :lol:

p.s i hope by getting into real discussion , u dont get mad bro !:fie:

we are friends and we will be friends lord willing :yes4:
give me a break bro!! are u somehow implying that turkey is not a lightyear behind iran in space tech (the highest tech in the world) ?? :undecided:
Yes that what im trying to say, not a century and not a light year (which is actually one year:D),
maybe a decade or two.

please bro its off-topic mate , you can post it on shahed thread and i will prove its better than anka :agree: :enjoy:
So go on, post it on Shahed thread, im curious.

p.s i hope by getting into real discussion , u dont get mad bro !:fie:

we are friends and we will be friends lord willing :yes4:
Not at all, its not a problem for me as long as it will not become trolling or d*ck measuring.
Cheers. :cheers:
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To my Turkish bro, first I have nothing against Turky since I consider it another home to me and The great Turkish people they're my people no doubt of that period. I was disappointed with sich news because I thought all those product fully Turkish indigenous not parts assembled any way all best luck to you with becoming main tech producers in the Islamic world since your success is ours sooner or later.
To my Turkish bro, first I have nothing against Turky since I consider it another home to me and The great Turkish people they're my people no doubt of that period. I was disappointed with sich news because I thought all those product fully Turkish indigenous not parts assembled any way all best luck to you with becoming main tech producers in the Islamic world since your success is ours sooner or later.
Most of the article isnt true anyway...:coffee:
Fortos have a strong visual similarity with HARFANG, not to be confused with Heorn TP.








We are not proud to build a plane we are proud despite three decades of restrictions and sanctions have achieved a level of technology that many of them only less than 5 countries have reached that technology.This is something that we've done Iranians.We have achieved a level of technology that might pass first world in many kind of technologys.Perhaps we can show the next level of technology that would make the world wonder in future.
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