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Former Mossad head: Iran should fear next 12 weeks

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Former Mossad chief's statement comes as Netanyahu warns time for diplomacy running out amid speculation an attack may take place before US elections.


Former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy added to speculation of an impending Israeli military strike against Iran's nuclear program in a statement published by The New York Times Wednesday.

"If I were an Iranian, I would be very fearful of the next 12 weeks," Halevy said.

Speculation in the media and in political circles about the timing of a potential attack on Iran has focused in recent weeks on whether it needs to happen over the summer, before the US elections, or if it can wait until afterward, maybe as far away as next spring.

Earlier in the week, both Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned that time was running out for sanctions and diplomacy to have an effect on Iran's nuclear ambitions. Both men made the statements during a visit to Israel by US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.

“We clearly have something to lose by this stretched time [during] which sanctions and diplomacy takes place, because the Iranians are moving forward, not just in enrichment,” Barak said.

Speaking before meeting Panetta in his office, Netanyahu said the constant rhetoric about all options being on the table regarding Iran has not moved the ayatollahs.

Although acknowledging that sanctions have had an affect, and predicting the recent sanctions US President Barack Obama and Congress have advanced will have an even greater impact, Netanyahu said neither the sanctions nor the diplomacy have had any influence on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear weapons program.

Noting that Panetta said recently that if all else fails America would act, the prime minister said that “however forceful our statements, they have not convinced Iran that we are serious about stopping them. Right now the Iranian regime believes that the international community does not have the will to stop its nuclear program. This must change and it must change quickly, because time to resolve this issue peacefully is running out.”

In an interview on Channel 2 on Tuesday evening, Netanyahu – when asked whether he believes the US when its leaders say unequivocally that they won’t allow Iran to gain nuclear weapons – replied that the “source and foundation of the State of Israel is that we will not leave in the hands of others, not even our best friends, matters concerning our fate.”

Former Mossad head: Iran should ... JPost - Iranian Threat - News
"next 12 weeks" 12 x 7 = 84

Election Day is 75 days away. I am guessing the Israelis will try to hold out until after the election.

I was planning an extensive 12 week 'fear' program for myself anyway.Now should we be pi$$ing in our pants?

I think the opposite, it is Israel who should be very careful during the period that Mr. Efraim Halvey points out.
OPERATION "12 WEEKS" :taz::chilli:

is that like the movie called 24 days later / 24 weeks later

IRAN boo booo booo are you scared now hahahha

next 12 weeks i don think ISrael will attack as it will be all meesseed up
“We clearly have something to lose by this stretched time [during] which sanctions and diplomacy takes place, because the Iranians are moving forward, not just in enrichment,” Barak said.

as it appears he is confessing that they've ran out of options , what else they wanna do ? sanctions ? propaganda? terror ? they've tested all possible ways to refrain us from seeking our absolute right . they have to respect our rights otherwise it is a dead-end for them a suicide ...
soon they gonna know that war is just like other option pointless and we are not afraid of btw i dont think they have balls as much as they talk.
with sanctions we have no one to hit or fight,but war we have wideeeeeee options and targets.
I'm trembling:pop: :pop: :lazy: :pop: :lazy:
now what :undecided:

this game really have become boring . they are just like that American Doom sayer that every time he predict the the End it seems he has mistaken some plus and minus and had to announce another date
i am glad Iranians (at least on this forum) are taking thing so lightly . going by past history of Isreal , i would not be so confident.
i am glad Iranians (at least on this forum) are taking thing so lightly . going by past history of Isreal , i would not be so confident.

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah : I'm telling our people in Palestine; Israel ,the one that own nuclear weapon and have the most powerful air force in region ,swear to Allah she is frailest than the spider's house.

and we believe in it ....
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah : I'm telling our people in Palestine; Israel ,the one that own nuclear weapon and have the most powerful air force in region ,swear to Allah she is frailest than the spider's house.

and we believe in it ....

Cool info in creationist myth but this is the 21st century. But I do believe that iran will be the last major war the USA will fight as a superpower...
The IDF and Mossad are agaisnt an attack on Iran.

Its only the right wing in Israeli governments who want to attack.
So nth warning is issued , again ? :rofl:
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