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Former ISI Khalid Khwaja found dead in Waziristan

How is he Shaheed? He was murdered by the very people he was supporting...

dont just hump out on results , no one knows what happened behind the curtains, As far as the term Shaheed goes , he went there with some sort of an ajenda maybe even for our own agencies, do you think the ajencies would have let him go there all by himself,certainly not .The guy served Pakistan , though the scenario has changed right now, One thing i believe with utmost certainty that an ISI spy of such caliber can never be amongst the enemy or bad wisher of the state.
Khalid Khwaja made the ultimate sacrifice for bringing peace to our beleaguered nation. INNA LILLAHE WA INNA ILEHI RAJIOON
Khalid Khwaja made the ultimate sacrifice for bringing peace to our beleaguered nation. INNA LILLAHE WA INNA ILEHI RAJIOON

Well, hope it tells you what your friends in reality want, they don't want peace, rather want to keep the war going on.

Hope you don't have to justify their actions again and again from now on, or may be some people don't like to see the reality.
The namaz-e-janaza of Khalid Khawaja was led by the imam of Lal Masjid, molvi Abdul Aziz burkay wala.

This means that Khawaja was a real TTP terrorist sympathizer with a notorious character, he was not a real ISI agent pretending to be a TTP sympathizer.

There is no need to have sympathy or any soft corner for that person as people usually have for the one who dies.
The namaz-e-janaza of Khalid Khawaja was led by the imam of Lal Masjid, molvi Abdul Aziz burkay wala.

This means that Khawaja was a real TTP terrorist sympathizer with a notorious character, he was not a real ISI agent pretending to be a TTP sympathizer.

There is no need to have sympathy or any soft corner for that person as people usually have for the one who dies.

The ISI should have picked up a bunch of TTP sympathizers by keeping a close watch on his last rites. I am still amazed this ba$tard Abdul aziz is allowed to walk free.
dont just hump out on results , no one knows what happened behind the curtains, As far as the term Shaheed goes , he went there with some sort of an ajenda maybe even for our own agencies, do you think the ajencies would have let him go there all by himself,certainly not .The guy served Pakistan , though the scenario has changed right now, One thing i believe with utmost certainty that an ISI spy of such caliber can never be amongst the enemy or bad wisher of the state.

Shaheed has a clear definition in quran... A person who dies fighting in the name Allah for the sake Allah is shaheed...... and its none of our business to decide who is shaheed and who's not.......

One more clearification that any one fighting only for his country and not for the sake Allaha is not a shaheed according to definition in Quran. Quran has a clear definition of shaheed so we dont mix it up in any way
The namaz-e-janaza of Khalid Khawaja was led by the imam of Lal Masjid, molvi Abdul Aziz burkay wala.

This means that Khawaja was a real TTP terrorist sympathizer with a notorious character, he was not a real ISI agent pretending to be a TTP sympathizer.

There is no need to have sympathy or any soft corner for that person as people usually have for the one who dies.

What made you believe that with utmost certainty..print & electronic media reports..:rolleyes:
An important thing is that Nawaz-League used to use the phrase "Asian Tigers" ...

Khwaja was too vocal on exposing Nawaz Shareef,,, & said that Nawaz Sahab was working for US interests,,,

Then he gets abducted by group calling themselves "Asian Tigers" & killed...

I believe he was a threat to "powerful" as he was about to divulge secrets that "someone" didn't want to come out,,, So this play was staged just to get him silenced,,,

What is "common" b/w Nawaz & Musharaf & Zardari & Baynazeer & Afghan/Pakistan Militants....!!!
it's the power controlling "US"... the writer/director/producer of the plays these days
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Why do these Bastards not attack the group that killed him, If Haqqani, Bahadur and Hekmatyar had any respect for their saviors Khwaja and to infinitely higher extent Colonel Imam, they would have gone and get these guys out of the these so called Asian Tigers.

I remember, Hekmatyar group recently attacked the Taliban in Afghanistan. Perhaps they need to grow some balls and decide what they want, however as I am assuming, Khwaja had a hand in helping the TTP and suffered for it.

Anyone who harms the interest of a country needs to be eliminated.
This is very sad news. Khalid Khawaja was in fact a true Muslim and Pakistani and he was on a noble mission striving for a peace treaty between Pak Army and Taliban but all those elements who don’t want peace in Pakistan have murdered him. I think that much more deep conspiracies are there behind his killings and it’s blame on him to be a double agent. He was a straight forward person. I got this astonishing news from <a href= Ittefaq News Pakistan Ittefaq largest weekly paper Karachi Pakistani Directory > Pak News</a>
"TTP Sympathiser" is being used very liberally as a flag of convenience on dissenting views that do not conform to the ISPR partyline.

If Taliban did not have the sympathy of a great swath of our population in Pushto speaking areas of Pakistan, they would not have survived even for a week.

Such areas do not constitute what can be termed as Mainstream Pakistan; but nevertheless they are integral part of Pakistan State. The problem is with the writ of the Government and the Army, which is not acceptable to a significant minority (or majority depending on the view point)..
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