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Former enemies US, Vietnam now military mates

This is called politics. China should move ahead with the vietnam war legacy and trying to establish new begining of ties with vietnam based on mutual intrest and not spheres of influence.
One would expect that China's would respond to this provocation by allying with Cuba and Venezuela and offer them military alliance and nuclear deals. China is more pragmatic and is taking wait and see approach.
最爱高古陶;1058195 said:
you are a surrender, even surrend to vietnam. the only way the let vietnam calm down is wipe off their navy. or occupy their capital.
i dont know why small country like vietnam dare to challenge china.

Military action will never be the only choice. yes, China can defeat vietnam easily,but do you think about the consequence of that?

sanction vietnam and close the mekong dam.

they'll be begging for food and water. after that we can trade food and water for their factories... or they can keep starving.
What's the point of joint ventures? If China proposes joint ventures with Vietnam in Spratly you can bet Vietnam will ask for joint ventures in Paracel. Will China accept that?

China knows what difference can be bridged and what can not. China is selling or at least offering weapons to other claimants of the South China Sea, except Vietnam. China is offering a version of its largest warship (Type 071 LPD) to Malaysia, for example. China will never sell anything like that to Vietnam.

Have you calculate the distance from Spratly and Paracel to china ?
I don't think we need to negotiate Paracel with vietnam.
sanction vietnam and close the mekong dam.

they'll be begging for food and water. after that we can trade food and water for their factories... or they can keep starving.

So other coutries in Mekong river valley such as Thailand will be enemy of china also:hang2:
South Vietnamese civilian dead: 1,581,000*
Cambodian civilian dead: 700,000–1,000,000*
North Vietnamese civilian dead: ~2,000,000
Laotian civilian dead: ~50,000*
Total civilian dead: ~4,331,000

220,357 dead;[7] 1,170,000 wounded
United States US
58,159 dead;[7] 1,719 missing; 303,635 wounded[8]
South Korea South Korea
5,099 dead; 10,962 wounded; 4 missing

Australia Australia
520 dead;[7] 2,400*wounded
New Zealand New Zealand
37 dead; 187 wounded
Thailand Thailand
1,351 dead[7]
Laos Kingdom of Laos
30,000 killed, wounded unknown[9]

Total dead: 315,384
Total wounded: ~1,490,000+

North Vietnam FNL Flag.svg North Vietnam & NLF
1,176,000 dead/missing;[7]
600,000+ wounded[10]
People's Republic of China P.R. China
1,446 dead; 4,200 wounded
Soviet Union Soviet Union
16 dead[11]

Total dead: ~1,177,462
Total wounded: ~604,200+

A lot of people died!!
China can strengthen its relationship with other players in that region not comfortable with Vietnam.
sanction vietnam and close the mekong dam.

they'll be begging for food and water. after that we can trade food and water for their factories... or they can keep starving.

No my friend, if China does that it would become the very thing that it has been struggling against and we will fall before we even get to rise.
^^^^ I agree. If china are just careless about using force after it has become stronger how does that separate us from others that misuse their power? Problems are best solved peacefully with tact.

All the developing world is watching to see whether china can be something new. I want china to be an all round achiever and not just one known for military influences.
Have you calculate the distance from Spratly and Paracel to china ?
I don't think we need to negotiate Paracel with vietnam.

The point is not whether we feel the need to negotiate, but whether Vietnam will insist on negotiating Paracel with us.

For example the code of conduct in the South China Sea, it did not mention Paracel or Spratly by name, why? Because China see the Paracel problem as settled and refuse to discuss Paracel, then Vietnam fought back by insisting Spratly also not to be mentioned by name.

Vietnam is different from other countries in the region, it has been constantly trying to dominate its smaller neighbors like Cambodia and Laos. It harbors hegemonic ambitions in Southeast Asia. You'll not get a major concession on Paracel Islands from a country like this.

Mate i dont wanna go offtopic here..yes its for trade purpose also but not entirely for trade purpose..read that link you gave us

From an Indian POV think about it..is it considered as a threat to us ,when china entering where we considered as our backyard??if you think its for trade purpose only then i can also argue that US-Vietnam nuclear deal is for peaceful energy production..

These are just PORTS for ships to dock in, sure it has the strategic purpose of refueling and repairing warships. China has ports in Russia, Greece, and North Korea.

Is China trying to contain these countries also?

When China sticks missiles on these ports with missiles pointed at India then you can cry containment.
International relations are more than weapons sales - Vietnam may need greater expression of confidence from China, and Vietnam's greatest needs are not weapons and ship but business ventures with China - China's strength is the relationship she fosters with people, people who see their best interests tied to China - no coersion, no force, instead a lot of mutully profitable cooperation, development.

We will see more "challenges" by US policy - these should not be ignored but greater focus should be on those things that bring China success, what people all over the world want, not confrontation, but mutually profitable development.
最爱高古陶;1058195 said:
you are a surrender, even surrend to vietnam. the only way the let vietnam calm down is wipe off their navy. or occupy their capital.
i dont know why small country like vietnam dare to challenge china.

Hi all guys there, I'm from Viet and I have something to say.

In war, there is no such "big" or "small" countries. You should look at the history of war again. USA was big, but still lost in the Vietnam war. Yup, you can say this:

- Vietnam won the war against USA because of Russian/Chinese aids. But remember this: North Korea had Russian/Chinese aids too, but they didn't make it fully victory like Vietnam. And China won its Civil War when it had Russian aids too, China did not just win that civil war by its own resources.

China of course has stronger, bigger army with more advanced weapons. But this does not mean that you can win every war. You must think about the post-war scenario, are you planning to kill all civilians? If you aren't, Vietnamese people still stands up and fight to the last man.

One more thing, I know that many of you does not familiar with Vietnamese History, but I have this to say:

- War between Vietnam and China has been for THOUSANDs of years already. Vietnam was occupied for the 1st thousand year, then Vietnam claimed its own independence. China had been invading Vietnam for another thousand year, but still UNSUCCESSFUL. In one thousand of year in history, it just keeps like this:
-China invaded Viet and captured Viet -> Viet rebel -> fail -> rebels again -> Victory -> China retreated -> Plan to invade again.

There is even a temple, which was built hundreds of year ago, in North Vietnam for Chinese army soldiers because their corpse were too many and looked like a "hill of corpses", so Vietnamese people were so kind to build such temple to ease all the souls of Chinese soldiers.

Even 200 years ago, Vietnam even did fight back against China and captured at least three provinces. But Vietnam needed to give them back to China due to diplomatic reasons.

So the hate between Chinese and Vietnamese is not the new thing, it has been there for thousands of years already, and it still goes on.

We know that Vietnam is a smaller country than China, so we play the game as a small player. Please look at the Viet history one more time:

- Vietnam won the war against France, USA, China not in short time, but in long time. It means that Viet people keeps fighting until the last man standing. Yup, China can win the war in 1 year, but can it keep fighting for the next 30 years? Unless China is going to kill all people in Vietnam.

Why does Chinese people still think about invading Vietnam? Because those history is not taught in Chinese School. Why does Chinese not think this:

- Why China does not finish occupying Vietnam after two thousands years of war?
- In 1979, China invaded Vietnam north border one more time to "teach" Vietnamese a lesson because Vietnam beat the PolPot, who got aids from Chinese, in Cambodia. After months of fighting, and losing thousand of troops, China claimed "victory" and then retreat????

- Please remember that Chinese Government aided the Pol Pot in Cambodia to kill millions of innocent people.

Vietnamese history is not the history of the invader, but the history of people who defend their country from invaders, mainly Chinese.
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