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Former enemies US, Vietnam now military mates


Nov 29, 2009
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Taiwan, Province Of China
United States
ABOARD THE USS GEORGE WASHINGTON – Cold War enemies the United States and Vietnam demonstrated their blossoming military relations Sunday as a U.S. nuclear supercarrier cruised in waters off the Southeast Asian nation's coast — sending a message that China is not the region's only big player.

The visit comes 35 years after the Vietnam War as Washington and Hanoi are cozying up in a number of areas, from negotiating a controversial deal to share civilian nuclear fuel and technology to agreeing that China needs to work with its neighbors to resolve territorial claims in the South China Sea.

The USS George Washington's stop is officially billed as a commemoration of last month's 15th anniversary of normalized diplomatic relations between the former foes. But the timing also reflects Washington's heightened interest in maintaining security and stability in the Asia-Pacific amid tensions following the sinking of a South Korean warship in March, which killed 46 sailors. North Korea has been blamed for the attack, but has vehemently denied any involvement.

Last month during an Asian security meeting in Vietnam's capital, Hanoi, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton also angered China by unexpectedly calling on the Communist powerhouse to resolve territorial claims with neighboring Southeast Asian countries over islands in the South China Sea.

"The strategic implications and importance of the waters of the South China Sea and the freedom of navigation is vital to both Vietnam and the United States," Capt. Ross Myers, commander of the George Washington's air wing, said aboard the ship Sunday as fighter jets thundered off the flight deck above.

"I'm certain that the Chinese government and the Chinese people are trying to protect their interests," he added when asked about China's increased aggressiveness within the area. "It is more important for Vietnam (and) its partners to establish that they have an equal right to economic prosperity and peace within the region as well."

Chinese navy ships were seen shadowing the USS George Washington at a distance over the past several days as the supercarrier made its way throught the South China Sea along Vietnam's eastern coast, U.S. Navy officials said Sunday.

China claims the entire sea and the disputed Spratly and Paracel islands over which it exercises complete sovereignty. But Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines also have staked claims on all or some of the territory, which straddles vital shipping lanes, important fishing grounds and is believed rich in oil and natural gas reserves. Clinton announced that the U.S. has a national interest in seeing the claims resolved.

"The problem is that China has now committed herself, publicly, to sovereignty of the South China Sea and to push that back, if only to the status of a claim that is not enforced, is going to be very difficult," said Arthur Waldron, an international relations specialist at the University of Pennsylvania. "So we are playing catch up, reminding the Chinese that we have not collapsed into post-great powerdom yet, and that we have other friends in the region."

Vietnam has long been vocal about the issue, protesting China's plans to bring tourists to the islands and most recently seismic studies conducted near the Paracels. Last month China also held naval drills in the South China Sea.

"Vietnam does not support containing China, but like most other ASEAN members would like to see each major power offset the other," Carl Thayer, a Vietnam expert at the Australian Defense Force Academy in Canberra, said, referring to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. "Quite simply, these are not too subtle signals that Vietnam wants the United States to stay engaged in the region to balance China."

The formidable USS George Washington is a permanent presence in the Pacific, based in Japan. As one of the world's biggest warships, it is a floating city that can carry up to 70 aircraft, more than 5,000 sailors and aviators and about 4 million pounds (1.8 million kilograms) of bombs. It lurked Sunday about 200 miles (320 kilometers) off the central coast of Danang, Vietnam's jumping-off point for the disputed islands.

A group of high-ranking Vietnamese military officials was flown onto the carrier Sunday along with other Vietnamese government officials and the U.S. ambassador to the country.

The supercarrier came to Vietnam following four days of high-profile military exercises last month with South Korea aimed at showing solidarity following the sinking of the 1,200-ton Cheonan navy ship. The drills enraged Pyongyang and drew repeated criticism from its Chinese ally.

A Chinese newspaper ran a front-page story last week strongly hinting that China also is not happy about reports that Vietnam and the U.S. are negotiating a civilian nuclear fuel and technology deal that could allow Vietnam to enrich uranium on its own soil.

U.S. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said China had not been consulted about the talks, but he would not discuss the specifics of the enrichment provision. Congressional aides have said the agreement will likely not contain a no-enrichment pledge, which the U.S. promotes as the "gold standard" for civilian nuclear cooperation accords to ensure materials are not being used to build a nuclear weapon.

Vietnam has denied having any plans to enrich uranium on its own soil.

The aircraft carrier's visit is particularly symbolic as it cruises off the coast of central Danang, once the site of a bustling U.S. military base during the Vietnam War, which ended April 30, 1975, when northern communist forces seized control of the U.S.-backed capital of South Vietnam, reuniting the country.

Some 58,000 Americans and an estimated 3 million Vietnamese were killed during the war.

Relations have thrived since the former foes shook hands in 1995. The U.S. is Vietnam's top export market and Americans are the country's No. 1 foreign investor. Two-way trade reached $15.4 billion in 2009.

Military ties have also grown since the first U.S. warship ship visited Ho Chi Minh City in 2003, including high-level defense talks and training.

The USS John McCain destroyer will pay a port call to Vietnam later this week. The two navies are expected to have cultural exchanges along with training exercises, such as search and rescue operations.

Former enemies US, Vietnam now military mates - Yahoo! News
Our stupid foreign policy make the vietnam to be close to USA
Our stupid foreign policy make the vietnam to be close to USA

Chinese dispute with Vietnam is different from Chinese disputes with other claimants of South China Sea, as Vietnam is the only ASEAN country that claims Paracel Islands. Also if you look at a map of Spratly Islands, Vietnam holds the most strategically important islands in the middle of the ocean, while other claimants occupies small islands close to their mainlands.

Vietnam knows China and other claimants can make some mutual concessions and solve their differences but the same can never happen between Vietnam and China. Their difference is unbridgeable and no amount of Chinese diplomacy can stop Vietnam from trying to introduce external players into the dispute.
Why China can't make the Vietnam to be our ally but the enemy?
The importance of Spratly Islands is the oil and trade sea route
when vietnam exploit several billions USD oil every year why can't we send our oil drilling platform to Spratly Islands ?
We can set up a joint venture with Vietnam and share the oil and protect the south sea together, it's better than USA inciting the ASEAN to against China
Why China can't make the Vietnam to be our ally but the enemy?
The importance of Spratly Islands is the oil and trade sea route
when vietnam exploit several billions USD oil every year why can't we send our oil drilling platform to Spratly Islands ?
We can set up a joint venture with Vietnam and share the oil and protect the south sea together, it's better than USA inciting the ASEAN to against China

What's the point of joint ventures? If China proposes joint ventures with Vietnam in Spratly you can bet Vietnam will ask for joint ventures in Paracel. Will China accept that?

China knows what difference can be bridged and what can not. China is selling or at least offering weapons to other claimants of the South China Sea, except Vietnam. China is offering a version of its largest warship (Type 071 LPD) to Malaysia, for example. China will never sell anything like that to Vietnam.
What's the point of joint ventures? If China proposes joint ventures with Vietnam in Spratly you can bet Vietnam will ask for joint ventures in Paracel. Will China accept that?

China knows what difference can be bridged and what can not. China is selling or at least offering weapons to other claimants of the South China Sea, except Vietnam. China is offering a version of its largest warship (Type 071 LPD) to Malaysia, for example. China will never sell anything like that to Vietnam.

No matter how clever we think we are with our speculations, the FP specialists in China is much much much better. I mean just compare China's FP with the schizophrenic mess that is American FP over the last 10 years. You get a sense that China has a plan for 20-30 years down the road whereas you have no such sense for America.
No matter how clever we think we are with our speculations, the FP specialists in China is much much much better. I mean just compare China's FP with the schizophrenic mess that is American FP over the last 10 years. You get a sense that China has a plan for 20-30 years down the road whereas you have no such sense for America.

Yeah, Chinese FP people are usually very clever when dealing with Asian and/or authoritarian countries. Although they do need to be more careful when operating in Western countries with an open society in order to avoid PR disasters.
US is doing and will do whatever it can, to encircle China from right now.

Invasion of Afghanistan, destabilizing Pakistan & trying to control it, friendly & military relations with India and now the other Far eastern countries around China.

Its a new game being played by the US not to let China rise, and even if it does, make enough enemies around it, that China gets entangled in it and never seriously threatens US.

I remember watching an interview of a US analyst who was a Fulbright Scholar and he said the primary reason for the bad luck of Pakistan is not its nukes, rather it is its location & its friendship with China for which it is being targeted.

If i found that video would post it. It was posted on the forum also.

Got it, his name is Webster Tarpley: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webster_Griffin_Tarpley

Here one of his videos where he is discussing what just talked about.

Its i believe a 3 part interview.
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US is doing and will do whatever it can, to encircle China from right now.

Invasion of Afghanistan, destabilizing Pakistan & trying to control it, friendly & military relations with India and now the other Far eastern countries around China.

Its a new game being played by the US not to let China rise, and even if it does, make enough enemies around it, that China gets entangled in it and never seriously threatens US.

I remember watching an interview of a US analyst who was a Fulbright Scholar and he said the primary reason for the bad luck of Pakistan is not its nukes, rather it is its location & its friendship with China for which it is being targeted.

If i found that video would post it. It was posted on the forum also.

Its not a new game Taimi,but the old game..every country is doing this..just look China's pearl of strings..look at what we are doing with Iran and Afghanistan against you..look at what you are trying against us,trying to have better relations with Bangladesh and SriLanka..its natural..dont say String of pearl is only for trade purposes :)
Its not a new game Taimi,but the old game..every country is doing this..just look China's pearl of strings..look at what we are doing with Iran and Afghanistan against you..look at what you are trying against us,trying to have better relations with Bangladesh and SriLanka..its natural..dont say String of pearl is only for trade purposes :)

Agreed that its an old game, but what i wanted to raise was that US is doing it by killing thousands of people and ruining the lifes of hundreds of thousands.

They could do it diplomatically also or through other means, but they are spilling the blood of innocent human being in achieving their goals.
Its not a new game Taimi,but the old game..every country is doing this..just look China's pearl of strings..look at what we are doing with Iran and Afghanistan against you..look at what you are trying against us,trying to have better relations with Bangladesh and SriLanka..its natural..dont say String of pearl is only for trade purposes :)

You can call it encirclement if you want, but China has important oil pipelines running through their ports.

I would hardly call weapons selling weapons and building ports containment.

However if China were to set up military bases, on Indias neighbors and put thousands of missiles point at India that is containment, giving nukes to India's neighbors is containment.

Japan has USA airbases and missiles pointed at China, South Korea has missiles and airbases pointed at China, Vietnam is getting the ability to make nuclear weapons, USA used to have a base in Kazahkstan that had plenty of missiles pointed at China. Russia has a eastern Europe that is all full of missiles and a Alaska that is armed to the teeth.

That is containment, what China is doing is not containment

String of Pearls (China) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In order to hedge against the growing militarization of Central Asia China has begun construction on a new massive deep-water port in Gwadar, Pakistan[9] which is expected to help China gain a strategic foothold for naval operations in the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf. The port will also act as the down stream hub for pipelines linking to Central Asian natural gas fields through Afghanistan.

The Chinese are expected to complete construction on the new Kazakhstan-China oil pipeline by October 2009. When fully complete the pipeline will run from the Chinese-Kazakh border to the North Caspian Sea. This final extension will allow the pipeline to be filled with oil from the giant Tengiz oil field.
Agreed that its an old game, but what i wanted to raise was that US is doing it by killing thousands of people and ruining the lifes of hundreds of thousands.

They could do it diplomatically also or through other means, but they are spilling the blood of innocent human being in achieving their goals.

When it comes to national interest every country will be selfish Taimi..same can be asked to both our coutries too..why did India supported Mukti bahini or LTTE or why did Pakistan supported AFghan Taliban in the earlier days or continue supporting Kashimiri Freedom fighters??.it all resulted in bloodshed..

Mate i dont wanna go offtopic here..yes its for trade purpose also but not entirely for trade purpose..read that link you gave us

which is expected to help China gain a strategic foothold for naval operations in the Indian Ocean

From an Indian POV think about it..is it considered as a threat to us ,when china entering where we considered as our backyard??if you think its for trade purpose only then i can also argue that US-Vietnam nuclear deal is for peaceful energy production..
Why China can't make the Vietnam to be our ally but the enemy?
The importance of Spratly Islands is the oil and trade sea route
when vietnam exploit several billions USD oil every year why can't we send our oil drilling platform to Spratly Islands ?
We can set up a joint venture with Vietnam and share the oil and protect the south sea together, it's better than USA inciting the ASEAN to against China

you are a surrender, even surrend to vietnam. the only way the let vietnam calm down is wipe off their navy. or occupy their capital.
i dont know why small country like vietnam dare to challenge china.
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