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Foreign assistance in China's Nuclear missile and Reactors

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zero indigenous technology? really?

China Leads All Nations in Publication of Chemical Patents According to CAS

China Leads All Nations in Publication of Chemical Patents According to CAS, the World's Most Authoritative Publisher of Chemical Information

CAS is a division of the American Chemical Society.

A chinese source with the same news:

China becomes top chemical patent holder

Detection, Distribution, and Organohalogen Compound Discovery Implications of the Reduced Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide-Dependent Halogenase Gene in Major Filamentous Actinomycete Taxonomic Groups

Detection, Distribution, and Organohalogen Compound Discovery Implications of the Reduced Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide-Dependent Halogenase Gene in Major Filamentous Actinomycete Taxonomic Groups -- Gao and Huang 75 (14): 4813 -- Applied and Environme

Institute of Microbiology Chinese Academy of SciencesNSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES

"In 1986, the institute independently developed the technology of vitamin C production through a novel two-step microbial fermentation. The IP of the technology was transferred with a patent fee of 5.5 million US dollars to the F. Hoffmann-La Roche company, a world-renowned pharmaceutical company, which set a new record in China for the largest technology export volume at that time. "

China Is Leading the Race to Make Renewable Energy - NYTimes.com

China Leading Global Race to Make Clean Energy

Why are you chinese after reading this thread coming up with the most ridiculous logic? Your analogy is 100% flawed and does not make any sense with the topic.

Chinese scientist just studied abroad and came back and developed everything through stolen and passed blueprints from Russians and Americans ! This is a myth that run across every chinese minds who bloodily believe all their technologies are indigenous.

From start to finish DF-2 had more foreigner input infact more then 90% than china because china simply lacks the technical ability to develop anything on its own and even after just "studying" abroad.

btw this is not my logic is a documented fact.
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