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Forecast 2022


Sep 26, 2018
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There was little to cheer in 2021. Internal politics was riven by acrimony, instability and uncertainty. The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) government unleashed the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) against the opposition but failed to get a single conviction, in the process roundly discrediting itself and the watchdog. Most significantly, Imran Khan irrevocably lost his sheen as well as the “one page” narrative with the Miltablishment that brought him into office and propped him up for three years. Meanwhile, the opposition took advantage of the situation to put options on the table for the Miltablishment going forward.

PTI government mismanagement and corruption plunged the economy into a trough. Galloping inflation and unprecedented unemployment laid the working and lower-middle classes low. In consequence, the PTI was routed in almost all by-elections. It also lost the elections to cantonment boards across the country and in local bodies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Foreign policy options dwindled over time. Relations with China were frozen. Those with America turned prickly. The Saudis became sullen. India remained hostile. Even Afghanistan stopped listening to us. So, today, internal security is fragile because the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is continuing to attack our security forces from across the border while a new militant religious force (Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan) has risen to pose a serious challenge to the writ of the state and to our relations with Europe. The only silver lining has been containment of Covid-19, thanks to planeloads of free vaccines from sympathetic donors like China and the WHO.

Looking ahead to 2022, the challenges are manifest. NAB must be reformed to become a fair and efficient watchdog under an upright and neutral chairman. The Election Commission of Pakistan must be encouraged and empowered to guarantee free and fair elections under reformed electoral laws. The economy must shed wasteful and unproductive expenditures while making the tax system more efficient and equitable. Donors and foreign investors must be facilitated to lend and profit in an environment of trust, stability and certainty. Relations with neighbours and foreign powers must be repaired and normalized in our own interest. Militant religiosity must be nipped in the bud. The notion that tanks and guns can provide national security must be supplemented with a narrative of national power based on bread and butter. And so on. But none of these objectives can be achieved under the present PTI-led dispensation that has squandered a historic opportunity to set things right with the help of supportive pillars of the state.

Many people are inclined to ask how a PMLN government that replaces the PTI regime this year might tackle the myriad problems faced by Pakistan. One short answer is that, all other things being equal, Shahbaz Sharif is a better, more experienced and capable administrator than Imran Khan, so that factor alone should lead to greater productivity of given resources. It is also true that he can expect to wield greater leverage and enjoy more trust with foreign donors and investors on the basis of their good experience dealing with him as Chief Minister Punjab for many years. Man to man, too, Nawaz Sharif has a track record of soft-spoken humility in his relations with the Saudi and Qatari royal families, with US President Joe Biden, Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan and Narendra Modi of India, unlike Imran Khan whose arrogance and strident nature has alienated world leaders. So we may expect these factors to tip the scales in favour of a PMLN regime. Over and above all these factors, the PMLN may listen to good advice to take tough decisions early in its tenure so that it can enjoy the fruits of its labour closer to when the next elections are due. It is a truism that an unpopular selected regime cannot take hard decisions like a popular mandated one. Last but not least, the core PMLN team comprising stalwarts like Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Ishaq Dar, Miftah Ismail, Ahsan Iqbal, Khawaja Asif, Musaddak Malik, Khurram Dastgir Khan, Maryam Aurangzeb, Azam Tarrar, etc., wielding both experience and professionalism are leaps ahead of comparative do-ers in any other party.

The last PMLN government was chugging along well enough until it was derailed by a Miltablishment conspiracy that ousted Nawaz Sharif and brought in Imran Khan. Mr Sharif’s crime lay in wanting to “normalize” with India by shutting down the Lashkar-e-Tayba and Jaish-e-Mohammad “jihad” against India and leaning on the Afghan Taliban to negotiate peace with the American-supported Ashraf Ghani regime in Kabul for an inclusive dispensation. But the Miltablishment had contrarian ideas. Now it is lumped with a hostile India that is sponsoring separatism, insurgency and terrorism in Pakistan, a cold Taliban regime in Kabul that is providing safe havens to TTP and an unfriendly US regime that holds Pakistan responsible for its humiliating defeat in Afghanistan. Since Imran Khan is unable or unwilling to fix these issues, the Miltablishment is having to eat crow and turn to Nawaz Sharif to put the country back on the rails.

Everything now hinges on how quickly and efficiently this about turn can be effected by the Miltablishment. That, in turn, depends on how a sufficient degree of trust can be built on both sides, with or without international guarantees, to implement a formula for power-sharing and good governance.


Yes - the N league is descended from the heavens and corruption is ok so long as Lahore can prosper
Expensive LNG deals, power deals on imported fuels or declining exports are not an issue

Issue is rupee devalaution(&inflation) that was done after nawaz sharif was removed ..half of this was done by force(by IK) under khaqan abbasi(rupee hiting 130s) and other half by IK (rupee hitting 170s)
We need our leader back
View attachment 804858

Expensive LNG deals, power deals on imported fuels or declining exports are not an issue

Issue is rupee devalaution(&inflation) that was done after nawaz sharif was removed ..half of this was done by force(by IK) under khaqan abbasi(rupee hiting 130s) and other half by IK (rupee hitting 170s)
We need our leader back
nawas isn't just corrupt he is a traitor that needs to be hanged.

nawas isn't just corrupt he is a traitor that needs to be hanged.
You cant hang 1.5 crore votes or 1/3 of your voters
Get over it
As much as I despise PML Patwaris I would
Love to know who voted for PPP and why.

What about anyone for JUI……personally if I had a pig vs JUI i would
Definitely vote for the piggy.
People who i spoke to say PPPP was never allowed to work and it wasnt that bad

They point out towards track record..and honestly look at the numbers..its easy to blame PPPP but they have been far more fiscally responsible than PMLN even better then PTI (though COVID is special circumstance)

You blame them for power crisis but they knew that import base LNG will be too expensive(in PPPP era it was became cheaper in 2012) and that only way wqs hydro & thar coal..they did substantial work over there

PPPP may be corrupt but i doubt zardari made more money then sharifs

Yes sindh is in bad shape punjab seems most developed, so atleast provincial govt ckealry PMLN did better but key polcies at center arent much better, but alot is also due to prior spending when center had all resources giving punjab better starting point/better beaucracy/system

Why vote for JUI. Some of JUI local leaders or JI leaders are really good/not corrupt..not all some
Others have legacy behind them.. There fathers were very good
Thats what kept their vote bank and then ofcourse u have some who like elsewhere have bought the system
View attachment 804858

Expensive LNG deals, power deals on imported fuels or declining exports are not an issue

Issue is rupee devalaution(&inflation) that was done after nawaz sharif was removed ..half of this was done by force(by IK) under khaqan abbasi(rupee hiting 130s) and other half by IK (rupee hitting 170s)
We need our leader back
I agree that corruption requires leadership
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