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Forced to marry at gunpoint or elaborate lie? Uzma's story crumbles under evidence

Leave her alone. She was conned by that Pakistani 'husband' of her. And she was stupid enough to fall for his lies.
Her estrogen clouded her mind and wits?

I think I don't need to tell you why you should never pass a negative comment on a human being's complexion.
Moreover you should better know that there have been thousands of marriages between Pashtun women and Black men from countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia etc here in the UK and in Europe. Just in my neighborhood here in Slough there are 3 couples of Black husbands having Pashtun wives.
@Spring Onion is not making fun of her complexion and race so whats up with you and your black/African men?
She seems to be a con artist herself instructing her Pakistani husband to not tell her own brother about the fact that her new Pakistani husband is already married and has four children. Not to mention, she is asking her new Pakistani husband to lie about his education background.

Its obvious that having lied to her family about the true nature of her relationship she is now trying to hide it all by claiming she was forced into the arrangement. I like to give her the benefit of the doubt but her story isn't adding up.

You can save any number as "uzma" and send/show the messages you like. ..
It seems everything went fine, but marriage collapse due to cultural values. A hard pashtun culture vs UP . Two totally different environment. Seems Uzma thought she married Salman Khan .......... just like another Khan ... But ground reality is always different from dream world.
She is a Con Artist and has successfully Conned the Entire population of India.

It is not difficult to fool indians - the hateful zealots, anything that they can use to bash Muslims and Pakistan will become an instant hit for then. If she had gone any where else, she won't had made more than a small story on the the last pages of a few tabloids.
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The nation that believes the Pakistani and Chinese pigeon stories and romancing of those pigeons with Indian pigeons, how difficult is it to sell them this story?

You should be ashamed of yourself if you quote mainstream established Indian media as your source. They have no credibility. :haha:

Right ..... so what news (if any) out of India should be credible?
People get married and divorced but that does not mean you blame everyone in the country for that. Did she get married to the whole Pakistan? if not then why is she cooking up lies?
Acc. to her she got married at gun point. Wow, one must ask her then how come she travelled all the way from india to Pakistan? Was she kidnapped from her homein Dehli by a her "supeman" husband who vanished with her and reappeared in Pakistan using some teleportation or some spiritual powers?

She left her child for the man if everything had turned out to be the way she expected, she might have forgotten the poor child.
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the lady seems to be a lier but are they all when they want divorce from you? I mean quite a few even accuse their in-laws of dowry related crime.
I blame the opportunist FM who knows how to use social media(bjp has fantastic social media presence) to improve her popularity.
the lady seems to be a lier but are they all when they want divorce from you? I mean quite a few even accuse their in-laws of dowry related crime.
I blame the opportunist FM who knows how to use social media(bjp has fantastic social media presence) to improve her popularity.

After watching this interview of her by BBC reporter, following questions and their likely explanations popped up in my mind.

  1. She is not a qualified Dr... it is crime in certain parts of the world to abuse title. (I don't know how it is seen in India where quacks outnumber the qualified doctors by a large margin)
  2. She lied to get Pakistani visa and provided a fake reason ...a crime itself
  3. Acc. to her she went to Pakistan for tourism well then why didn't she apply for a tourist visa?
  4. Acc. to her she didn't know much about Tahir Shah but she met him in Malaysia where he was a taxi driver so at least he did not lie about his status, education or wealth
  5. He told her that he had four kids and he was not a graduate but she advised him (Tahir Shah) not to share this info with her brother in case he calls him (but still she claim she did not go to Pakistan for marriage...then why all this lying and exchange of personal details?)
  6. Acc. to her he received her at the Wagah border and then he drugged her so that she couldn't see where he is taking her while at the same time she claims that he had told her, he will take her to Buner
  7. Why would he kidnap her while he himself provided her the sponsor letter? so in case she goes missing, he will be the first person to be contacted and interrogated by the police ....so this pill story is simply bakwas and cooked up
  8. Acc. to her, Buner is not beautiful. WTH!!! I have personally visited Buner while on my to Kalam multiple times and I found it exceedingly attractive and unadulterated place offering serene and picturesque landscapes that can mesmerise anyone . just one of the many highlights of my journey were the cascading waterfalls with there local weather (which is pretty common in mountainous areas) and tiny rainbows (I wish I had the images to show)... an amazing place. it is not as developed as Switzerland in terms of infrastructure but her account is totally crap, it has pretty nice roads and nature-wise it is right up there with any beautiful part of the world
  9. Acc. to her she didn't know about Buner and she didn't know much about Tahir Shah, then why didn't she search on google about that area?
  10. Acc. to her she was tortured and sexually assaulted and kept captive but still she knows that girls from the whole world are kept captive there and I still wonder why she is the only one to manage to escape so easily while none other girl was lucky enough to escape and neither their governments or relatives complained to Pakistan for their daughters going missing
  11. Acc. to her she became unconscious immediately after she was picked up by him, and then was kept captive in Buner, a far-flung area, but still she knows everything about each and every Pakistani man (I don't know how and when she met all of the Pakistani men and whether all of them also assaulted her or not, is still an unknown). So this is the hate part and that seems more of indian govt speaking through her.
  12. Acc. to her, Tahir Shah took her to the indian high commission in Islamabad, now guys please tell me what kind of kidnapper will take his kidnappee back to her home and acc. to her if she had stayed a few more day, she would have been killed..and still she has no signs of torture and rather she looks much better after returning from Buner to india than when she arrived into Pakistan from india.
So, guys, I spotted quite a few discrepancies or lies in her statements in addition to the needless hate she spewed in the end that she has sold herself for little monetary benefits and for a few moments of the fame that has brought a lot of shame to her and it will increase when good people of India will think about it retrospectively after the dust of hype and Pakistanphobia settles down. And through her words it is pretty evident that Pakistan man - her husband did not conceal any info or lie about his status etc. He was straight forward in telling her about his four kids, about his education, where does he live and also the fact that she knew he drives taxi in Malaysia is self evident that the man didn't dupe her into believing he was a wealthy person.

Conclusion: the indian govt is using her and the elements of coercion and financial and other incentives by the indian state cannot be over-ruled
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She is a fraud of the highest order. The bharati public is on cruise control mode now, they buy just about anything their government says these days. There is very little diversity of opinion in bharat, they are all essentially sheep, so of course this story makes good news in bharat.
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