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Forbes: India Should Come Up With A Better Plan For Sri Lanka Or Send A Thank You Note To China

Really? What is the difference between LTTE and Subash Chadra Bose whom you Indians praise? Didn't Bose bomb police stations that killed civilians?
Lol! Before you put brainfarts here. Read about what Subhas Chandra Bose did. He didn't kill any civilians. Nor bomb police station.

If you don't know the difference between LTTE and Bose, Bose fought for freedom of India through armed struggle. By forming an Indian army against British rule.
LTTE were fighting for an autonomous region like an Independent country may be. They were Sri Lankans, fighting against their own government.
Bose was a freedom fighter, LTTE were insurgents and/or separatists.

They didn't even have any evidence but continued to defame Sri Lanka in front of the whole world.
Everyone knows what happened to Prabhakaran's son. It's not the killing that irked others, but you guys shot a video.
The question is, was a feasibility and ROI done for Hambantota before venturing into that project? For China, money is no object and Chinese philosophy has always been let's build and they will come. Chinese have always built huge projects with concern for ROI. It may work in case of China which can financially afford both money and time but may not work for other countries especially if the projects are based on loans rather than FDI (Chinese owned).

Jury is still out on the Trincomalee project. The feasibility study is in progress. Note that it is going to be funded by ADB not India.


Minister Ranatunga said that India is also "very keen" on Trincomalee Port. He said a Singaporean company, Subarna Jurong, is doing a feasibility report on developing the Trincomalee port city, while the Asian Development Bank is covering the port development project.

"India has shown big interest in Trincomalee, as there are petroleum tanks there, and the Indian Oil Corporation has been there for many years," he said.

Lanka IOC, a unit of the Indian Oil Corporation, maintains several oil tanks at the Trincomalee tank farm.

Ranatunga said the feasibility report would be submitted in three months, and the government would take a call after that.


Usually ports are for exporting & importing stuff
Everyone knows what happened to Prabhakaran's son. It's not the killing that irked others, but you guys shot a video.

Well why cry foul over a Terrorist's son? What about countless number of kids his dad sent as canon fodder? Don't you feel any sympathy for them? For us son of a terrorist is also a terrorist. We took care of him for the sake of our future generations. Is it a problem?
Well why cry foul over a Terrorist's son? What about countless number of kids his dad sent as canon fodder? Don't you feel any sympathy for them? For us son of a terrorist is also a terrorist. We took care of him for the sake of our future generations. Is it a problem?

why videotape it ?

Buddha is considered Indian just because he was once born inside the modern borders of India. There is no other relation of him with modern India. It's pretty pathetic that you people had to claim things that actually not your own.

If there is one country associated with Buddhism it is India. India does not have a monopoly on Buddhism. A lot of Buddhist religious places (the ones that were not destroyed by Muslim rulers) are in India. Buddhist religious terms are derived from Sanskrit. There are similarities with Hinduism.
why videotape it ?

Maybe for a trophy who knows. The most important thing here that we would never know that Prabha's son was killed in cold blooded or not. It shouldn't be a issue for any one. There are much more important things to worry about.

If there is one country associated with Buddhism it is India. India does not have a monopoly on Buddhism. A lot of Buddhist religious places (the ones that were not destroyed by Muslim rulers) are in India. Buddhist religious terms are derived from Sanskrit. There are similarities with Hinduism.

That's because the modern India encompasses the old borders of the ancient tribes where Buddha had lived. The core essence of those ancient cultures are non-existence in modern India, hence I said modern India has no connection with Buddhism except for the land where Buddha once lived.
That's because the modern India encompasses the old borders of the ancient tribes where Buddha had lived. The core essence of those ancient cultures are non-existence in modern India, hence I said modern India has no connection with Buddhism except for the land where Buddha once lived.

I would beg to disagree. India has 8 million Buddhists and religious places of Buddhism. Some of us do treat Buddha and Mahavira as Hindu gods and visit Buddhist temples. A lot of older people in Southern India had photos of Gandhi, Buddha and Jesus in their homes. We might not be Buddhists in classical sense but we own up our Buddhist heritage.
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