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Forbes: India Should Come Up With A Better Plan For Sri Lanka Or Send A Thank You Note To China

You said IVC is oldest civilization outside of Africa. That is incorrect

You're an idiot with comprehension issues. Here is what I said:

Pakistan is indeed the cradle of civilization, be it the oldest site of human habitation in South Asia, and one of the oldest outside of Africa, in Riwat.​

Get it?! Riwat (Read) is not only the oldest site of human habitation in South Asia but one of the oldest outside of Africa.

Key sites for this early migration out of Africa are Riwat in Pakistan (~2 Ma), Ubeidiya in the Levant (1.5 Ma) and Dmanisi in the Caucasus (1.81 ± 0.03 Ma, p = 0.05).

China was populated as early as 1.66 Mya based on stone artifacts found in the Nihewan Basin. The archaeological site of Xihoudu (西侯渡) in Shanxi Province is the earliest recorded use of fire by Homo erectus, which is dated 1.27 million years ago.

Read: Early Human Migrations
Geography is not 100% determinant of ownership

Geography is all that matters otherwise Tamils colonised Australia and committed a genocide on the native aborigines. Wait, that's not true! This is why geography matters. Now have some self-respect and take pride in your own Tamil culture. And stop derailing the thread.
How many of Pakistani missiles are after Pakistanis ? Most of them are named after Afghans
how many of the hindu rulers who ruled pakistan are in Pakistani history books ?

What does this have to do with the Forbes article? Why do you keep on derailing the thread?
You're an idiot with comprehension issues. Here is what I said:

Pakistan is indeed the cradle of civilization, be it the oldest site of human habitation in South Asia, and one of the oldest outside of Africa, in Riwat.​

Get it?! Riwat (Read) is not only the oldest site of human habitation in South Asia but one of the oldest outside of Africa.

Key sites for this early migration out of Africa are Riwat in Pakistan (~2 Ma), Ubeidiya in the Levant (1.5 Ma) and Dmanisi in the Caucasus (1.81 ± 0.03 Ma, p = 0.05).

China was populated as early as 1.66 Mya based on stone artifacts found in the Nihewan Basin. The archaeological site of Xihoudu (西侯渡) in Shanxi Province is the earliest recorded use of fire by Homo erectus, which is dated 1.27 million years ago.

Read: Early Human Migrations

Geography is all that matters otherwise Tamils colonised Australia and committed a genocide on the native aborigines. Wait, that's not true! This is why geography matters. Now have some self-respect and take pride in your own Tamil culture. And stop derailing the thread.

What does this have to do with the Forbes article? Why do you keep on derailing the thread?

You have no scientific proof of this -
"be it the oldest site of human habitation in South Asia, "

You have no idea of my ethnicity. Keep calling me Tamil for no reason.
You have no scientific proof of this -
"be it the oldest site of human habitation in South Asia, "

You have no idea of my ethnicity. Keep calling me Tamil for no reason.

Are you really that stupid? Riwat is recognised universally as a key site in early human migration.

Scientific publications focusing on Riwat:
  • B. Bower, Early Tool Making: An Asian Connection, Science News (1988).
  • Rendell, H. and Dennell, R.W. 1987 Thermoluminescence Dating of an Upper Pleistocene Site, Northern Pakistan. Geoarchaeology 2, 63-67.
  • Roy Larick and Russell L. Ciochon, The African Emergence and Early Asian Dispersals of the Genus Homo, American Scientist (1996)
  • R. W. Dennell, H. M. Rendell and E. Hailwood, Late Pliocene Artefacts from Northern Pakistan , Current Anthropology, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Jun., 1988), pp. 495–498
  • R. W. Dennell, H. M. Rendell, M. Halim, E. Moth, "A 45,000-Years-Old open-air Paleolithic Site at Riwat, Northern Pakistan", Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol. 19, No. 1. (Spring, 1992), pp. 17–33.

Now for the millionth time, stop derailing the thread and focus on the Forbes article.
Are you really that stupid? Riwat is recognised universally as a key site in early human migration.

Scientific publications focusing on Riwat:
  • B. Bower, Early Tool Making: An Asian Connection, Science News (1988).
  • Rendell, H. and Dennell, R.W. 1987 Thermoluminescence Dating of an Upper Pleistocene Site, Northern Pakistan. Geoarchaeology 2, 63-67.
  • Roy Larick and Russell L. Ciochon, The African Emergence and Early Asian Dispersals of the Genus Homo, American Scientist (1996)
  • R. W. Dennell, H. M. Rendell and E. Hailwood, Late Pliocene Artefacts from Northern Pakistan , Current Anthropology, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Jun., 1988), pp. 495–498
  • R. W. Dennell, H. M. Rendell, M. Halim, E. Moth, "A 45,000-Years-Old open-air Paleolithic Site at Riwat, Northern Pakistan", Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol. 19, No. 1. (Spring, 1992), pp. 17–33.

Now for the millionth time, stop derailing the thread and focus on the Forbes article.

The Forbes article is a piece of garbage. It is inefficient to ship goods to Colombo or any other port in Sri Lanka and then re-ship to India. That cannot be a plan for economic development for Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka may be playing India and China in the short term. Once the game ends they will be left hanging high and dry.
The Forbes article is a piece of garbage. It is inefficient to ship goods to Colombo or any other port in Sri Lanka and then re-ship to India. That cannot be a plan for economic development for Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka may be playing India and China in the short term. Once the game ends they will be left hanging high and dry.

Yeah, you did really know how to handle them. But guess what you forgot to handle the foreign policy.
That's why you are in sanctions and India is not under any.
And tell me who is investing in any of the undeveloped areas. Rather they are investing in airports, ports or railways interlinking them. Not to mention the widespread corruption. Anyway, it's not my concern.

What else to handle when it becomes a one sided affair in the UNHR. India never have faced such a situation. We have never been in sanctions and we don't even care about sanctions. What matters more is the well being of my country and it's citizens. Other matters then become irrelevant.

In order to develop the underdeveloped areas one needs to have a infrastructure like airports, ports or railways. That's exactly what are being built in Sri Lanka.

Why would India & Japan invest in a Chinese controlled port?

India could develop Colombo, Trinco, KKS ports: Arjuna
2017-03-31 13:28:01

Though China is deeply rooted in Hambantota port, Sri Lanka has three other major ports in Colombo, Trincomalee and Kankesanthurai where India could collaborate for development, Ports and Shipping Minister Arjuna Ranatunga has said.

According to Z News, Minister Ranatunga has said the government was looking at an Asian subcontinent investor to partner with the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) to invest and take over the East Container Terminal (of Colombo port) in private-public partnership mode.

"India has shown interest in the East Terminal and Colombo port. Seventy-five per cent of the trans-shipment goes to India. India is looking at getting a stake in Colombo port. There are a couple of private companies that came and spoke, and we will look at them in a positive manner," he has told IANS on the sidelines of an international event held in Dakhla.

According to reports, the state-run Container Corporation of India (Concor) has formed a consortium with APM Terminals B V, John Keells Holdings and Maersk Line to bid for the development of East Container Terminal in Colombo. The total project value is likely to be about $550-600 million.

The South Terminal of the Colombo port is already owned and operated by state-run China Merchant Holdings (International).

Colombo Port is the busiest in Sri Lanka and ranks among the top 35 ports in the world.

Minister Ranatunga said that India is also "very keen" on Trincomalee Port. He said a Singaporean company, Subarna Jurong, is doing a feasibility report on developing the Trincomalee port city, while the Asian Development Bank is covering the port development project.

"India has shown big interest in Trincomalee, as there are petroleum tanks there, and the Indian Oil Corporation has been there for many years," he said.

Lanka IOC, a unit of the Indian Oil Corporation, maintains several oil tanks at the Trincomalee tank farm.

Ranatunga said the feasibility report would be submitted in three months, and the government would take a call after that.

"We shall be calling for tenders. The government will decide," he said, on the sidelines of the Crans Montana Forum on Africa and South-South Cooperation in Dakhla where he also presented a paper.

Asked if China would bid for Trincomalee, he said: "I think China is very much settled in Hambantota. China Merchant Group has a container terminal in Colombo and they are quite comfortable with Hambantota."

He said Sri Lanka is also looking to develop the Kankesanthurai port in the north. "It is quite close to India. It is not a container port, it will be more for transportation, for cement and people."

- See more at: http://www.dailymirror.lk/article/I...ports-Arjuna-126559.html#sthash.SN669hvM.dpuf

Then why your country invest in places that cannot be turned profitable? If Hambantota is unprofitable how can Trincomalee be any better? Explain that.

For all practical purposes Buddha is considered an Indian. Most of his adult life when he preached Buddhism is in India.

The kingdom of Maghada has not existed for 2000+ years. For all practical purposes it is India

This is historical irredentism at the worst

Buddha is considered Indian just because he was once born inside the modern borders of India. There is no other relation of him with modern India. It's pretty pathetic that you people had to claim things that actually not your own.

I am not sure what is the point of these development projects. It is utterly inefficient to be shipping things to Sri Lanka and then ship it to India or anywhere else

I hope Sri Lankans came up with better ideas for their economic development

As a matter of fact India still doesn't have a deep water port capable of handling larger container vessels that usually carry cargo around the globe. You people has to use smaller draft ships with smaller cargo capacity which can accommodate your ports to transport the stuff that has being unloaded in Colombo port by larger ships.
What else to handle when it becomes a one sided affair in the UNHR. India never have faced such a situation. We have never been in sanctions and we don't even care about sanctions. What matters more is the well being of my country and it's citizens. Other matters then become irrelevant.

In order to develop the underdeveloped areas one needs to have a infrastructure like airports, ports or railways. That's exactly what are being built in Sri Lanka.
How it became a 'one sided' affair. Your government didn't handle it carefully, went on to chest thumping for local election gains. I'm not saying what you did to LTTE was wrong, they more or less deserve it.

To develop underdeveloped areas, one needs infrastructure like roads, railways and in the foreseeable future i.e when you become rich enough or when there is a demand for flying, you need airports. Like I said, none of us are immune to corruption.
How it became a 'one sided' affair. Your government didn't handle it carefully, went on to chest thumping for local election gains. I'm not saying what you did to LTTE was wrong, they more or less deserve it.

To develop underdeveloped areas, one needs infrastructure like roads, railways and in the foreseeable future i.e when you become rich enough or when there is a demand for flying, you need airports. Like I said, none of us are immune to corruption.

We ended the 30 years long civil war and as soon as it was over UNHR was on our tail citing there was a genocide. They didn't even have any evidence but continued to defame Sri Lanka in front of the whole world. We don't have the budget of the Western countries to fight back in equal grounds. Hence the term one sided affair.

There is no point in building things when there is a demand for it. We planned ahead and built a airport before any hassle so that investors could just come and start their operations in Sri Lanka. What is the wrong in that?

@HeinzG, Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal. Present day it is also in Nepal.

Nepal is also a modern day creation. Anyhow, my point is that Buddha was born in a country that has no direct connection to it's modern counterparts except for the land area both shares.
Nepal is also a modern day creation.
Nepal was also called the Kingdom of Nepal in the 18th century.

Anyhow, my point is that Buddha was born in a country that has no direct connection to it's modern counterparts except for the land area both shares.
He was a Nepali Prince. He was born in Nepal, Lumbini. Nepal does not share Lumbini with India.
Nepal was also called the Kingdom of Nepal in the 18th century.

He was a Nepali Prince. He was born in Nepal, Lumbini. Nepal does not share Lumbini with India.

There was no Nepal back in the times of Buddha. Buddha is actually from the kingdom of Kapilavastu of the clan Sakya.
I'm not saying what you did to LTTE was wrong, they more or less deserve it.

Really? What is the difference between LTTE and Subash Chadra Bose whom you Indians praise? Didn't Bose bomb police stations that killed civilians?

We ended the 30 years long civil war and as soon as it was over UNHR was on our tail citing there was a genocide.

In 2 months you murdered 40000 Tamil civilians (conservative UN estimate). Now do u understand UNHR wants sanctions against u?

There was no Nepal back in the times of Buddha.

There was no India either.
In 2 months you murdered 40000 Tamil civilians (conservative UN estimate). Now do u understand UNHR wants sanctions against u?

How did UN estimated the figure? Any guesses?
Then why your country invest in places that cannot be turned profitable? If Hambantota is unprofitable how can Trincomalee be any better? Explain that.

The question is, was a feasibility and ROI done for Hambantota before venturing into that project? For China, money is no object and Chinese philosophy has always been let's build and they will come. Chinese have always built huge projects with concern for ROI. It may work in case of China which can financially afford both money and time but may not work for other countries especially if the projects are based on loans rather than FDI (Chinese owned).

Jury is still out on the Trincomalee project. The feasibility study is in progress. Note that it is going to be funded by ADB not India.


Minister Ranatunga said that India is also "very keen" on Trincomalee Port. He said a Singaporean company, Subarna Jurong, is doing a feasibility report on developing the Trincomalee port city, while the Asian Development Bank is covering the port development project.

"India has shown big interest in Trincomalee, as there are petroleum tanks there, and the Indian Oil Corporation has been there for many years," he said.

Lanka IOC, a unit of the Indian Oil Corporation, maintains several oil tanks at the Trincomalee tank farm.

Ranatunga said the feasibility report would be submitted in three months, and the government would take a call after that.

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