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For peace in the CHT

Banglar Bir

Mar 19, 2006
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For peace in the CHT
Fardin Hasin
Published at 06:23 PM June 20, 2017
Last updated at 06:56 PM June 20, 2017

There can be peace in the region /DHAKA TRIBUNE
The conflict in the CHT is more complicated than it seems
There are two sides to the CHT debate, two largely incompatible narratives presented by two parties always at war with each other, at least figuratively.

One side sees the CHT as simply a territory issue, a land that is home to internationally-funded secessionist groups, a land that has to be protected from external invasion at all cost.

The other side sees it as just another example of neo-colonialism (or just colonialism), where a marauding group of foreigners set upon a land and its people to take away all its resources.

Different as these theories may be, it is ultimately the execution where both parties disagree the most: The territorial conservatives think the only solution is one regarding permanent military posting in CHT, and some liberals think the only way out is through immediate demilitarisation.

But is it really that simple?

Could we really measure the sufferings and the repressions occurring in the CHT by the sheer scale of territorial control? Or do we know for sure if the instant removal of military camps will get rid of the conflict and give healthy, normal lives to the indigenous population?

No and no
In the cruel dichotomy posited by the CHT conflict, there appear to be only two options: Either you are in for your country against foreign agents nurturing chaos, or you are in for the disfranchised Adivasis against a colonial establishment that seeks to delegitimise their rights to their own land.

Yet in real life, these aren’t necessarily the thoughts that dominate the mindsets of the who’s who of the CHT.

We cannot suppress their language and their roots in our schools and then deem them barbaric and unpatriotic

The oppression is alive in CHT
The who’s who of the CHT need not necessarily be the people in CHT. It would be tremendously easy to just go ahead and portray it all as a Bangali versus Adivasi fight.

Often that’s what meets our eyes, and our perception of who the good and bad guys are ends up transforming the debate into a yes/no question.

Yet there is simply no room to not accept, if not confront, that oppression is alive and well in the CHT. It’s happening right now, in both direct and subtle forms. And the oppressed are undeniably non-Bengalis in most cases.

Yet this doesn’t solve the debate. It merely polarises it.

Not that simple
For the truth is, it’s not Bangalis versus Adivasis. It’s one group of citizens receiving direct assistance from the civil and military bureaucracy, and the other group of citizens represented willingly or unwillingly by organisations that spend half the time fighting each other, both figuratively and militarily.

They occasionally attack the army too, but less so over time.

We have all heard rumours about some foreign funding behind these organisations. And we may have heard it coming from members of law enforcement agencies active in CHT.

Yet, the question of Adivasis being discriminated against cannot be reduced to a statement of foreign provocation. And seeing as how these organisations are in no way united, it would also be a false assumption to say that Adivasis are single-mindedly determined to get themselves a new state.

If they were, the majority of them would rally behind a party championing those ideals. That is clearly not the case.

What the people want
But what really is the case? There seems to be no clear way to discover what the Adivasis really want; no fair polling is ever done in those areas. Voting is otherwise non-existent in our country.

So the question of what Adivasis want is rather multi-dimensional (I must apologise for representing what I perceive as their answers without their expressed approval. I have not met as many Adivasis as I would have liked to, before presenting these crude answers).

On the one hand, they want completely achievable things such as peace, prosperity, and civil rights.

On the other hand, some of them seem to desire a time before the settlers came in. This won’t be possible. Just as it will be impossible for Bangalis in the CHT to live and thrive without integrating with Adivasis.

For Bengalis in CHT is a reality. The dispossession of Adivasis is a greater reality.

The repression of their cultural, religious, and agricultural identity is the true existential threat to our country, not the fringe secessionist groups.

We cannot suppress their language and their roots in our schools and then deem them barbaric and unpatriotic for not loving Bangladesh (the way we want them to).

We cannot deny them their fair share of the profit found from CHT.

Stability in the region
Now we are at the primary question, that of capital. The lands of the CHT have many resources to offer. Who will be the ones to capitalise on them?

So far, it’s been only the army and the BGB. And that’s not just in CHT; it’s in the entire country.

The actual reality here is that since the government quite clearly lacks public support, it’s dependent on the army and bureaucracy to survive.

That means granting higher and higher salaries to public officials.

The CHT is no different.

The answer I can conclude with is a limited one. But it’s not without merit. Removing the army from the CHT right here right now would destabilise the region, but it may need to be done eventually.

Most importantly, we must prepare a social policy where Adivasis are treated as equal citizens. And we must prepare an economic policy which gives equal opportunities to Bangalis and Adivasis.

Fardin Hasin is a freelance contributor.
CHT which is one-tenth portion of Bangladesh, has been left to be ruled by the terrorists. Whole of CHT is now being dominated by armed terrorists. Over a thousand citizens have been killed and over 700 persons have been kidnapped by these terrorists since the treaty was signed in 1997.

CHT has been declared a Tribal Area which they call it Zunnoland and all citizens of Bangladesh have been denied their citizenship rights on CHT as none can purchase any land or settle in CHT without the permission of tribal authority.

Even, it was agreed with that terrorist outfit that all security camps will be withdrawn from CHT leaving only 5 camps there which will facilitate them to dominate and control whole area of CHT.
Terror leader Shantu larma has been appointed as the Chairman of the Regional Council without any election and he is holding that post since 1998.

CHT Banglalees are denied to contest in the election for the post of Regional Council Chairman and District Council Chairman in 3 districts. Over 77 sectors have been handed over to Regional Council. 24 Infantry Division has been assigned with the mission of assisting in the implementation of the CHT treaty.

Presently, 3 groups of heavily armed terrorist groups dominate CHT and its people. Around 8 lakh CHT Bangalees and small tribes are marginalised. Killing, kidnapping and rape on CHT Bangalees by these terrorist groups is a regular news in CHT.

Empowerment of separatists to the ruling positions in CHT has facilitated them to reorganise and get more arms in order to establish their so called Zummoland on the area of CHT plus Tripura and Mizoram of India. With this aim, dozens of armed terrorists camps have been established in remote areas of CHTs and Shantu Larma is free to declare threat of armed actions.

Full implantation of the treaty will be executed with the eviction of 8 lakh Bangalees and all camps from CHT which are the strong demands of Shantu Larma and all other terrorist groups.
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
UPDF insurgents Clash with Army in Khagrachori of CHT
খাগড়াছড়িতে সেনাবাহিনীর সাথে UPDF সন্ত্রাসীদের গোলাগুলি হয়েছে।

গোপন সংবাদের ভিত্তিতে সেনাবাহিনী অপারেশন পরিচালনা করতে গেলে সন্ত্রাসীরা সেনাবাহিনীর উপর গুলি বর্ষণ করলে সেনাবাহিনীও পাল্টা গুলি ছুড়ে।পরে সন্ত্রাসীরা পালিয়ে যায়।ঘটনাস্থল থেকে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে নির্মিত একটি Colt AR-15 Assult Rifle, একটি ফ্রান্সে নির্মিত পিস্তল এবং বেশ কিছু গুলি উদ্ধার করেছে সেনাবাহিনীর সদস্যরা।

Shamim Chowdhury
He has no knowledge of Chittagong Hill Tracts and the insurgency(?), better say tribal terrorism.

He may be working with a purpose.
Any body having basic knowledge on Bangladesh Army, would know that no one can escape after committing such an alleged crime of kidnapping a girl.
Highest level of discipline is practiced there. It's an educated and well trained army.
The whole world recognizes that but this funny man! He should have read the contemporary insurgencies around the world and compare CHT terrorism.
I find him nothing but a clown, joker, an illiterate idiot - all out working against our national sovereignty!!

কল্পনা চাকমার খোঁজে | মাল্টিমিডিয়া | DW | 26.06.2013
কল্পনা চাকমার খোঁজে | মাল্টিমিডিয়া | DW | 26.06.2013

কল্পনা চাকমাকে অপহরণের পর পেরিয়ে গেছে ১৭ বছর৷ এই সময়ে একাধিকবার সরকার বদল হয়েছে৷ কিন্তু কোনো সরকারই অপহরণের বিষয়টি সুরাহায় কার্যত কোনো উদ্যোগ গ্রহণ করেনি৷ এই বিষয়ে ড. শহীদুল আলম এর সাক্ষাৎকার৷
এদেশে পর্বত্যাঞ্চল নিয়ে পাহাড়ীসন্ত্রাসীদের চক্রান্ত নতুন কিছু নয়, ২১. ০৪.২০১৭ এ chanel24 এর প্রতিবেদনটি আরেকবার দেখুন।
আর এনিয়ে কি সরকারের কোন মাথাব্যাথা আছে!!?
তারা আছো তাদের কোন কুমতলবে এটাই যা।
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