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For Iran and Hezbollah, a costly week in Syria

It's a little bit different when ordinary people such as you and me call for free and fair elections and when authoritarian regimes (e.g. the Iranian government) call for free and fair elections lol.

If the Iranian government is really serious about supporting free and fair elections in Syria, then it should hold something similar in its own country as well.

Like hell it would.

By the way, Iranians should be grateful for the Saudi-backed Egyptian coup. Had Morsi still been in power, al-Assad would have been overthrown a long time ago. Despite the good relations between Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood for so many years/decades, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood grew impatient with Iran over the Syrian issue and was prepared to drag Egypt into war against the Syrian government.

You mean all these Arab countries from Qatar to Saudi which are pouring weapons and money into Syria are symbols of freedom and democracy and they hold free and fair election in their own countries and that's why they have right to meddle in Syrian internal affairs to topple its ruthless dictator ???!! one of them even doesn't have cinema ....
You call IR authoritarian regime as if Arab monarchs in the region are the founder of democracy and Plato and Aristotle indeed were Arab .... while Iran is the only government amongst the Persian gulf countries that holds elections, IR was voted with people , Iran constitution was voted by people .... what about these Arabs countries?
And I don't expect you to disapprove Saudi-backed Egyptian coup, or crack downing peaceful protests in Bahrain or killing civilians in Yemen on the daily basis .... but free and fair election Syria is about Syrian people and their future and is the only way to bring peace back to this country and put an end to this bloodshed once for all + preventing secession that's been one of main goals of Americans from the beginning and even before the conflict ....
If Syrian hate Assad then he won't have any chance in the future of Syria ,,,
You mean all these Arab countries from Qatar to Saudi which are pouring weapons and money into Syria are symbols of freedom and democracy and they hold free and fair election in their own countries and that's why they have right to meddle in Syrian internal affairs to topple its ruthless dictator ???!! one of them even doesn't have cinema ....
You call IR authoritarian regime as if Arab monarchs in the region are the founder of democracy and Plato and Aristotle indeed were Arab .... while Iran is the only government amongst the Persian gulf countries that holds elections, IR was voted with people , Iran constitution was voted by people .... what about these Arabs countries?
And I don't expect you to disapprove Saudi-backed Egyptian coup, or crack downing peaceful protests in Bahrain or killing civilians in Yemen on the daily basis .... but free and fair election Syria is about Syrian people and their future and is the only way to bring peace back to this country and put an end to this bloodshed once for all + preventing secession that's been one of main goals of Americans from the beginning and even before the conflict ....
If Syrian hate Assad then he won't have any chance in the future of Syria ,,,
Don't assume things about me lol. I'm actually a huge critic of the Gulf Arab regimes. I support the will of the Bahraini people, and I oppose Saudi/Qatari/Turkish meddling in the region just as much as I oppose Iranian meddling in the region.

Frankly speaking, I don't think any country in this godforsaken region should project its power abroad until it puts its own house in order.

At least some of the Saudi nationals are honest enough to admit that their country is against Syria's president (al-Assad) simply because he's a close ally of Iran.

What I find cringeworthy is when some Iranians attempt to make the situation in Syria appear as though it's a struggle between good and evil, when in fact it clearly isn't.

Like I said, if the Iranian government is really serious about supporting free and fair elections in Syria, then it should hold similar kinds of elections in its own country first. Does Iran have free and fair elections? No, it doesn't. So what if Iranians are allowed to vote for handpicked candidates? That's a farce. We have that in countries like Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan and Qatar as well. In fact, that's exactly what the Bahrainis were protesting against in 2011 lol. Are you honestly going to defend this kind of political travesty?

By the way, are you really for "free and fair elections" or this a term that you only use when it suits you?

And what about preventing secession? Why does that matter to you? What if the Kurds want to secede from Syria? Don't they have the right to do that? Don't they have the right to "freely" and "fairly" vote on whether or not they should secede from Syria?

Here's the democracy index for 2015, by the way:

Don't assume things about me lol. I'm actually a huge critic of the Gulf Arab regimes. I support the will of the Bahraini people, and I oppose Saudi/Qatari/Turkish meddling in the region just as much as I oppose Iranian meddling in the region.

Frankly speaking, I don't think any country in this godforsaken region should project its power abroad until it puts its own house in order.

At least some of the Saudi nationals are honest enough to admit that their country is against Syria's president (al-Assad) simply because he's a close ally of Iran.

What I find cringeworthy is when some Iranians attempt to make the situation in Syria appear as though it's a struggle between good and evil, when in fact it clearly isn't.

Like I said, if the Iranian government is really serious about supporting free and fair elections in Syria, then it should hold similar kinds of elections in its own country first. Does Iran have free and fair elections? No, it doesn't. So what if Iranians are allowed to vote for handpicked candidates? That's a farce. We have that in countries like Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan and Qatar as well. In fact, that's exactly what the Bahrainis were protesting against in 2011 lol. Are you honestly going to defend this kind of political travesty?

By the way, are you really for "free and fair elections" or this a term that you only use when it suits you?

And what about preventing secession? Why does that matter to you? What if the Kurds want to secede from Syria? Don't they have the right to do that? Don't they have the right to "freely" and "fairly" vote on whether or not they should secede from Syria?

Here's the democracy index for 2015, by the way:


Iran having democracy or not has got nothing to do with a free and fair election in Syria. there is a civil war in this country and most civilized way to put an end to this madness is this ..
Democracy and wahhabi demonism are two separate things.

Anyway as usual lions wins over cockroaches:




BTW Jordan and GCC wahhabi countries have no democracy.
And if one look for democracy in Egypt, Saudia, Yemen and Bahrain, Saudis will slaughter them!
Israel and Tunisia are the only democracies in the region:



Israel and Tunisia are the only democracies in the region:




Don't put a lot of faith in such images. How democratic can Israel be if it holds control over land that are not able to decide about their future?

And it's too early to really comment about Tunisia. Their first Parliament elections was in 2014. Democracy can be very challenging. Let's see how they handle the first real political, internal challenges.

I do think Iran's democracy is fairly advanced compared to many regional countries or even global (at least, ours isn't a two-party system like USA). However, I'm not one of those that claim that anything democratic is automatically best. Every society needs to find the kind of government that works for them.
Shias are enemy of salafists. Shias have better hardware than salafists.


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