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For everybody who think F22 is still the best should see this

Yes I understand the concept of Budget but do you understand "PRIORITIES". You have to prioritize some Budget items. I can tell where your priorities are, I would like a higher priority for education and economic growth. We are 16 trillion dollars in debt so it is imperative that we spend money wisely.

Borrowing from China to spend on Defense makes little sense to me. We have been living high on the hog for last 65 years and it is time to tighten the belt and get our priorities straight.
Speaking of priorities, it is none of the government's to pay for my education, my housing, or my job. Any government's highest priority is the defense of the country. I have been in the US since 1975 and I have seen that is has been the 'progressive', in other words Democratic, elements in the US who wants to turn the US into a quasi-communist nanny state with all sorts of social programs upon which they had to strain Constitutional contexts to justify their spending.

Economic growth? Then support capitalism. It is none of the government's business in how much I drink my soda, be it one ounce or 32 ounces, but it is exactly what Bloomberg is doing in NYC and the NY Times is supporting it. THAT is one screwed up priority. That kind of need for control stifles economic growth.

Better education? Then institute standards for educators, which would includes YOU, perfessor. But am willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that standards for your kind is the least you want to do whilst you demands standards for everyone else.

Borrowing from China to spend on defense? Looks like you are not the perfessor you claimed to be. Where is it that the bonds we sell goes directly to DoD?
The budget is different in America and say a mid size counrty like Australia or Columbia.

You need to understand that bulk of the US income is coming from oversea asset. And as a superpower, we need to develope a "Defence" budget that actually defending our budget. And one thing we need to do is to get ahead of other and maintain the "Edge".

Any economy professor will say if US lower the defence budget to 1/5 of what it is now and devote more resource into education or social program, it will increase our living standing dramatically. But then we will not be defending our foreign asset. And we will have a lowered income to get start with and as a result, we don't need to defend our budget anymore as there are no money rolling in.

The reason we need to maintain at least 500-600 billions Defence budget is so that it ensure our money rolling in.

By the way, you spell guarantee wrong......Just a friendly reminder :)

and by the way, great leg on that reporter, shame that she is talking shiite.........

I am sure you have heard of typographical errors.

I am not the best typist in the World.

Anyway, thanks for pointing out.
F-22 will win without any doubt.. i bet my duplex along jhuangry
Speaking of priorities, it is none of the government's to pay for my education, my housing, or my job. Any government's highest priority is the defense of the country. I have been in the US since 1975 and I have seen that is has been the 'progressive', in other words Democratic, elements in the US who wants to turn the US into a quasi-communist nanny state with all sorts of social programs upon which they had to strain Constitutional contexts to justify their spending.

Economic growth? Then support capitalism. It is none of the government's business in how much I drink my soda, be it one ounce or 32 ounces, but it is exactly what Bloomberg is doing in NYC and the NY Times is supporting it. THAT is one screwed up priority. That kind of need for control stifles economic growth.

Better education? Then institute standards for educators, which would includes YOU, perfessor. But am willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that standards for your kind is the least you want to do whilst you demands standards for everyone else.Borrowing from China to spend on defense? Looks like you are not the perfessor you claimed to be. Where is it that the bonds we sell goes directly to DoD?

First of all I am not a "perfessor" as you consistently keep calling me. I prefer to be called "Professor".

Secondly, for someone who has never met me or watched me perform in a classroom, you sure have judgements about me that I find somewhat baffling. You have all the telltale signs of a "Bigot" who is constantly stereotyping.
F-22 is 1998 technology, so you are right, F-22 is not the best, i bet you million dollar there are more deadly plane in the US Arsenal in the making. For the US Air Force, 5th Generation is ALREADY last generation.

However, what F-22 can do is undisputable, as it have an actual plane to scrutinize. All other country in the world does not even have one actual complete product that on paper can do what the F-22 does, so if F-22 is not the best, can you tell me what is??

I would say, any real life proofs of that?

I am not asking about Mock fights.
I would say, any real life proofs of that?

I am not asking about Mock fights.
The air combat exercises that we conduct are only two items short of real combat: altitude limits and live weapons. You cannot get any more real than that.
First of all I am not a "perfessor" as you consistently keep calling me. I prefer to be called "Professor".
Sure thing, perfessor.

Secondly, for someone who has never met me or watched me perform in a classroom, you sure have judgements about me that I find somewhat baffling. You have all the telltale signs of a "Bigot" who is constantly stereotyping.
I have no problem with stereotyping. The issue is WHAT is being stereotyped. Racial stereotyping is wrong, of course. But cultural stereotyping is perfectly legitimate because culture and mores are definitely identifiable by experience and observation. The lines between racial and cultural stereotyping can be blurred and there lies the danger.

In your case, am willing to stereotype that you spend most of your adult life in academia. Yeah...You may have held a job or two outside of the halls of academia to make ends meet. But it would not surprise me one bit if you are the type that got into school on someone else's money, either on a scholarship or through ma and pa, then stayed on as an assistant perfessor, hoping to get tenure. Why am I willing to stereotype you? Because you sure talk like one who did what I said.
Sure thing, perfessor.

I have no problem with stereotyping. The issue is WHAT is being stereotyped. Racial stereotyping is wrong, of course. But cultural stereotyping is perfectly legitimate because culture and mores are definitely identifiable by experience and observation. The lines between racial and cultural stereotyping can be blurred and there lies the danger.

In your case, am willing to stereotype that you spend most of your adult life in academia. Yeah...You may have held a job or two outside of the halls of academia to make ends meet. But it would not surprise me one bit if you are the type that got into school on someone else's money, either on a scholarship or through ma and pa, then stayed on as an assistant perfessor, hoping to get tenure. Why am I willing to stereotype you? Because you sure talk like one who did what I said.

This is pretty stupid logic. What if you have a culture which belong's Mainly to a race? Then you necessarily have to stereotype based On race, this is more or less an apology for racism.

not only that observation and experience can be a pretty narrow Criteria to make sweeping judgements from, in Britain American's are stereotyped as fat, ignorant, war mongering Conqueror's, fair assessment?
I am sure you have heard of typographical errors.

I am not the best typist in the World.

Anyway, thanks for pointing out.

No problema, just trying to say you spell out a word wrong, i am not attacking you on this issue. Not trying to be a keyboard warrior or grammar nazi or whatnot.

I would say, any real life proofs of that?

I am not asking about Mock fights.

Dude, the only thing other than mock fight is a real fight. Why would we use F-22 on a real fight??
Think about it like this, if a bank robber bring a pistol to rob a bank, do you bring a rocket launcher and try to catch him??

Using F-22 on 4th or even less generation are simply a waste of resource. We can deal with the Mig-29 or Su-27 with F-15 or FA-18 that being used by Serbs or Libya or whatnot. Unless you want to see a fight between big guns, there are no point bringing in F-22 into the fray.

What i say is, there is an actual plane for you to judge what it can do and what it cannot do. It has been tried and test and put into action since 1998, what more do you want?? You can literally pull a F-22 out and test whatever you doubt it can do on it, can any other country do that??

Do remember, there are only 1 country using and deploying 5th Gen Fighter aircraft, that is the USA. and we have been doing that since 1998. We are currently developing 6th Generation aircraft.While the rest of the world still in prototyping their own 5th Gen.
This is pretty stupid logic. What if you have a culture which belong's Mainly to a race? Then you necessarily have to stereotype based On race, this is more or less an apology for racism.

not only that observation and experience can be a pretty narrow Criteria to make sweeping judgements from, in Britain American's are stereotyped as fat, ignorant, war mongering Conqueror's, fair assessment?
No, it is not. Show me a single human behavior, not physical or cultural artifact, but behavior, that is singularly unique to a race, as much as we can define what is a 'race' and its associated characteristics. And as far as culture and cultural artifacts goes, those are associated to NATIONS, not race.

Here is the proper definition of 'nation'...

- Noun
- A large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
- A North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.

The Americans, or citizens of the United States of America, is a nation and it is a racially diverse nation. When I was stationed in England, I had an English G/F and she said most Britons can spot an American, regardless of racial origin, simply by his demeanor and walk.

You have a problem with experience and observation to support cultural (not racial) stereotyping? Then read on because there are plenty of scholarly literature on it...

Cultural Stereotypes, or National Character? | Psychology Today
@gambit, is F22 skin so sensitive it is alergic to water? :omghaha:
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Here is what many ignorant people on this forum don't understand. The argument of how strong the F22 is fairly irrelevant. The fact that the US has the most powerful air force in the world is not just based on the fact that its products are technologically superior to its competition. No, the true strength (and conversely weakness) of a military is the measure of it's mobility and ability to move armament where it is needed in the most efficient manner possible.


^ THIS is why the US was/is/and always will be the world's most militarily advanced superpower. CARRIERS = DOMINANCE
@gambit, is F22 skin so sensitive it is alergic to water? :omghaha:
My God. I've been to Tyndall AFB (don't ask how I got in there) it was 40-50 degrees raining, parked in a hanger like the one below (thinner though) with two F-15s. I didn't see anything draining down the Raptor. Touched it and I didn't feel a drop of RAM draining off the jet.

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^ THIS is why the US was/is/and always will be the world's most militarily advanced superpower. CARRIERS = DOMINANCE

looks like you pray to US more often

My God. I've been to Tyndall AFB (don't ask how I got in there) it was 40-50 degrees raining, parked in a hanger like the one below (thinner though) with two F-15s. I didn't see anything draining down the Raptor. Touched it and I didn't feel a dop of RAM draining off the jet.


you mean it was absorbing the rain?
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